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Documents needed to drive into Canada?

Started by burdman_22, July 23, 2024, 10:50:19 PM

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Family and I are going to Michigan this weekend and were looking for an airbnb near Troy, Michigan> I saw a really nice looking place nearby in Canada, but I've not driven into Canada in MANY years. What are the the requirements now for driving across the border (and getting back in)? We do not have valid passports, so if that is a requirement, we're out.


I understand you do need valid passports to get back in. You can inquire to make certain about that. 
south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others


You'll need valid passports for sure. Other than that any firearms have to be declared, crossing into Canada.
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


Do you have the option to pay for an "urgent" passport? We do here, It costs extra, but it's processed with urgency and should be back in 3 working days. It does cost extra $$ though. 

Generally assume if you are going to a different country, you will need at least passport.
Weekend warrior, Peterson JP test pilot, Dolmar 7900 and Stihl MS310 saws and  the usual collection of power tools :)


As a Michigan resident, I have an enhanced Drivers license that allows me to go back and forth across the border. 


Quebec also has a driver's license that doubles as a passport. No other province does so far.
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


as far as I know only some of the immediate border states have the enhanced drivers license.

For everyone else a valid passport is needed for each person.
Dave, Woodmizer LT15, Husqvarna 460 and Stihl 180, Bobcat 751, David Brown 770, New Holland TN60A


Ok thanks. Used to be that you could drive back and forth without a passport, but I assumed that was no longer the case. We'll just find us an Airbnb in Northern Ohio instead!


"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))

B.C.C. Lapp

It did indeed swamp donkey.  But I confess I never quite understood how making U.S. citizens show passport's crossing the Canadian border made us safer from radical terrorists from the middle east and Africa. 
Listen, or your tongue will make you deaf.


You may be surprised how many are caught trying to cross the border.  Yet many more just walk across. 
Used to be the passport was to re-enter the USA. Doesn't seem to be anymore. So vote.
south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others

maple flats

I used an enhanced driver's license 12 yrs ago, have since gotten a passport but have yet to use it.
Realize, Canada does not have a 2nd ammendment, no handguns and rifles need lots of special requirements to get thru. When you go thru the border check point know where you will stay. Back when I crossed in 2012 to pick up a new set of evaporator pans the biggest hold up was the question on where we were going to stay overnight. We said, we'd just stop at a motel. It turned out, we crossed at Plattsburg went east along the edges of Lake Champlain, no motels. If that had been in the states there would have been several motels and BNB's. We drove over an hour, no motel, then I recalled we had passed 3 campgrounds in short succession so we turned around. Stopped at the first, she spoke english (I don't speak French) but had no rentals. She then called the next one about 1/2 mile farther he had 3 rentals. We rented an RV for the night, clean bedding, nice unit, fresh towels $100. I almost thought we might end up sleeping in the bed of the truck. At ages 65 my wife nor I liked that idea.
Then on the return trip they asked if I had anything to declare. My truck back seat and full 8' bed were full to capacity with new evaporator pans, hood stack and such, so I said yes. That ended up taking about 30 minutes extra. The border agen at this check booth was new and had no idea how to proceed. At first he said we'd need to back up about 1/2 mile to a turn off and stop at a place where agents would handle it. Then looking back at full lines everywhere, he decided that was a bad idea. Shortly after another agen was walking across likely heading on break and our agent called him to help. When he got there he said we'd need to pay a duty and needed a specific type of agent to handle the whole thing. He also then noted the huge backup of lines, every booth had over a mile long line, likely over 2 miles long or 3 KM. He then asked if we wanted to pay the duty, and a moment later he opened the gate and said "have a safe trip".
We never knew ahead we needed a special "broker" to handle such things.
A few weeks later we had a draw off tank built to my specs and delivered by my contact at the factory as he was heading to Fla. for vacation. I asked him about the duty, he said he just answered the question if he had anything to declare "NO" and crossed.
logging small time for years but just learning how,  2012 36 HP Mahindra tractor, 3point log arch, 8000# class excavator, lifts 2500# and sets logs on mill precisely where needed, Woodland Mills HM130Max , maple syrup a hobby that consumes my time. looking to learn blacksmithing.


When I returned from Europe last spring, I went through customs. He asked if I had anything to declare. No. He gave me a funny look. You were there for 3 weeks and you have nothing you're bringing back? No, just pictures. He just shook his head and said go ahead...

When we went to a wedding in Utica, NY, we drove up to Hamilton, Ontario to visit my sister for a couple days.

I read you only needed a passport to get back in the US. The Canadian boarder guard asked for our passports going in. I stated the above and she got really miffed. Had to open the trunk and find the passports. She made some rude comment that I don't recall exactly. Something about Canada being a foreign country, not the northern US.
John Sawicky

Just North-East of Sacramento...

SkyTrak 9038
Ford 545D FEL
Genie S45
Davis Little Monster backhoe
Case 16+4 Trencher
Home Built 42" capacity/36" cut Bandmill up to 54' long - using it all to build a timber frame cabin.


You was lucky with the 'no' response, they could seize the works, including the vehicle. I wouldn't make that a habit. Ever since 9/11 passports came into being going both ways. When you're rarely making trips across, it's easy to forget in 23 years.  ffcheesy ffcheesy ffwave  We cross a few times every year, we never have issues on either side as long as you have receipts. Never more than, 'have you anything to declare, and what is the value'? They ask about tobacco and fire arms and how long we visited. Never any line ups are our crossing, maybe a car ahead, but rare.  ffsmiley Might ask to open the trunk of the car, but rare.

Mom's neighbor when she lived in Grafton, NB was crossing into Maine one time though. Forgot her passport, they gave her a going over, and she is American born. But of course they wouldn't know that off hand. She thought she was treated like a terrorist for awhile. Mother had a good laugh. :D
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


We had to get passport cards to go to Canada.  The Canadian border agents asked a lot more questions than the American ones.  I heard that having gun in the truck complicates things.  I was glad to get back in the USA.  And we had to have a passport on file to get on and off the cruise ship
"Sometimes you can make more hay with less equipment if you just use your head."  Tom, Forestry Forum.  Eleventh year with a LT40 Woodmizer,


Late to this conversation but Americans with an OUI/DWI - even if it happened decades ago might be denied entry to Canada. I never have lost my license or been charged with drinking and driving but quite a few people have in their youth. One time crossing into Canada I had forgotten about a tear gas aerosol my wife kept in the glove box. Canadian customs found it and made a big deal out of me not declaring it. They confiscated it  - no big deal.
They always ask about guns. I always tell them with a smile "I left them all home"

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