iDRY Vacuum Kilns


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General Board / Re: Winter Escape
Last post by Jeff - Today at 05:05:31 PM
Ive been wishing for a kicksled.

 I built a website about 20 years ago for the assistant director of timbermen. Timothy something or other that started with a k and ended in a zy. He built kicksleds. 

He ran for state house and I built his campaign website. He lost, and took both websites down. Wasnt my fault! ffcheesy
Had a pretty strong storm come through last night and the wind must have pushed my tree off the stump.Problem is that the ground is no longer frozen and the butt just jammed in the dirt. Tried Al's method of using a long cable hooked to the tractor but my small tractor wouldn't budge it. Tried something different with my log arch and although I was a little leary it worked pretty well. Got three nice 12' logs and should get quite a bit out of the top. Wish it would freeze up some but it doesn't look like it is going to. Got some more to cut but hopefully I have enough openings to avoid any more hang ups.
General Board / Re: Winter Escape
Last post by SwampDonkey - Today at 04:48:31 PM
I like working and walking on flat dry ground.  Well, even flat isn't real flat in the woods is it?  ffcheesy ffcheesy But the trails are narrow on my place, basically a row of trees swamped out. So if we get deep snow, and get some thaws, and it goes crusty like in March-April when it freezes and thaws, you can't even snow shoe on them. It's like trying to wear snowshoes and walk along the peek of a roof. Not a fun walk at all.  :uhoh: A nice groomed trail is a world of difference. Even great for a kick sled on a cold morning on packed dry snow. Not enough snow here to run a ski doo very well. Lots cold, just been dry storms. Going to be dry spring unless we get 2 feet in March. Not going to get much this month.
Forestry and Logging / Re: American Loggers
Last post by g_man - Today at 04:21:18 PM
I found this picture a while back taken on the Golden Road.
It says 79.5 cords 374,000 lbs or 187 tons.

General Board / Re: Winter Escape
Last post by thecfarm - Today at 04:00:01 PM
Looks good.
I drag the 3pt winch just a little to do just about the same thing.
I also do that with the wife's tractor with the 3pt snow blower on the back. In fact, I just did it down where I saw the firewood.
I've got off my trails a few times too.  smiley_thumbsdown
General Board / Re: The weather 2025
Last post by thecfarm - Today at 03:50:18 PM
I got no more then 3 inches of snow.
A little more then a half hour from me got double that amount.
The father North the storm went, the less snow there was.
Two more snowstorms coming this week.
Forestry and Logging / Re: American Loggers
Last post by quilbilly - Today at 03:16:39 PM
I think I have seen it in the past. I was really impressed with how big those trucks are. Loads are deceptively big. Are they still going or did I hear Pelletier went out of business?
Forestry and Logging / Re: Log Prices?
Last post by SwampDonkey - Today at 02:55:16 PM
I remember some mills up here going weeks before payment, this was over 30 years ago. The biggest landowner and mill owner was the least prompt. It wasn't that they never had the money, it was a game they were playing against woodlot organizations. They've never gone broke since they started.
   I don't know what other logs you have access other than the ones you mention but as BB said experiment. My first cuts went to build a lumber stacking shed of my own. Not fancy and lots of mistakes but the boards worked for what I used them for.

    Also you don't even know what questions to ask until you run the mill a while and made a few mistakes and such. 

   After you gain some experience you will learn to have a plan about how to saw every log. You may not be able to finalize that plan till you get it on the mill and in some case once you make a couple of cuts you may have to change your plan if something unexpected shows up. What messes me up is when I am sawing for a customer and maybe have a plan to make all 1X10's and suddenly after my final turn the customer says "Oh this is so nice let's make 6/4 of of it." Since I start on a mark to end on a finished board that throws me out of whack but it is his wood and I just adjust my plan and tell the customer "Okay but the last board may be a little thick or thin." and continue sawing.

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