iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Iron Inventory

Started by Ron Wenrich, January 25, 2006, 08:16:49 PM

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Ron Wenrich

Looking to see what folks are running.   Feel free to add your mill to the inventory list.  More than one mill?  No problem.  You have multiple votes.
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Ron Wenrich

Morbark of Canada automatic circle mill with vertical edger.  Support equipment includes debarker, chipper, green chain, and horizontal edger.
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Home built Band Mill and Peterson Swing Blade.
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Woodmizer LT70, Woodmizer Edger, axe :D
GOLDEN RULE : The guy with the gold, makes the rules.


2004 WM LT40HDG28 w/debarker and Accuset.
Brian - 2004 LT40HDG28 owner.



   Norwood LM 2000 &Norwood edger,old hand set Lane piled in the woods
World Champion Wildcat Sorter,1999 2002 2004 2005
      Volume Discount At ER
Singing The Song Of Circle Again


1948 Corley #5, 16' 3 headblock carriage and 54' of track with shop built three blade edger, and a couple old stickers.  Mill currently has a G403 Minneapolis Moline power unit but I've got a 110hp UB 264 IH gas power unit to hook up.  2005 14-12 Block Buster firewood processor.  It's a mill it just cross cuts rather than rips ;) :)
Burnt Gunpowder is the Smell Of Freedom


Wood-Mizer LT40HD

Lap-siding attachment

Woodbug Chainsaw Mill Husky 3120

GripperDog Log Dogs

Peterson ATS-8... when I'm asleep and dreaming..  ;D
-95 Wood-Mizer LT40HD 27 Hp Kawasaki water cooled engine-


Home built BandMill using a 400A Honda motorcycle engine as power source.
Been doing so much with so little for so long I can now do anything with nothing, except help from y'all!
By the way rbarshaw is short for Robert Barshaw.
My Second Mill Is Shopbuilt 64HP,37" wheels, still a work in progress.


Quote from: rbarshaw on January 25, 2006, 10:15:56 PM
Home built BandMill using a 400A Honda motorcycle engine as power source.

Pictures please...  8)
-95 Wood-Mizer LT40HD 27 Hp Kawasaki water cooled engine-


AFTER YOU VOTE< PLEASE! PLEASE! Fill out the section on your profile where it now lets you add your mill type.

Quote from: jpgreen on January 25, 2006, 10:27:24 PM
Pictures please... 

Look at his posts there are plenty. He has done a better job then almost anyone of documenting his project. Now, back to this project please.  ;D

1986 lt30 manual portable Bandsaw

I can change my profile okay. No errors. If you can,t remove all the extra info in other fields and try.


I also run a 1986 LT 30 portable Bandsaw and Yes She's manual. :-\


Sow your wild oats on Saturday night.  Sunday morning pray for crop failure!


2001 LT40HDD42 Super with Remote Command and Accuset
Truck Farmer/Greenhouse grower
2001 LT40HDD42 Super with Command Control and AccuSet, 42 hp Kubota diesel
Fargo, MI


Mobile Dimension 127 & Go-fast resaw
Science isn't meant to be trusted it's to be tested


Sawing part time mostly urban logs -St. Louis/Warrenton, Mo.
LT40HG25 Woodmizer Sawmill
LX885 New Holland Skidsteer


well it used to be a home modified Fowley-Belsaw 46" circular with hydraulic drive and manual setworks all powered by shaft from a 1950 Massey 44 tractor.(shes now resting in the back 40)
Now its a 2005 Norwood Lumberlite 24,made into a portable with a 19' sawing capacity(but am just starting out with this one so still new at it )
you gotta be happy playing with your toys ..mine are ..norwood lumberlite 24 ,743 bobcat and 1950 John Deere 4010 crawler


Timberking B-20   Retired and enjoying every minute of it.
Former occupations Electrical Lineman, Airline Pilot, Owner operator of Machine Shop, Slot Machine Technician and Sawmill Operator.
I know its a long story!!!

D Martin

homebuilt bandmill and homebuilt chainsaw mill


Purveyor of Stihl chain saws.
Thomas 6013 Band Mill, Kubota L3400DT, Fransgard V3004, 2 lazy horses and a red heeler


Quote from: jpgreen on January 25, 2006, 10:27:24 PM
Pictures please...  8)

What Jeff said .... plus....  any time you want to see the pictures someone has posted ... click on the camera icon to the lower left of of his side info stuff

The icon looks like this...

It'll take you right to his/her photo gallery.

Another tip... once you pulled up a picture and you'd like more info... you can click on a line of code under the picture that reads "Click to search forum for picture". and it'll take you right to the post or posts where that picture was used.

WOW! What a feature!   :o

Now... back to the program....
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94



Hurdle 52" circle, miner edger, 2 Morgan resaws, Williams Hog :)
catfish farmer, Hurdle mill.....need more cedar!
(I been livin here 65 years,ain't no metal in them trees)
( You can have that 75 year old Pecan tree if you will pick up all limbs and grade my yard back)


Homemade chainsaw mill from Procut Plans

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