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MDNR Urban & Community Forestry Project/PICTURES!

Started by AtLast, November 01, 2003, 07:18:06 PM

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ok...Im going to try to post these pics so bare with...As some of you know I am involved in a project with the MDNR and MDA with the catalist being the Emerald Ash Borer yet pertains to Urban Forestry as a whole. We contract with Cities, pvt residences, land clearing operations and corporations, and insted of them contracting a grinder at 300 bucks and hour to grinde up the logs we insted come in and cut the same logs into usable lumber. The DNR has dubbed this project " the re-claiming of lumber in Urban Forestry" Not only is it a GREAT recycling program but serves MANY other purposes. The EAB has created a MAJOR environmental issue here in Michigan. By cities using this method we keep the logs out of landfills, create a viable resource, and make better use of a natural resource. to date we have cut over approx 40,000 b/f of lumber all of which is being used by the cities or the city is donating the wood to trade schools for the High Schools to use. The student learn all about the process of logging, milling, proper air drying and application of the lumber. The pics I hope to post here are at 1 of the DPS yards we cut at.
I hope they come out ok and you enjoy them. Some of the pictures are of 1 of the many demos we have done to show first hand to city and county management exactally how this works. We have found that by them seeing it in the works insted of trying to explain it to them that they respond much better and ALWAYS walk away extreamly impressed. We have demoed for State Senators, Congressmen and have been invited to do yet another demo for Michigan State Government officals including Govornor Granholm. Last Chance Logs to Lumber and the MDNR are actively working together on making Michigan a leader in Urban Foresty re-claiming and recycling of logs in the urban sector.

MDNR and me at MFPA seminar
MDA granting complience agreement
Me and Senator Toy at Greenmead demo
DPS yard of 1 of the cities we contract with. This log was 25" dia and 14'long
turning the beast I LOVE THIS STUFF!!!
Taking delivery of our WA65 Komatsu
This is my Father. He's 75 years old and comes to every job we do. We dont have an edger ( yet) and cut so many logs per day that we dont have time to edge on the mill. We take the pieces that need to be edged to him where he has sawhorses and 15 amp circular saw that runs off our 6500 watt generator. He measures, snaps a line and edges for us. Many a board has come off his sawhorses. Note the stack of lumber behind him and on the ground. Most is red oak, ash  and cherry. The cherry goes home with me ;)

urs truely :) ;D
Almost done. The Baker mill runs fantastic and never skips a beat.
Better than sand in a sandbox. From this ..comes
THIS!!!....note the cherry made its way to the deck ;) well ok...not all of it.


Hey AtLast,
I just read your profile. Pretty impressive! :) :) Can you use that helicopter to haul out logs? ;D ;D
I'm just on the other side of the state. Does that DNR project extend into sw michigan?
Mobile Demension sawmill, Bobcat 873 loader, 3 dry kilns and a long "to do" list.


No it does not. The main purpose is because of the EAB quarntene. Currently there are 13 quarn. counties with 22,000,000 effected infected trees. To date over 38,000 tons of Ash has been ground. This is estimated to have been here ( the EAB) for approx 10 years but not actually discovered and identified until about 2 years ago. The fear is that prior to knowing of its exhistence that firewood carrying the larve has been moved throughout the state with " hot spot" showintg up in Traverse City, and west of 27. Should this spred throughout the state an estimated 1.2 billion ash trees are threatend. We are trying desperately to get the public awareness to a higher level. Through media and a documentry presently being made about Last Chance Logs to Lumber and its positive alternative we hope that it will help to stop the flow of infected trees and firewood throughout the state. Toledo Ohio has a " hot spot" and Onterio is showing a "hot spot" as well. Canadas officals have decided to cut a fireline as wide as 3 miles wide depending on the pressence of the entrence or exit holes in their trees.

 I WISH I could air lift the logs....but the insurence would be a killer... ;D


You did good on the pictures.  It sure adds to the story.   Nice logs and pretty cants. That mill looks like it is cutting quite true.

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