iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Woodmizer Alternator part number

Started by Percy, January 22, 2025, 08:07:37 PM

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My experience with 190 amp alternators on my 2003 LT70 has been a PIA. The first one died 3 months after I got the mill brand new in 2003. Cool Woodmizer guy named Marv got me a beefed up one from a shop that no longer exsists. It lasted 10 years(7000 hours). The subsequent ones have been less than stellar. I get mabey 18 months or less for each unit. I have several carcasses that I dissassembled and from my limited knowledge on diagnosing them, I found a couple with smoked diodes and a couple with brushes totally worn and another with stator windings burnt and one with rotor windings smoked. I know IM getting close to the end of the road when it comes to milling but 600.00 a crack is starting to annoy me. I read about alternators with rewired   stators for higher amps. I dont know how to do that but if I had the Delco number of the 140 amp units the used on super hydraulics(same housing case as my 190 amp on the LT70), I might be able to find a shop that will build me a 250 amp unit. Anybody in the know for that part number?
GOLDEN RULE : The guy with the gold, makes the rules.

Old Greenhorn

Percy, can't help with the number, sorry. Just reading your post and wondering if getting a shop that does this kind of work and can customize a quality rebuild for you might help. I don't know of a lot of hands-on local starter/alternator shops left anymore, but my Cousin in Texas runs his own and specializes in rebuilding the stuff that nobody else will touch. By golly he does a lot of pre 1950 stuff. He does a lot of generators, alternators, and starters for very old equipment. I don't know what shipping will cost, especially over the border, but I can read your pain with this thing and know that sometimes it comes down to finding the right shop that will listen to you and make a good solution for you. That's getting harder to find. I am not pushing it or soliciting for him (hell, he's not even one of my favorite cousins) but he knows his stuff.

 I am just offering this if it will help or provide an option. If you want I can arrange an introduction and let you take it from there.
Tom Lindtveit, Woodsman Forest Products
Oscar 328 Band Mill, Husky 350, 450, 562, & 372 (Clone), Mule 3010, and too many hand tools. :) Retired and trying to make a living to stay that way.  NYLT Certified.
OK, maybe I'm the woodcutter now.
I work with wood, There is a rumor I might be a woodworker.


It shouldn't be hard to find a higher amp Delco alternator online.
Too many irons in the fire


I just ask the local shop for a chevy ambulance Alternator 240 or 250 amp if i remember correctly.
2004 woodmizer lt40hd 33hp kubota, Cat 262B skidsteer and way to many tractors to list. and


I would be getting that one really good one rebuilt. There should be a shop somewhere around that can do it. If nothing else ship it to me. I know a guy. He will come by my shop and pick it up, fix it, and drop it back off in a couple of days. He's getting older and I worry about how much longer he will be doing this. It worries me the number of guys with skills that aren't going to teach a younger person their trade. Not because they don't want to but because they can't find anyone with the interest.
Two LT70s, Nyle L200 kiln, 4 head Pinheiro planer, 30" double surface Cantek planer, Lucas dedicated slabber, Slabmizer, and enough rolling stock and chainsaws to keep it all running.

Ben Cut-wright

Alternator failures like you describe are often caused by faults in the charging system which cause the alternator to WORK harder than design.  Batteries that continue to draw current far longer than normal are often 'sulfated'.  The alternator is forced to work longer and harder because the battery doesn't create enough *surface charge.  Batteries discharged by parasitic drain will also shorten alternator life.

It's good practice to have the TOTAL charging system tested, especially good practice when any component has repeated failures.  It isn't always the failed component that caused the failure. 

Dave Shepard

The guys that used to rebuild alternators, starters, etc., have all closed around here. 
Wood-Mizer LT40HDD51-WR Wireless, Kubota L48, Honda Rincon 650, TJ208 G-S, and a 60"LogRite!


        The alternator is a Delco CS144 series. It has high output parts installed. The parts are available. I have re-built at least 3 of my own. I have two re-built units on shelf as spares. The unit on mill has also been re-built. Many hours on this unit with no issues. 

        The single most relative improvement to over all alternator life is the type of battery in the mill. Since switching to a group 31 AGM battery in mill, my alternators last years. 
Custom sawing full-time since 2000. 
WM LT70D62 Remote with Accuset
Sawing since 1995

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