iDRY Vacuum Kilns



Started by Nvisser, June 14, 2020, 07:12:32 PM

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Hello everyone. 
I have recently started my first timber framing project after reading about 6 books on the subject. I am actually building rectangular frames for my kids at ceiling height and fastening cargo nets to them and this will be their new beds to create more space below for them to sleep. I believe I made a mistake when building them cause I used shouldered dovetails and it sounds like these are not recommended to use anymore. I could be wrong. Anyway my question is can anyone explain or point me to a good video or article or reference for understanding how to different types of layout. I have read a bit about square rule but don't fully understand. And I realized this when I completed a few of my frames. I still need to add hard wood shims on the sides though. Some of my gaps on the sides of the beams should be tighter so I would like to learn to do a better layout. 
Thank you for your time, 







To properly explain, it's really best to do in person, with drawings, and timbers for examples, I think.  Have you ever considered taking a 5 day timberframe workshop?  You get a lot in 5 days.  I helped Craig Roost do a 3 day workshop probably 10 years ago now.  We crammed a lot of learning into 3 days.  I don't know anyone else doing one that short though.  Trying do do it in post form like this would be really long and hard to convey a lot like you would in person.  It wouldn't be much better than some of the explanations in books.  I understand the trouble with that too.  It's not interactive.  You can't ask questions etc.  In person you'd be like "Oh, this is so simple and logical".
Anything someone can design, I can sure figure out how to fix!
If I say it\\\\\\\'s going to take so long, multiply that by at least 3!

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