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Ice Swimming

Started by Ianab, August 02, 2024, 01:04:28 AM

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Apparently it's a recognized sport Basically like normal swimming, but in REALLY cold water. This our neighbor who went to primary school with Lara. World record for a junior swimming, covering 500m in water that was 2.25 C, and the air temp at -3C. So she's now off to Italy for the World champs in their Winter.
Weekend warrior, Peterson JP test pilot, Dolmar 7900 and Stihl MS310 saws and  the usual collection of power tools :)


Lather themselves in grease ?  like the English channel swimmers? 
south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others


I am having a hard time wrapping my mind around that event!! yikes_smiley   

No, it's impossible for me to wrap my mind around that event.  :shocked2:
98 Wood-Mizer LT40 SuperHydraulic    WM Million BF Club

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The heat index here will be 100 plus today.  Just the thought of swimming in 25 degree water is a shock to my system!   ffcheesy

Congratulations to the young lady but bbbbrrrr!
Woodmizer LT50, WM BMS 250, WM BMT 250, Kubota MX5100, IH McCormick Farmall 140, Husqvarna 372XP, Husqvarna 455 Rancher


Heck, I've done that few times.
Except that it was an accident or caused by judging the snow/ice badly.

An event to be filed in the "did somethin' Dumb today" section. 😱 

Folks in the Scandic countries seem to be naturals at this nonsense.
 If you have perfectly good ice, WHY fall through it on purpose? 
Ford 545D loader
Stihl chainsaws

WV Sawmiller

  First I learned about cricket (Described as a 3 day event for people to sit around and drink beer), then curling (You now - where grown men run around ahead of a flat stone with little brooms sweeping the ice) now there is ice swimming. Some sports just don't make no sense to this southern redneck!
Howard Green
WM LT35HDG25(2015) , 2011 4WD F150 Ford Lariat PU, Kawasaki 650 ATV, Stihl 440 Chainsaw, homemade logging arch (w/custom built rear log dolly), JD 750 w/4' wide Bushhog brand FEL

Dad always said "You can shear a sheep a bunch of times but you can only skin him once


Maddy got interviewed for the Radio Sport show, so you can hear her talking about how she got into Ice Swimming and what it's like. She's a bright and articulate young lady and came across well in the interview.
Weekend warrior, Peterson JP test pilot, Dolmar 7900 and Stihl MS310 saws and  the usual collection of power tools :)


Maddy is currently in Italy at the World Champs. They had to remove 2" of ice from the pool before they could swim.  :wacky: Water temp was about 2C. But she won the Junior 500 meter swim  ffsmiley

And we got our name on the official sponsors towel.  ffsmiley

Weekend warrior, Peterson JP test pilot, Dolmar 7900 and Stihl MS310 saws and  the usual collection of power tools :)


Congratulations to Maddy.  I still think that's a crazy thing.  I've been in ice water several times while duck hunting but never on purpose.


Wow, crazy! Congratulations to her.

Coldest water I've been in was 54°F. I don't want to experience anything colder.
John Sawicky

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Another picture, clearing the pool in the morning before the competition can start. 

Weekend warrior, Peterson JP test pilot, Dolmar 7900 and Stihl MS310 saws and  the usual collection of power tools :)

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