iDRY Vacuum Kilns


My log framed shelter or pavilion

Started by thedoublejranch, May 27, 2021, 11:59:49 PM

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OK, we call them shelters on the west coast, seems they are called pavilions elsewhere. I have 40 acres of Ponderosa pines and some doug firs, western bark beetle has been chipping away a few a year, so I drop them, skid them out and in a year, with a flooring scraper (bark spud) was able to knock the bark off real quick like.

So now I have these nice peeled logs debating on what to do. So I decided to build a log park shelter. Its a 10X16 and I just finished the roof and metal roofing in April. I picked a time for some real pricey lumber, but planning for a year, had to follow through. Didnt want log frame setting through another winter.

Built footers out of 1/4" plate steel, massive units, 8" wide, 10" tall, log is slotted and its pinned with a timber lock screw to prevent any lift, but the shear weigth, probably never lift. Lots of bracing and each brace has 2 of the 10" timberlocks going in at different angles at each end (4 total), zero flex or rocking. Every log joint is pinned with no less than 3 timberlock screws at 10: length. I was concerned as there is a joint at the ground and another above. But its rock solid and I added plenty of bracing.

Rafters were 4X4, was going to use 2X6, but wouldn't of looked right, a 4X4 looks more like a timber frame, no blocking needed as a 4X4 wont flop on its side and its way easier landing plywood sheeting on a 3.5 inch surface than a 1.5".



The Double J Ranch & Timber Farm.
Member "NWOA" National Woodland Owners Association"


Nicely done!  Use a chainsaw to slot the posts? How big are the concrete piers?

Thanks for sharing! 

firefighter ontheside

Woodmizer LT15
Kubota Grand L4200
Stihl 025, MS261 and MS362
2017 F350 Diesel 4WD
Kawasaki Mule 4010
1998 Dodge 3500 Flatbed


Quote from: samandothers on May 28, 2021, 08:49:20 AM
Nicely done!  Use a chainsaw to slot the posts? How big are the concrete piers?

Thanks for sharing!
The footers are 12" sonotubes, they go down 2 feet and bell out so frost wont lift it, also with sonotubes, frost doesn't grab the sides and lift it either. All reinforced with rebar. I did slot the logs to fit over my home made brackets with a hole and pinned with a timberlock screw.  Brackets  are cemented in with a hole in base inside the concrete and a small chunk of rebar going through it and 4 sticks of rebar vertically. Probably way overkill, but when I an not sure of something, I just over do it. I have 40 acres set up like a full park, our entire theme is USFS or national and state parks. I have campsites, markers, signage, ranger station, and this will probably get painted in the "forest service brown" color soon. But its all private, no public access.
The Double J Ranch & Timber Farm.
Member "NWOA" National Woodland Owners Association"


Quote from: firefighter ontheside on May 28, 2021, 08:56:42 AM
I love it and its setting.
Thanks, its at 3500 feet, next to a national forest, we have moose, white tail deer, mule deer, black bear, sparse grizzly, wolves, turkey, bobcat, cougar, grouse and a load of other varmits/pest like coyotes, ticks, western bark beetle... etc.
The Double J Ranch & Timber Farm.
Member "NWOA" National Woodland Owners Association"

firefighter ontheside

Quote from: thedoublejranch on May 28, 2021, 03:38:21 PM
Quote from: firefighter ontheside on May 28, 2021, 08:56:42 AM
I love it and its setting.
Than ks, i ts at 3500 feet, next to a national forest, we have moose, white tail deer, mule deer, black bear, sparse grizzlie, wolves, turkey, bobcat, cougar, grouse and a load of other varmits/pest like coyotes, ticks, western bark beetle... etc.
Sounds awesome.
Woodmizer LT15
Kubota Grand L4200
Stihl 025, MS261 and MS362
2017 F350 Diesel 4WD
Kawasaki Mule 4010
1998 Dodge 3500 Flatbed


It does sound awesome.  You do great work, enjoy it!


Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


Was out last August, trenched in from cabin, laid in some 1" gray PVC conduit underground, tied into cabin inlet plug (feeds cabin), so the plan in spring is to pull the wire through (10AWG) and install a small 2 space sub panel with a pair of 15A breakers at the shelter (cabin has its own panel), one for lighting, other for plugs in shelter.

Adding 2 ceiling fans with lights, plus some plugs on the uprights. Will install a rail around 3/4 of it with plugs above the rail height and maybe a large flat board to act as a narrow surface to set food and drinks on, large table across the back.

Nice place to hang out with family, protection from summer sun, fans will keep mosquitos at bay, but I have hardly any there and help keep it cool during summer heat.

Have Klein 100 foot fish tape to pull the wires through.

Its all closed up for winter, head back out in spring.



The Double J Ranch & Timber Farm.
Member "NWOA" National Woodland Owners Association"


FWIW, name wise we called them a "shelterhouse" in my native KS and same thing here in KY too. 
Hey-don't try to "look" too much like the guvment! 
Kan=Kansas;tuck=Kentucky;kid=what I'm not


OK, too late, looks like a govt operation, but its all private and well marked as such. I do collect USFS and NP stuff and incorporate their styles into my place.

