iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Installing 5V roofing tin

Started by WV Sawmiller, March 30, 2024, 11:16:27 AM

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A half pint to a gallon —-16:1. That would make my 1-76 McCulloch happy.
Oliver Durand
"You can't do wrong by doing good"
It's OK to cry.
I never did say goodby to my invisible friend.
"I woke up still not dead again today" Willy
Don't use force-get a bigger hammer.

WV Sawmiller

   I use 1 pint to 6 gallons on everything I run (50:1) - Outboard motor, chainsaw, weedeater

   I got my 5V tin yesterday and a roll of 15pound roofing felt and a couple pieces of drip edge so not just need to haul it up the mountain and make the replacement.
Howard Green
WM LT35HDG25(2015) , 2011 4WD F150 Ford Lariat PU, Kawasaki 650 ATV, Stihl 440 Chainsaw, homemade logging arch (w/custom built rear log dolly), JD 750 w/4' wide Bushhog brand FEL

Dad always said "You can shear a sheep a bunch of times but you can only skin him once

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