iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Saw teeth

Started by John Woodworth, June 25, 2013, 01:27:43 AM

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John Woodworth

Has anyone found a outside sorce for saw teeth and shanks for mobile demention mills besides going through the company?
Two Garret 21 skidders, Garret 10 skidder, 580 Case Backhoe, Mobile Dimension sawmill, 066, 046 mag, 044, 036mag, 034, 056 mag, 075, 026, lewis winch

Ron Wenrich

If they use an inserted tooth style with a shank, most saw shops can usually can supply it.  I know a local saw shop that supplies teeth and inserts for the Mighty Mite type of mill.
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John Woodworth

Mobile Deminsion  has a size of there own so you have to buy from them, years ago the saw shop we used to take the band saw re-saw to for sharpening and to be gummed out had about every tooth avaible at that time and there was nothing close, was just curious if anybody in their travels had run across a source other than Mobile Demension.
Two Garret 21 skidders, Garret 10 skidder, 580 Case Backhoe, Mobile Dimension sawmill, 066, 046 mag, 044, 036mag, 034, 056 mag, 075, 026, lewis winch


This is getting interesting,I didn't think MD was big enough to have there own style of bit and shank.Simonds is the only large player I know about.Possibly being a west coast co. they bought from Hoe or even Diston and when bought out by Simonds, had short runs made on their tooling.Kinda wish I still had my contacts at Simonds. Frank C.
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