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Clark skidder won't move

Started by Hmlogging, October 30, 2023, 06:10:33 PM

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We have a Clark skidder that has set had no issues prior to parking it. Now it not engaging in shifting forward or backward the rear end we can sway side to side.
If anyone has experienced this with a Clark skidder let me know, or have worked on Clark skidders throw us some thoughts on what it could be!


Is this a std or hydro?
Year of skidder?
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79

B.C.C. Lapp

Might be that you'll get more answers if you post this under Forestry and Logging.   I got a few ideas but I'll let the guys that know Clarks best take the lead.
Listen, or your tongue will make you deaf.


I'm not familiar with Clark's. Is it a hydro transmission? It sounds like maybe the charge pump isn't getting oil to it.
Too many irons in the fire


Clark power shift? Has cable shift. My cables would freeze up. If it is look on the side of the trans near the engine. You can pull the pin for the cable. Shift and engage the spool itself. 


what year and model, If the older ones that has a parking park on the drive shaft see if that stuck, but I would guess the charge pump is not lifting oil to the tranny , hook onto the machine with something and pull real easy to see if something is seized but easy incase something did break , donot laugh I seen a 664 drop the out side gear hub after being parked and skidder would not move cause sun gear dropped to low to mess and threw the 3 other gears out of sink


i have a 664c that would not go into gear and it was a linkage problem. you might want to check to see if the FNR selector is making a full stroke and it is in either w or t 


Another thing that is similar, I had a 666 that would not move until it hit operating temp of 180. Took quite a while.
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