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Reminiscing with Roxie

Started by Jeff, December 22, 2015, 07:13:44 PM

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This week's Podcast finds Forestry Forum member and general board moderator Roxie and I in the Christmas mood, reminiscing on the Forestry Forum of old. Ho Ho Ho!

Topics include:
Stink bugs, Dog Turds, Harvesting kidneys in Costa Rica, The Amish Mafia, and Giving members away as contest prizes. :D    Enjoy! :D

Thank you for taking the time to visit Roxie, and Merry Christmas to You and Cowboy Bob and Family  :)

Or download the MP3 below by right clicking the file and selecting Save Link As

I can change my profile okay. No errors. If you can,t remove all the extra info in other fields and try.


Enjoyed the podcast with Roxie and you!

It is great to hear y'all discuss the folks that passed before I joined.  But it is good to capture those still with us for future forumites!


Thank you Jeff, and it was nice to finally meet you Roxie even it was only your voice.  Your conversation was interesting, entertaining, and informative.  Thanks to both of you for your time well spent.   MM
98 Wood-Mizer LT40 SuperHydraulic    WM Million BF Club

Two: First Place Wood-Mizer Personal Best Awards
The First: Wood-Mizer People's Choice Award

It's Weird being the same age as Old People

Never allow your Need to make money
To exceed your Desire to provide Quality Service


Great show Roxie and Jeff.  8) 

A little disappointed though, no mention of my wool underwear photos.  ;) :D :D ;D

Have a good one.
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


Some things, once seen, should never be spoken of again.   :o

Say when


Woodmizer LT40HDG25 / Stihl 066 alaskan
lots of dull bands and chains

There's a fine line between turning firewood into beautiful things and beautiful things into firewood.

Andy White

This page is going to become my favorite on the forum. Love hearing members and their stories. I love reading old threads, and these people help" close the gap" of times past. Thanks for the good work.     Andy
Learning by day, aching by night, but loving every minute of it!! Running HM126 Woodland Mill, Stihl MS290, Homemade Log Arch, JD 5103/FEL and complete woodshop of American Delta tools.

Texas Ranger

Roxie just filled out the image I had of her, good show!
The Ranger, home of Texas Forestry


Science isn't meant to be trusted it's to be tested


I hit a home run when I asked Jeff to please interview Roxie.
I absolutely loved it.....the whole thing.
Hats off to both of you....lots of laughs and history.

I'm hooked on the podcast....what an excellent way to extend a lunch hour.  :)

The older I get I wish my body could Re-Gen.


The older I get I wish my body could Re-Gen.

mad murdock

another great piece of history recorded for posterity.  Bro. Noble and Tom sounded like a couple of partners in crime!  What fun.  Thanks for another excellent interview.  :)
Turbosawmill M6 (now M8) Warrior Ultra liteweight, Granberg Alaskan III, lots of saws-gas powered and human powered :D


If you listened to the podcast you HAVE to go read this.  Jeff and Tammy's exportation,19984.0.html
I can change my profile okay. No errors. If you can,t remove all the extra info in other fields and try.


Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


Thanks Jeff and Roxie.  Merry Christmas, all!
Grow the best wood on the best trees, as fast as possible.

mad murdock

That thread of your trip to C R was hilarious :D :D  thanks for the link Jeff!
Turbosawmill M6 (now M8) Warrior Ultra liteweight, Granberg Alaskan III, lots of saws-gas powered and human powered :D


Great listening!  Roxie, you are indeed my Huckleberry!

Merry Christmas to all!
My father once said, "This is my son who wanted to grow up and become a doctor.  So far, he's only become a doctor."


Another great podcast, thanks and good to meet Roxie! 

You were talking about keeping the forestry forum family safe. Let me tell you about how I figured out that this is a safe place for all.  I was replying to a post a while back much as I am now from my iPad.  In that particular reply, I used a word that I personally didn't think of as being in any way inappropriate. But before I hit the post button I hit preview button so I could look over my reply before I posted it and that particular word had been changed.  I just supposed that my auto correct had changed it so I changed it back and saw that auto correct had left it alone so I hit the post button and low and behold, it was changed again. 

I thought about that for a little bit and realized what was happening. I don't know how else to say it, but this kinda gave me the warm fuzzies. I'm glad that the Forestry Forum is protected from folks like me who may unintentionally be offensive.  Thanks Jeff and others for making this the awesome place that it is!

And  :new_year:
1992 LT40HD

If I don't pick myself up by my own bootstraps, nobody else will.


First time I had time to listen (usually too busy reading) to an entire pod cast, that was very nice and the reason Jeff, Tammy, Roxie, and countless others have such a nice, informative site here!  Thanks to the administration and all the members for keeping it that way.