iDRY Vacuum Kilns


My cancer journey

Started by Ed_K, July 11, 2016, 07:34:39 PM

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 This has turned out to be a very bad yr. First I lost my youngest son to pain meds in Feb. tried to work thru it but it's been very hard.
2 months ago I fell off the skidder tearing a tri-cep, fell into ice chains broke a rib. Month ago kidney's started hurting, figured well here's #6 went to emergency rm yup #6 but on wrong side 5 on right. As they went thru tests found low blood cell cnt. more test, last week found out I have uncurable myloma, bone marrow cancer. Today they said it can be managed with treatments  8) . I start chemotherapy tomorrow.
I knew something was wrong when I couldn't start the saw's on the monday Rita took me to the er. 2 day's later couldn't even pick them up. Really made me mad >:( .
So I could use some prayer's, Thanks.
It's hard to just sit here and type.
I made a big mistake of looking it up on the internet, when you read 3-5 maybe 7 yrs it gets into your head and that's not good. Staff say I have a good chance of manage ing it for a lot longer  :) .
I can't imagine not being to log again.
Sorry for such a long thd.

Look up the International Myeloma Foundation. They have publications on Myeloma that will give you good information about the disease. Concise review is a over view of the different types of the disease.Understanding Fatigue will help you understand why your so tired all the time. Patient Handbook will explain what you have,tests you you really need and support care and where to find it.
There's more publication's but these three are what you will need after the doctor's tell you,you have Myeloma.

I found another publication from the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society that has very good info, it helps with understanding all aspects of Myeloma.
Ed K


My gosh...   

Prayers sent.   Your post makes me ashamed at some of the stuff I get upset and depressed about.   

Also...  not to try to be rah rah or Mr. false hope and with the full disclosure that I don't know anything much about doctoring I know a few people (including my dad currently who just drove my log truck for me 2 days ago) that have gone way, way, way past the supposed expiration date on cancer diagnosis.  Its also much lower stakes but a few years back I when I had back surgery I was told (in quite exact words) that I was screwed and my discs would never heal and that I was probably all done logging but they healed.   And I'm still chopping away. 

Hang in there.   


That is a good run of bad luck...sorry to hear, will pray for you.  Thought I'd mention it, there's some 6 or 10 questions you're supposed to ask your doctor before you do chemotherapy.  I just watched some documentary on how it doesn't work like 94% of the time, and the doctors just put you on it because they make alot of $ on it.  I would do some research.  My mother had cancer and she didn't do chemo and ended up beating it with the prescribed pills.  Chemo could be a big hassle just to make a doctor richer.  Do some research.  My 2 cents.  Will pray, hope you beat it.  I think a positive attitude goes a long way with it, don't let it get you down.
Boy, back in my day..


Thoughts and Prayers sent . A good attitude can really help the body heal.
Honor the Fallen Thank the Living


Thoughts and prayers from the eastern side of MA for you Ed. hang in there and as said keep up good thoughts about kicking it's butt.

Jim Rogers
Whatever you do, have fun doing it!
Woodmizer 1994 LT30HDG24 with 6' Bed Extension


I am glad you told us - it must have been hard to do. Words mean so little but you have my prayers.



 I'm sorry to hear your having trouble, and hope / pray for your recovery.


  Our prayers go out to you from SW Vermont. Ed, I have been a long time reader of your posts, and have come to respect your work and attitude toward life. Keep positive about the outlook, and don't forget you have the support of your family and the extended family here on the Forestry Forum. Make it known if any of us members can help you or your family in any way. May GOD's love reach down to you and bring you peace.
Oliver and Harriett Durand
Oliver Durand
"You can't do wrong by doing good"
It's OK to cry.
I never did say goodby to my invisible friend.
"I woke up still not dead again today" Willy
Don't use force-get a bigger hammer.


I can change my profile okay. No errors. If you can,t remove all the extra info in other fields and try.


Please continue to talk and share.  Thoughts and prayers for you Ed.


Wow, you have been through a lot this year.   All the best to you  Ed.
Make sure you know how to fall properly when you fall and as to not hurt anyone around you.
Also remember, it's not the fall what hurts, its the sudden stop. !!


I'm pulling for you Ed. Prayer's from my family coming your way.

2012 Homebuilt Bandmill
1959 Detroit built Ferguson TO35


so sorry to hear  and yes we are hear for you


Very sorry to hear of such a trying year.
Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.



I like your posts and the way you cut wood. Sorry to hear of your problems. I sure don't have the words to help. But I know I will be thinking of you. You live your life the way you should and then get dealt a bad hand.   :(
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


Prayers being sent up from Michigan.

Stay strong and keep us posted


My prayers go out to you and your family.
Education is the best defense against the media.


Praying for you!! My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer back in November...28 yrs old. She has not done chemo and is doing the dr Schulze incurable program. She is winning! Drs told her she would be dead 6 months ago If she didn't get chemo. God can answer prayer!


 Ed, so sorry for your tough times. I lost a son too, so I can understand what a kick in the gut that is. Now, dealing with everything else, well, that's just really rough. Prayers are flowing your way, hope your fortunes improve.
Thirty plus years in the sawmill/millwork business. A sore back and arthritic fingers to prove it!


Bad year indeed! To be honest I lack the right words if there are any. May the force be with you.
Somewhere 20 miles south of Lake Erie.

GEHL 5624 skid steer, Trojan 114, Timberjack 225D, D&L SB1020 mill, Steiger Bearcat II


dam Ed, sorry to hear this. but don't give in man, you have no date on ya any where. we are all pullin for ya.


Prayers have been said for you and your family from just over the hill here in charlemont.

Hoping for quick and full recovery!


prayers sent,  I hope things turn around for you
208 timberjack 353 detroit, case 580 super K backhoe, homemade bandmill, 357xp, 372xpg


Thoughts and prayers from Illinois.

My brother in law was diagnosed with multiple myeloma two years ago. After several months at the Mayo Clinic he is back to work and feeling great. In fact he was out mowing the lawn tonight. I can't promise how things will go for you, but have hope and get good medical attention.

You sure have had a string of bad luck.  Hope everything starts looking better soon.


Detroit WHAT?

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