iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Hand signals?

Started by Gordon, October 28, 2001, 06:55:54 AM

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Does anyone use hand signals anymore? This is done between the sawyer and the block setter. If so what are they and how well do they or did they work?

Or any other type of hand signals.

Thanks in advance


Here are some good old Canadian Cree hand signals.

If anyone were to see me giving myself hand signals while milling with the Alaskan they would no doubt have me locked up!


Mary and I have worked together for more than 35 years :-* and sawing together for the past 6.  We're kind of like two old dance partners.  ;D  As we both saw or do any of the other jobs around the mill,  we don't need to communicate very much.  But she will give me a dirty look any time I screw up.  Does that count? >:(
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94

Ron Wenrich

We have a few that we use between me and the offbearer.  To get his attention I usually flip my dump a little.

Thumbs down means the piece is pallet stock for boards or reject for blocking.  Rejects due to shake or rot usually go to the chipper.  If it is tie size it gets brought back and resawn.

Chop sign with the hand means to cut off the end.  I will then point to which end.  Usually for switch ties.

Signal like hammering a nail means metal.  Make sure it gets cut out on boards or cut out of slab before it goes to the chipper.

Signal like shooting a gun means the metal is bullets.

A flat wave of the hand from the offbearer means to start or stop the vibrating conveyor.  Something is either clogged or a truck is being moved.

Index finger going in a circular motion means I forgot to start the green chain.

I usually don't have to give too many signals.  They usually pick up what needs to be done on the other end.  Board that need to be re-edged or split as well as cut off are picked up before they are stacked.

There was a mill in the area years ago where the old guy that sawed used to take something and throw at you to get your attention.  He usually had a 3x4 and an axe that were handy.  You just had to hope he got the 3x4 and not the axe.
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Ron, we have the same signs in regards to metal, and that is also how I get their attention, by bouncing the end gate open and closed.

We also have the universal telephone sign plus pointing at your ring finger which means the wife or girlfriend is calling.

Throat slash means either Stop of Finished.

A stroking motion with one forefinger across the first joint of the other means fraction, usually 1/2

pointing poth forefingers out with your arms extended and then making up and down movements with your arms means forklift.

a wrapping motion using both hands means a lift of lumber either is done, or needs to be banded and removed if followed by the forktruck sign.

Forefinger pointing down tracing an elongated circle away from you means turn on the sawdust conveyor.

I can change my profile okay. No errors. If you can,t remove all the extra info in other fields and try.


A motion similar to what kids use to try to get a semi driver to blow his air horn is used to say "Sharpen the gangsaw blades" as this motion is similar to that of bringing the diamond wheel up and down across the carbide teeth while sharpening.
I can change my profile okay. No errors. If you can,t remove all the extra info in other fields and try.


I am usually by myself or with people who have never or seldom ever been around a sawmill before so.....If I am scratching it means I have an itch.

Ron Wenrich

Telephone?  We don't get any phone calls during working hours.  Only lunch.

I use a motion that looks like I'm filing a saw to let them know that I'm dull and going to sharpen up.  That way the guys don't think its lunchtime.

Rubbing the middle finger and thumb together means the board is thin.

Throat slash is usually followed by pointing to the piece of equipment to shut off.  Usually the chipper.  Means its jammed.

I guess most mills make up their own set of hand signals.
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

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