

Welcome to The 2024 Forestry Forum!

Do you have trees to grow? Logs to saw? A forest to manage? Chainsaws to fix? A sawmill to purchase or maintain? Timber related business to run? Lumber to dry? Trees or plants to identify? A cabin to build? Are you hungry and like FOOD?

Or would you just like to pull up a stump and visit with a friend?
If any of these and a multitude of other topics apply, then The Forestry Forum is the place for you.

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After a lot of fiddling I have managed to sharpen a 4 degree and a 9 degree blade with my BMST50. They are not perfect but they work. So, I tried to sharpen a 7/39 degree blade (Bi-Metal). After it eating my lunch for a while I finally called Woodmizer support. He said, "Ah, the bi-metal blade"....

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I inherited twin oaks ranch. Ashland Oregon.
I had to have the tree in front taken down today. The tree in back we lost about 15 years ago. Twin Oaks to no oaks :( It's over 500 years old and literally huge. I hoped to do something with this tree but I think no one can move it. Is it possible...

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Been looking at the Woodland Mills pro log bunks for my 130max but would like some real world feedback from users. Not sure they could handle the weight of my biggest Doug Fir that can run up to 30" x 22' (the mill is set up for 22'6" logs)

I mill mostly for my own needs and that seems to need a lot of dimensional lumber. Having access to lots of SYP has been a good thing. However, the sap seems extra heavy and thick recently and has caused quite a struggle to keep the blades clean. I have tried Dawn, Pinesol, Simple Green, and even diesel...

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Greetings smart people!! I'm looking for information pertaining to buying BLM and USFS land. I'm looking for mostly first hand knowledge, of purchasing heavily wooded cost evaluations charts, summary's and processes/procedures to achieve the goal of purchasing BLM AND USFS land in northern...

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