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General Forestry => Forestry and Logging => Topic started by: burlman on March 13, 2007, 10:02:29 PM

Title: logging for dummies. I mean with dummies
Post by: burlman on March 13, 2007, 10:02:29 PM
you wonder what people are thinking some time, or how do accidents happen. Iwas doing a land clearing job for a neighbor, basically he had all the trees down and me come in with the skidder to  clean up. the site was down a small hill to an edge of a rock face and down into a gully were the trees. I backed to the edge and  sent the young lad down below to set the chokers. we hooked onto 6 white birch about 10in.dia. I climbed in the cab, to winch up the hitch. Not being able to see over the edge form the skidder, I contiued to pull, the butts crested the hill and contiued to raise in the air, til they reached half way, then fell to the flats on top of the gully. Thats when I saw an orange streak and my neighbor going for a roll. The numbnut was tired of walking up and down the hill so as I was winching he decided to  to take a ride up sitting in the tops of the trees. He got away with it that time. but I actually had to point out to him what could  of happened, thress could have rolled puleed around a stump and shot him out when the tension released you name it .the injury possibilities are endless.
Title: Re: logging for dummies. I mean with dummies
Post by: Greenedive on March 13, 2007, 10:17:44 PM
Scary, isn't it, Burlman? :o

People who are not around machinery and especially logging machinery think they are just going out into the woods for a fun time....not realizing the 100s of ways you can get hurt...that is why when anyone comes out to my job I like to shut right down till they are gone.....
Title: Re: logging for dummies. I mean with dummies
Post by: leweee on March 13, 2007, 11:58:45 PM
spectators, camera buffs(logging poperotzzi) landowners that don't know the danger they are facing scare us on a regular bases. Example: The fellow that taps you on the shoulder as you are about to "drop the big one"(standing in your escape path) wanting to know were to stand to get the best picture. >:(
Title: Re: logging for dummies. I mean with dummies
Post by: beenthere on March 14, 2007, 12:06:14 AM
I hear ya leweee. Years back I was dropping a tree for a fella, and I knew where he was (at least I thought I knew). Just on the back cut, and the wedge was just getting loose, I looked and he was squatted down almost on the fall spot. I yelled, pointed, waved, and he fortunately ran as the branches brushed his backside. I felt bad that I did that, and angry that he didn't listen. For some reason, he thought the tree was going to fall away from the notch. Duh! 

The You Tube video of the barberchair that Ian pointed to, had me real worried when the fellow was bent over poking in the wedges. I half expected to see that tree barber chair then and send him flying with an upper cut to his chin.  ::)
Title: Re: logging for dummies. I mean with dummies
Post by: Sprucegum on March 14, 2007, 01:32:45 AM
Burlman that's usually when you hear the words  "Watch This!"   :o
Title: Re: logging for dummies. I mean with dummies
Post by: snowman on March 14, 2007, 08:50:52 AM
When I was a dumb kid setting chockers behind a D-7 I'd ride the log in for lunch and quitting time. Big sugar pine, I called it log surfing.When I was setting shockers for a yarder I'd rig a short log with a choker on each end, toot for tight line and ride in over the tree tops, beats walking i said. ::) God loves fools, thus I live.
Title: Re: logging for dummies. I mean with dummies
Post by: Ron Wenrich on March 14, 2007, 05:08:51 PM
The neighbor to the mill asked for someone to come over and cut down one of his trees.  Sure, no problem.  He's an older guy, same as the owner and have known each other for years.

The mill owner starts to cut down the tree and notices that the neighbor is standing right where he wants to throw the tree.  So, he motions the neighbor to step back.  He finishes cutting the tree and it falls on the neighbor.  Its been a number of years, but I think there may have been some broken bones involved.

The neighbor's lawyer calls up within the week asking how much liability insurance we have.  $300,000.  Lawyer says that's enough, we'll take it.

Logging, milling and tree cutting is tough enough on people who do the job daily and know better.  All others need to stay far away. 
Title: Re: logging for dummies. I mean with dummies
Post by: semologger on March 14, 2007, 09:15:31 PM
landowners are hard to work around. i cut pine with a 221 hydroax shear head. we get around six 8 ft cuts a tree. well i was cutting today and they wanted to watch me so i told them to be sure and stay back. they stood back owe about 100 ft. i still could of hit them. its very annoying. i usually stop cutting as soon as i see anyone on the ground around me