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Foods A Cookin'

Started by etat, December 24, 2004, 01:26:04 PM

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This here house has gots lots a smells of food a being cooked in it today in anticipation of the Festivities Tomorrow. The wife's cookin like crazy. Got my stomach growling and that's a fact . I already KNOW I'm a gonna be overeating.

On the Menu

Baked Ham
Chicken and Dumplings
Chicken and Dressing
Giblet Gravy
Deviled Eggs
Tater Tot Casserole
Dried Butter Beans with a chunk of fatback
Dried Black Eye Peas with a chunk of fatback
Stewed Potato's
Potato Salad
A mess a slaw
Macaroni and Cheese Casserole
Corn on the Cob
Cranberry Sauce
Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies
Banana Pudding
Pork Barbecue
Strawberry Cake
Monkey Bread
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Tea, Coke, and Coffee

This is not counting the ocassional dish or desert someone might bring.

Old Age and Treachery will outperform Youth and Inexperence. The thing is, getting older is starting to be painful.


By the way, I am the OFFICIAL taste tester! ;D
Old Age and Treachery will outperform Youth and Inexperence. The thing is, getting older is starting to be painful.


i consider myself a meat and potatoes kinda guy, but I dont see anything on that list that I would turn my nose up at, cept maybe the giblet gravy

Ok, Now I hungry... ;D
Got my WM lt40g24, Setworks and debarker in oct. '97, been sawing part time ever since, Moving logs with a bobcat.


  I can smell it here to CK . I'm getting ready to go outside and deepfry a turkey right now .  ;D


Oh man, and you guys just finished the last of the Thanksgiving leftovers! I have not seen our menu yet but I know it is gonna be good.
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


Good old Holiday food, I always weigh 20 lbs heavier after the Holidays are over. ;D


Wow that sounds good!

When we butchered the steer this fall I kept one of the prime rib sections whole for today. Patty's in doing some prep and listening to Christmas music while I drink coffee with our sons dog laying next to my chair.

Great way to start a day. :)


Man we're on our way your house is rocking food wise :) ;D
we have the family over on crimbo eve and cook for every body that turns up :)

Christmas day is just us and the boys with anything that santa may have dropped off ;)

boxing day is visiting day ;D
monday is going to Edinburgh day to get ready fir the new year 8) :-* :D ;) :)


iain, what did you cook for Christmas eve? And lanab from down under, what is your Christmas like?
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


Durky stuffed with sage and onion, lemon, shallots and apple,
 roasties, (parsnips,taters,)
 mashed&buttered taters,
chiperlaters with bacon waist coats,
 bread sauce,
 christmas pud with cream and ice cream

and for after's?
 we was layin horizol in the central plazza of STUFFED city ;D



hi Sawguy

NZ Christmas is a bit mixed up. Traditional is to have a full roast meal, drink some beer, then go and sleep in the sun  :D

Myself.... I'd rather just do a salad and bbq, drink some beer and sleep in the sun.  ;D

I managed 2 roast meals on Christmas day, chicken, turkey, beef etc. Roast pumpkin, potato and kumera ( a sweet potato ). Desert was fruit salad, icecream, trifle, pavlova and ice cream. Fresh strawberrys and cherries too  :D
I had to do a bit of driving over the day so took it real easy on the beers, and weather this Christmas was a bit dodgy. Sometimes it's nice and sunny, sometimes it's not.

This is a pic from my back door this afternoon, yes it's fresh snow up on the hill.



Weekend warrior, Peterson JP test pilot, Dolmar 7900 and Stihl MS310 saws and  the usual collection of power tools :)


nice view Mr Ab
we got a light dusting but it is  frosty


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