iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Travel to Southern Missouri

Started by Rick Schmalzried, August 22, 2002, 04:15:05 PM

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Rick Schmalzried

I will be traveling to southern Missouri (Ellsinore - near Poplar Bluff) from central Illinois over labor day weekend.  If there are any forum members along the route or nearby, I would sure like to drop by and say hello.

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Bro. Noble


We are about 100 miles due West of there and would love to have you visit.  There are about a half-dozen water powered grist mills close to us that I would love to take you to.  If you like Blugrass and Gospel Quartet singing,  come over Sun. afternoon Sept. 1st.  From 2-4 PM our group, then my brother's group. then anyone who wants to join in are going to be pickin and grinnin.  Some outstanding musicians will be there.  One of the best hammered dulcimar players I've heard included.
Anyday you come you can help milk and we should be back to milling by then if we get the hay put up.

If this doesn't fit your schedule this time,  we are right on your way from Ellisnore to Branson.  The welcome mat is always out.

You probably know more about the Ellisnore area than I do, but just in case:

Did you know that the little town of Grandin was a company town established in the late 1800's.  The company was supposed to have had the largest sawmill operation (at the time) in the World.  They had an extensive RR system throught the area to bring in the logs.  Grandin is just S. of Ellisnore.

Just north of Ellisnore at Ellington is where Baker Sawmills are made.

Big Springs is just West of there, S. of Vanburen (Don P had pictures of the Spring)  Be sure to take your kids to the fast food place there----they got everything.

Near the town of Eminance there is Round Springs and Alley Springs.  At Alley springs there used to be a feller makin Corn Squezins.  They let him demonstrate how it was done and then made him dump it out.  There are also wild horses in the vicinity. There are some people mad cause they let the horses run wild,  Probably some mad cause they make that guy dump his shine too.

The whole area abounds with sawmills, flooring mills, pallet plants, and charcoal kilns.

Hope we can get together.

milking and logging and sawing and milking

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