Open house in Maine-4-27-19

Started by Jim_Rogers, April 28, 2019, 11:50:43 AM

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Yesterday, I traveled to Woodmizer Maine's open house.
It was a cold rainy day all morning while I was there. They even had some snow banks in the parking lot.

They had lots of demonstrations of mills:



And lots of equipment on hand.
Bed extension:


wood splitter:


Around 9am they announced that there was a blade presentation in the lunch room:




Randy Panko from Indy gave a nice presentation about all the different blade types they make and sell. And answered lots of questions.

Shortly after that they had a "ribbon" cutting ceremony for the new office addition.
But they decided to not use a "ribbon" but to use a piece of slab:

Unfortunately the guy with the chain saw was faster than my shutter finger on my cell phone.

But here is a tour of their new office space:
Maureen at his work station:

Another workstation:

A nice bench for customer to use while waiting their turn, I know cause that's where I was for a while.

Some unique shelves for products:


Some fancy decorations:


A very bright and new place for sure.

A good time was had by all.

Jim Rogers
Whatever you do, have fun doing it!
Woodmizer 1994 LT30HDG24 with 6' Bed Extension

Chuck White

Looks like a good day for all, Jim!

Thanks for posting the pics!
~Chuck~  Cooks Cat Claw sharpener and single tooth setter.  2018 Chevy Silverado and 2021 Subaru Ascent.  2020 Mahindra ROXOR.
With basic mechanical skills and the ability to read you can maintain a Woodmizer  LT40!

Peter Drouin

I wanted to go. But, With customers coming all day filling my pockets with money I just couldn't go. ;)
Thanks for the pics, Jim.
A&P saw Mill LLC.
45' of Wood Mizer, cutting since 1987.
License NH softwood grader.