iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Bringin' up da Wood

Started by Magicman, September 29, 2018, 01:58:57 PM

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Spike, I'm with you and SwampDonkey all the way.
I like where I am.
There's three or four cords of split dry oak on the North wall and my favorite redhead is in the shop with me.

She's telling me that it's about time to bank the woodstove up for the night.
Call it a day.
I post from the shop or from the end of the sofa in the living room. Both nests are warm but one of 'em is more manly than the other.
Ford 545D loader
Stihl chainsaws

doc henderson

I have one at work and at home in the shop and waking up from the bed with the news on and drinking coffee.  That could be 4 in the afternoon since I work nights.  That may explain why I have a beer after work, at about 7 am.  Doctors bubble at work.

salt on the floor from the snow and ice.
Timber king 2000, 277c track loader, PJ 32 foot gooseneck, 1976 F700 state dump truck, JD 850 tractor.  2007 Chevy 3500HD dually, home built log splitter 18 horse 28 gpm with 5 inch cylinder and 32 inch split range with conveyor powered by a 12 volt tarp motor


Quote from: SwampDonkey on January 08, 2025, 04:27:00 PMMy nest is 32 x 16 in the house, and 480 sq feet in the shop.  I'm in no hurry to move past winter, best time of the year for me. ffsmiley
You can have my share of winter .I've spent a lot of my life in the cold and the older I get the less I like it . I kind of figured if the good Lord wanted me to be cold I'd have the fur of a polar bear .


I'm not cold, 80° in the house and 85° in the shop.  ffsmiley I've never been cold cutting wood in winter. Anyone standing around being cold might as well go home and sit by the stove.  ffcheesy
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))



I like that you put a hand waving to us in your office nest.
Hakki Pilke 1x37
Kubota M6040
Load Trail 12ft Dump Trailer
2015 GMC 3500HD SRW
2016 Polaris 450HO
2016 Polaris 570
SureTrac 12ft Dump Trailer


I also have been burning a lot of wood since the first of the year. Every day lows around 10 highs around 20 but it is the wind that makes it really cold. Constant wind speed of 15-20mph with gusts up to 40. My house is exposed and really gets hit hard by the wind. I have been in the woods only once and that for only 2 hours. My wood splitter is set up in the barn so I am able to split and stack wood out of the wind but I'm almost finished with the rounds that were stacked up outside the barn.
 Today is supposed to be the last day of the strong wind so I hope to get back in the woods soon. There is no snow on the ground and it is frozen so no problem with the tractor in the woods.
To underestimate old men and old machines is the folly of youth. Frank C.


Loaded up the wood rack on the back porch today. No relief from the cold weather for awhile so this will last about a week. Below 0 degrees tonight and more snow for tomorrow. Hoping what is left in my woodshed would get me through February but if it doesn't warm up a little I don't think it will. I've got 4 cords in a shed behind the barn but was planning to burn it next winter.
Bill Medley WM 126-14hp , Husky372xp ,MF1020 ,Homemade log arch,GMC2500,Oregon log splitter,Honda Pioneer 700,Kabota 1700


Bill Medley WM 126-14hp , Husky372xp ,MF1020 ,Homemade log arch,GMC2500,Oregon log splitter,Honda Pioneer 700,Kabota 1700


Here's the stove that's been keeping us warm for the last 38 years. I can only imagine the number of trees this thing has consumed.
Bill Medley WM 126-14hp , Husky372xp ,MF1020 ,Homemade log arch,GMC2500,Oregon log splitter,Honda Pioneer 700,Kabota 1700


Bill, that's a nice looking wood shed. 
Oh, and I like how you dry your wood with the ceiling fan above the wood rack on the porch.  ffcheesy :wink_2:
To underestimate old men and old machines is the folly of youth. Frank C.



It's all about the airflow!  ffcheesy
Hakki Pilke 1x37
Kubota M6040
Load Trail 12ft Dump Trailer
2015 GMC 3500HD SRW
2016 Polaris 450HO
2016 Polaris 570
SureTrac 12ft Dump Trailer


Yesterday was nice enough to finally get after stacking some wood.  Having 2 dump trailers this time of year is nice. I don't mind tying one up if it saves me from bending over every time I need pieces to stack in the shed! Got most of the cord done til my buddy called, then showed up.  We went out on the lake with the atvs and had a blast!  I had just under 30miles on my odometer at the end of the ride, but there was A LOT of wheel spinning! ffcheesy
Hakki Pilke 1x37
Kubota M6040
Load Trail 12ft Dump Trailer
2015 GMC 3500HD SRW
2016 Polaris 450HO
2016 Polaris 570
SureTrac 12ft Dump Trailer


It's taken a cold snap,down in the teens at night so I relit the fire .Coming on this late in winter I might make it on 4 cords .I've been done with cutting in I think last of August .I do know in Sept-Oct.I worked on my rental house no fire wood .Got one more bedroom to paint then that will be done .


