

Welcome to The 2024 Forestry Forum!

Do you have trees to grow? Logs to saw? A forest to manage? Chainsaws to fix? A sawmill to purchase or maintain? Timber related business to run? Lumber to dry? Trees or plants to identify? A cabin to build? Are you hungry and like FOOD?

Or would you just like to pull up a stump and visit with a friend?
If any of these and a multitude of other topics apply, then The Forestry Forum is the place for you.

What Will you Find on the Forestry Forum?

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I feel like for the past 2 years, I have used more data searching the Forestry Forum than any other website as I went from a total newbie sawyer to a total newbie sawyer that wanted to do this full time. Like I said in my intro post, I needed to figure out what to do when I got out of the Army-I landed


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Hi. Need to get my sawblades retipped and hammered for my 6 18 lucas mill.
Used a service local to me and took 6 months to get my stuff back. No thanks!
Where are new englanders sending their blades?
I've used Menominee before, it's just a big shipping bill to Michigan. 5 blades are heavy. I know they are a sponsor so if no other suggestions I'm happy to go there again. Read More

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Hi everybody.

Just a quick question. A guy is trying to sell a JD 540 on Leboncoin. And tells me that it is a 1980.

From what i see, the manual for the square nosed ones is from july 1977.

So there is a discrepancy in what he's saying.

Any opinion ?

Here's the pic. Read More

My Norwood HD36 came with ceramic blade guides. I have no complaints. Norwood offers a fairly inexpensive "upgrade" to roller guides. I am seriously considering changing to rollers, but need to be assured that it is actually and upgrade. Are roller guides better? Thanks!

Is there a resource on safe storage duration for sawlogs to avoid degrade issues? sawing issues? etc.

I've noticed that log buyers in the NE occasionally state that maple must be fresh though they don't state this with other species. Though with maple if you want spalted, obviously, storage last longer.Read More

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