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bugging out

Started by timberlinetree, February 21, 2014, 05:27:35 AM

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My wife though I was crazy! At night I would think that I was getting bit by bugs. She would say where and their would be no bite. She went on the computer and found a support site for other crazy people. She also linked it to my 3 concussion I had in a year. I always thought that it was because I would start off the day with a mosquito bite then progress to deerflies bites with a few bee stings thrown in from time to time. Now that I haven't been a meal for sometime I haven't woken up getting bit by imagery bugs. I think that the histamine from the bugs would effect me long after the bites. Any one else ever experience this. FYI showers didn't help. Cheers to bug free winter :D
I've met Vets who have lived but still lost their lives... Thank a Vet

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SLawyer Dave

I put myself through law school as a state certified pest inspector.  One of the issues we had to study was the incidence of "phantom" bugs.  Phantom bugs are where one or more persons believe they are being bitten or crawled on by bugs they can't see.  This is actually not that rare of a situation.  There are a number of possible causes, and only one of these is psychological in nature, (and the most rare).  In most circumstances, (as you suggested in your own case), the underlying cause for Phantom Bugs is a low grade allergic reaction.  Generally speaking, this allergic reaction is from an environmental factor.  If, as it sounds most probable in your case, you actually were bitten by "bugs" at work, and then had a delayed or ongoing reaction to those bites, that is not technically "phantom bugs", as you were really bitten/stung.  Rather, that would typically be diagnosed as an allergy, sensitivity or "delayed reaction" to such insect bites/stings.  So the good news is that it doesn't sound like you are "crazy", (at least in this discussion).   ;D  You can check with your doctor, but generally trying to prevent those bug bites and stings, and treating such with over the counter antihistamines is the most common treatment.  Unless such allergic reactions become life threatening or skin damaging, (anaphylaxis and severe hives are two examples), then generally prescription drugs are not used because of their potential side effects.

Prior to the removal of asbestos from most buildings, it was a prime cause, as the little airborne particles would often times make people's skin react with both rashes and "bites".  Silica particles have also caused similar problems for some people, (especially in the high tech manufacturing fields).  Other cases have been determined to be from carpet fibers,  insulation, concrete dust, and a whole range of other particles.  This can also be related to "sick building syndrome" as some of you may have heard about. 

I can't recall the actual psychological diagnosis, (name), of the condition where the person "believes" they are being bit and crawled on by bugs, but can't see them.  In that case, normally the "bites" that show up are actually caused by the "picking" and scratching of the person.  Generally such sufferers are older and approaching "shut in" status where they have little or no social interaction/outlets.  Again, I am no psychologist, but we were taught in our licensing classes to watch out for these "factors" in assessing our clients needs, and identification of pest infestations.  In my years of doing this, I ran into 2 individuals I felt *could* be suffering from this situation.  Both were elderly, isolated, and struggling with being able to meet their needs, (including poor hygiene).    In one case I was able to talk with their family about my concerns, and the family ended up moving the person into a family home.  In the other, all I could do was try to get Adult Protective Services involved because the poor lady was really struggling and I believed her personal hygiene problems were at least a partial cause of her skin problems.


Thanks slawyer Dan. My wife and I joke around about it but wow it does sound serious for some! I'm going to keep enjoying this bugless time of year and going to sleep with out bugging out :). Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge.
I've met Vets who have lived but still lost their lives... Thank a Vet

Family man and loving it :)

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