iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Fall projects

Started by upnut, December 19, 2020, 06:45:52 PM

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Been a busy late fall season for the BotaBuggy/Baby Dump.....
    Doing some drainage work

Helping the neighbor with firewood

No pics but cleaning up scrap iron on the property I inherited, 6 tons so far with the dump trailer and Jeep, all hand loaded...ugh.
    Added this plow for snow removal later on, not the handiest in the woods but it goes on/off in minutes if need be...


I did do a little trail work and an outlet for the drainage project, not a bulldozer but beats using a shovel and rake!

I have used the dump trailer ALOT over the summer/fall, hopefully the blade will come in handy this winter.

Scott B.
I did not fall, there was a GRAVITY SURGE!

Walnut Beast

Looking good. How much was that little dump trailer 


WB-$2100.00 IIRC....At the time I bought it I was looking at other options for property clean-up....dumpsters, one-ton dump trucks, etc. Figured I could use the trailer for my needs then sell it when done. After using it almost daily for some chore or another, it'll probably stick around. The small tires are the biggest drawback, 10 ply but sink fast in soft conditions. It is a 3500lb. axle and I've had 1200lbs of scrap steel on it, no problem. My summer help did fill it level full with 6A stone once, which it handled, but I wouldn't want to make a practice of that.

Scott B.
I did not fall, there was a GRAVITY SURGE!


Sometimes you wonder how you ever got anything done without these little machine helpers.  I bought a backhoe to use for 1 excavating project around the property.  10 years later it has its own covered parking space!

Easy does it


Works better than a wheel barrow!!!  ;)
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


Upnut. Dump trailers are as handy as a pocket on a shirt. I put two wagon hoist under 3/4 ton chevy pickup box trailers 30 plus years ago. I sold one to a buddy he still has it and I have the other one yet to. I currently have six dump trailers and only one is factory built. Its a triple axle 8/16. I cut and split and stack firewood in them and park them in my buildings and burn straight out of them right into my Garn. Its nice to lift the box and unload off the tail gate. 


Ray- When Rulon Gardner beat the Russian in 2000 for  Olympic Gold in wrestling he became my young son's hero. I tried to convince him that hand splitting and wheelbarrowing firewood would build strength and character just like Rulon. Not sure he bought in to that theory, but makes a good story... :D Anyway, this is how I roll today, you are right... sure beats a wheelbarrow!


Hedgerow- I still have to feed it through the wood chute, but hydraulics and Mr. Gravity sure do help!


Scott B.
I did not fall, there was a GRAVITY SURGE!


Scott, that hookaroon helps too. I've got a Logrite just like that. Handy little tool.
To underestimate old men and old machines is the folly of youth. Frank C.

Old saw fixer

     I'm rarely without my Log Rite 48" hookaroon when working or walking in the woods.  It is nice to turn over or pull sticks out of the way, and a great aid to helping my old butt up if I have stooped down or kneeled down to do something. 
Stihl FG 2, 036 Pro, 017, HT 132, MS 261 C-M, MSA 140 C-B, MS 462 C-M, MS 201 T C-M
Echo CS-2511T, CS-3510
Logrite Cant Hook (with log stand), and Hookaroon

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