Norwood guide arm

Started by Panovak, December 19, 2023, 12:15:27 AM

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I have an hd 36. In my ever ongoing attempt to rectify this sawmill from its congenital defects I've discovered the movable guide has significant wobble. Is this normal? It's had this wobble since day 1 so figured it was supposed to be that way.


1st, what does the manual say?
I would think no.
On my WM the guide arm is very important as it controls the blade entering the log and helps tremendously  to turn out  flat lumber.
IDRY Vacum Kiln, LT40HDWide, BMS250 sharpener/setter 742b Bobcat, TCM forklift, Sthil 026,038, 461. 1952 TEA Fergusan Tractor