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Timber Framer Guild nation conference Ann Arbor, MI

Started by Jim_Rogers, October 13, 2024, 11:26:16 AM

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I'll be leaving NC early Tuesday morning to drive to Ann Arbor, MI to go to the Timber Framers Guild national conference.
Anyone else going?

If you are look me up and we can chat during lunch or supper. 

Jim Rogers
Whatever you do, have fun doing it!
Woodmizer 1994 LT30HDG24 with 6' Bed Extension


They, a bunch of volunteers are cutting a small frame in one of the parking lots at the conference center.
Here are some shots from yesterday afternoon:

above is the conference committee chairman with some hotel workers.

The sills are done.

He's working on some laps where the rafters will pass over this purlin plate.

More later on.

Jim Rogers
Whatever you do, have fun doing it!
Woodmizer 1994 LT30HDG24 with 6' Bed Extension


Here is the finished frame photo:

Jim Rogers
Whatever you do, have fun doing it!
Woodmizer 1994 LT30HDG24 with 6' Bed Extension

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