OK, shelter all wired up. If you are doing PVC gray conduit, a heated blanket for shaping conduit is one of the better investments I made.








The Double J Ranch & Timber Farm.
Member "NWOA" National Woodland Owners Association"


Woodland Mills HM130 Max w/ Lap siding upgrade
Kubota BX25
Wicked Grapple, Wicked Toothbar
Homemade Log Arch
Big Tex 17' trailer with Log Arch
Warn Winches 8000lb and 4000lb
Husqvarna 562xp
2,000,000th Forestry Forum Post


All painted up now, fully completed. On to next project, probably a log swing set with a seesaw






The Double J Ranch & Timber Farm.
Member "NWOA" National Woodland Owners Association"


Personally, I wouldn't have painted it. It looks good, but I prefer the natural state of the wood. JMO. 
It looks quite quaint and I'm sure that you will receive a lot of attention from visitors. Great work! Cheers!


Nice work! That end away from the picnic table would be the perfect place to hang a porch swing.
"Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath."


I was back there is August of this year and added a back counter made from an old long dead old-growth snag and also added rails and a 2X8 on top of the rails for setting food/drinks on and a backsplash to keep items from falling off the back. Left it open on the front and the RH side near the front. Counter is coated with a product called "Stone Coat", great stuff, simple to work with too.  It is completed now. I do have one more huge log section to slab, its actually bigger than the one I cut up already. Burnt my brand into it and added the medallion in the center, same as my avatar







The Double J Ranch & Timber Farm.
Member "NWOA" National Woodland Owners Association"

Walnut Beast


Great work, hope you and the family enjoy it for many years.
Ford 545D loader
Stihl chainsaws


Finalized the shelter and rear serving counter, added a cool sign above, I got from the Harriet Hageman campaign slogan she used when defeating Liz Cheney, (RIDE FOR THE BRAND) liked it enough to incorporate into my ranch.

Also bringing in buried power, about 3/4 of a mile, long run, paid the PUD 30K, contractor to plow it down in 3 feet deep inside conduit it $1.75 per foot, should be coming in any day now.
Meter base is installed and signed off, met with the PUD crew and contractor already, all on auto pilot now

Also added a new RV cooktop/oven with all the chatter of banning gas stoves, trenched on power wires from cabin to meter base, added a horseshoe pit (still needs work) cemented in post for park style BBQ grille, some signage for the shelter etc.

Shelter above

Close up of the serving counter

Pilot Rock BBQ grille, larger HD version with small griddle from Pilot Rock


Post cemented in for grille, set on top, insert a security locking wire and rotate it, then grille no longer comes off, but does spin.


Meter base in, L&I has signed off, installed slip riser from pipe to meter base/load center combo


Wire going in for power to cabin, UF feeder cable inside 1" conduit, goes under footer, end is terminated inside panel, but not trimmed out yet. Other end is buried 1 foo from panel, hook up ends when power comes in. Going to be a 30A 220VAC feeding subpanel


Signage at shelter


The Double J Ranch & Timber Farm.
Member "NWOA" National Woodland Owners Association"


Lots happend in the last year at the ranch. I have brought in power, signed off by inspector and hooked up.
Cost to bring in power, including contractor to plow it in the ground 3 feet deep, about 2/3rds of a mile, just cut through my property, cut the fence for them, didn't want to tear up my nice graveled drive. Repaired fence after done.

Then hooked up my Ranger Station, ran power to a camp host site, this was just a 30A RV hookup. I also ran heavy service down to my well cage along with the full 50A/30A/20A RV hookup and also hired a local well guy to trim out my existing solar well into a full 220V well.

He dug down 4 feet, drilled a hole into well casing for the pitless adapter, then installed a stub for water hookup in the future and a frost free hydrant (hose bib) inside well enclosure.

Power cost total was $35,000 and to just trim out the existing well, included Grundfos 220V pomp, bladder tank and controller (all Grundfos) was $9200.

I retire in 2025 or early 2026 (march be absolute latest, and plan on spending more time there.

I can tell you its so nice to get my items out of the fridge in the ranger shack vs going into cooler inside back of trailer.

So added a nice 10.0 CF fridge. Picked up a nice electric crock pot. Nice to stuff in a bunch of stew meat and bag of mixed vegetables and a packet of McCormicks stew seasoning, start that in the AM, head out for work and come in at the end of the day to smell that nice thick hearty stew all done.

So power to the park shelter, got a counter top ice maker, picked up a nice little blackstone griddle.

Painted my gate Spring Green to match USFS.

So spent lots of money last year, but with retirement looming, getting excited to spend loads more time there.

The Double J Ranch & Timber Farm.
Member "NWOA" National Woodland Owners Association"


A few more pictures, kitchen with new fridge, RV hookups (have 6 campsites, 3 will have power)
The Double J Ranch & Timber Farm.
Member "NWOA" National Woodland Owners Association"


That looks like a great spot to spend your retirement !!! ffcool
IDRY Vacum Kiln, LT40HDWide, BMS250 sharpener/setter 742b Bobcat, TCM forklift, Sthil 026,038, 461. 1952 TEA Fergusan Tractor

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