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General Forestry => General Board => Topic started by: DanK on June 02, 2005, 09:40:49 AM

Title: Grant sources to support Conservation District woodlot management
Post by: DanK on June 02, 2005, 09:40:49 AM
Goodmorning.  8) Can a few of you help identify some grant sources (past, PRESENT or even some likely future) that could help a local Conservation District support Woodlot management planning.  I believe they want to help private owners develope goal specific plans to improve woodlots or enhance wildlife.  It is also their interest to help interested owners oversee any cutting plans that are implemented.  This last aspect is a little more than district foresters usually get involveed in but there seems to be a need within the county (Saginaw, MI)
Thanks! ;)
Title: Re: Grant sources to support Conservation District woodlot management
Post by: Frank_Pender on June 02, 2005, 11:52:53 AM
I would strongly suggest tht you contact you extension service folks.   They will most likely have the first line of direction in which to go.   If that does not work, I would suggext that you contact your closest Federal Forestry office for help or direction.  I know here in my area we have the extension service folks as well as the Soil and Water Conservation people that dole out grants and help with riparian restoration projects along with the locat Watershed people.
Title: Re: Grant sources to support Conservation District woodlot management
Post by: bitternut on June 02, 2005, 12:28:28 PM
There is a federal program called FLEP which I think stands for Forest Land Enhancement Program. This is very similar to a previous federal program called SIP which stood for Stewardship Improvement Program. These programs were funded by the feds and administered by the states. The first step in both programs was having an approved plan. As far as I know there is no funding available for either program, at least not in New York State.

Check with your state or county extension service to see if they are have any info. With the billions squandered by our government around the world I doubt that there is any funding. Just a couple more cases of starting a program and then never funding it. Politicians seem to do that a lot.
Title: Re: Grant sources to support Conservation District woodlot management
Post by: beenthere on June 02, 2005, 01:11:33 PM
Another contact would be your Woodland Owners Association, hopefully you have a local chapter. They seemingly would have an interest and may have members who have contacts. Also, contact the US Forest Service.
Here is another contact.
Title: Re: Grant sources to support Conservation District woodlot management
Post by: dave7191 on June 03, 2005, 06:29:59 PM
 I try getting a hold of someone at Michigan state When i was a boy our county Extension agent would call state most of the time for that type of information  They just didn't send a lot of things out to the counties it may have change in the last 40 years  It sounds like an interesting project