OK Guys, this brutal weather is calling for desperate measures.  We are forecast for the low 30's this week and the low 20's for next week.  The stash had gotten low so:

Not too much remaining from my original whack.

I loaded er up mighty heavy so who knows, this may be enough for the remainder of the cold season.  This is ~3' high and 11' long which is about 1/3 of a cord.  Gonna stay warm and my sawing gitty-up-go should remain busted through next week.

98 Wood-Mizer LT40 SuperHydraulic    WM Million BF Club

Two: First Place Wood-Mizer Personal Best Awards
The First: Wood-Mizer People's Choice Award

It's Weird being the same age as Old People

Never allow your Need to make money
To exceed your Desire to provide Quality Service


"gal friend " it is,got a good one myself .Fact her last name is also Smith so that works out well  for nosey people .I must have waited until the coldest day to load up my wood trailer,15 degrees with a slight wind .I'm not an Eskimo like you folks in Maine or Ontario cold gets to me .Loaded up half that trailer and now have to thaw out .Another 15 minutes I'll have it done for about a week .During these temps I go through about a rick ( 1/3 cord )every week .This load I threw on some oak to load the insert up at night .It does a little bit better than the ash for over nighters .Entire house is holding at 75 degrees .


Next week we are going into negative digits up this way. Been going through 98 cu feet rank (75% of a cord) every 2 weeks here until this week, lately the wood stuffing has slowed down, in the 20°'s here day and night. The needle doesn't move much. Snowed every day for 2 weeks, but fine light stuff, don't add up for days. Only been starting a morning fire in the shop, still 78° in there now, fire was lit at 5:00 am. It gets down into the 50's by morning in there, but not freezing. The humidity doesn't shoot way up either, 30's RH by morning, 20'ish RH by day with fire. It's about 90° within an hour out there when I do build a fire up. It'll draw some sweat and you don't even have to move. ffcheesy Had windows wide open this morning sanding 'sticks' for a couple hours. I open windows when I do anything at all anyway, too hot. Burning fir, spruce mostly, some aspen , white birch and black ash once in a while. Black ash is lighter than white ash, but still heavier than aspen or fir. Yard ash was shading the garden, so into the firewood pile it went this spring. Ash grows like bad weeds up here. Anywhere I cut wood on the woodlot it takes over. Got mostly white ash. Black grows around the wet meadows.
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


Holy mackeral 3 above at ten til 8 AM .Next Monday I think it's supposed to dip below zero .Maybe Maine and North Dakota decided to send some of their semi tropical weather to northern Ohio . I'd imagine the storied brass monkey is experiancing some distress .


Suppose to get that cold snap Thursday, then a thaw Friday and Saturday, then colder than we've seen so far by Monday. We'll see.  I haven't seen a very reliable forecast all winter. ffcheesy
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


This next week will be our coldest so far and my "brought up" firewood stash is ready.  :snowball:
98 Wood-Mizer LT40 SuperHydraulic    WM Million BF Club

Two: First Place Wood-Mizer Personal Best Awards
The First: Wood-Mizer People's Choice Award

It's Weird being the same age as Old People

Never allow your Need to make money
To exceed your Desire to provide Quality Service


From what I see it looks like a classic example of the "siberian express " .Sweeping down over North Dakata area .At any case not much you can do about it .Coming week predictions of below zero night time but with the wind chill effect could feel like 30 below at times .In other words colder than a well drillers behind .Make the best of it .Batten down the hatch and keep the stove well fed ,it won't last forever .


With this cold weather the last couple days I've stayed in and puttered in the shop. I started feeling guilty about not painting the radiator covers that have been on the todo list a couple years so I went out to get wood knowing the Mrs would see that I was doing important stuff.

 I just passed the half way point in this seasons wood. Started the forth of six rows. This is how I "bring in da wood".

I use a cart an 82 year old neighbor lady gave me for helping her. She said she didn't like it "because it would not stay on top of the snow, it just sank in"  ??  She is a nice neighbor and just is not used to those kinds of things. It beats the wheel barrow I used to use.

Push it to the house on the path I keep.

Then pull it into the basement where the stove is. You can just see a handle sticking out on the bottom left.



Dandy little cart for the task.
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


I admire you neat wood guys!
Too many irons in the fire


The weather gal is saying no fire for me for the next ~10 days; 40's-50's night and 60's-70's daytime.  Rain & storm tomorrow night.
98 Wood-Mizer LT40 SuperHydraulic    WM Million BF Club

Two: First Place Wood-Mizer Personal Best Awards
The First: Wood-Mizer People's Choice Award

It's Weird being the same age as Old People

Never allow your Need to make money
To exceed your Desire to provide Quality Service


4° here this morning, a high of under 10° Lots of wood burning. :snowball: :snowball:  Lots of houses burn wood on this road. Even old WIllie up the road with his heat pump, he's got fire going in his old stove.
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))

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