

Welcome to The 2024 Forestry Forum!

Do you have trees to grow? Logs to saw? A forest to manage? Chainsaws to fix? A sawmill to purchase or maintain? Timber related business to run? Lumber to dry? Trees or plants to identify? A cabin to build? Are you hungry and like FOOD?

Or would you just like to pull up a stump and visit with a friend?
If any of these and a multitude of other topics apply, then The Forestry Forum is the place for you.

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We have a Rottne Rapide Forwarder (late 1990s machine) but the forward and back is stuck in low speed. Anyone know what could be the cause?

I don't do a whole lot of logging but like anything, when I do, not having the right equipment makes things sort of a hassle. A friend of mine gave me an old back blade a while back, and not needing it for back blading, I decided to turn it into a logging arch for my tractor, along with using some other materials I had laying around the house. I built this about two months ago, and have been using it lately to get trees out of the woods for the house.Read More

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Been sawing at home the last few days and hit a nail in one of my logs.
Here is what a 10 penny ring shank nail will do to a blade. I've never seen a nail do so much damage to a blade. Maybe its because ring shanks are, I think extra hard. It certainly was a pain to dig out of the log.
No doubt many of you have seen much worse however this so far is mine. Read More

I am considering purchasing this mill but can find NO online info about it. At first, I thought it was a bolt mill, but further investigation makes me think its a well done scale model of a Howell No.3.

My HM 126 has needed blade alignment several times. What I mean is I've had to realign the driven pulley to keep the blade correctly running on the pulleys.
I know how to do the alignment, it isn't hard once you understand the mechanics of the adjuster. I just don't know what happens to make the adjustment necessary. Read More

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