iDRY Vacuum Kilns


That did not take long

Started by thecfarm, April 09, 2023, 08:45:03 AM

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We was going somewheres, and down by the stone wall I saw a porky pine.
I was dressed in my good clothes.  ;D
So back up to the house to get my grandmother's 22. 
I shot it and left it there and went to town.
Maybe gone 2 hours.
When we got home there was 2 turkey vultures there by it.
They roosted up in a tree down by the road when it started to get dark.
I will leave it there for them to clean up.
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


It's a mystery to me how they can detect the odor of death so soon.  ???
Knothole Sawmill, LLC     '98 Wood-Mizer LT40SuperHydraulic   WM Million BF Club Member   WM Pro Sawyer Network

It's Weird being the Same Age as Old People

Never allow your "need" to make money to exceed your "desire" to provide quality service.....The Magicman


Nothing will get between me and dispatching a porkie on my property, I could be in a tuxedo/suit off to a wedding rolling out and if I see one of those things il come after it with the nearest stick I can find on the ground and up the tree after it. 


 I'm the odd man out, I never bother them. I used to shoot every one I saw, but not anymore. I guess I've gone soft😊

If one was hanging around the yard it might have to be dealt with, just because of our dogs. And, they can be incredibly destructive on a stand of timber.
Too many irons in the fire


I'm in the same camp in the u.p. unless I feel they are close enough to the cabin to present a hazard to the dogs. If they are in a maintained area, they gotta go.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


With me it's for timber reasons, I don't enjoy needing to rid of them, but there's too dang many and they go after the trees I do not want them to(oak,pine, tamarack). If they ate balsam firs I'd leave them be and even try to increase their numbers but they don't touch it. I don't have much red oak but the few I do have seems to be a couple porkies a year that tries to eat them. They can sniff out a singular tree out of a stand like no other it seems. 

Old saw fixer

We don't have porcupines where I live, thank goodness.  However the buzzards are here year round and will quickly gather on carrion, as will the opossums.  
Stihl FG 2, 036 Pro, 017, HT 132, MS 261 C-M, MSA 140 C-B, MS 462 C-M, MS 201 T C-M
Echo CS-2511T, CS-3510
Logrite Cant Hook (with log stand), and Hookaroon


Those buzzards are nasty.  When they get hungry enough they will go after live animals, have watched them kill hens and went after a newborn calf one time.  I have no affection for them. 
Franklin buncher and skidder
JD Processor
Woodmizer LT Super 70 and LT35 sawmill, KD250 kiln, BMS 250 sharpener and setter
Riehl Edger
Woodmaster 725 and 4000 planner and moulder
Enough cows to ensure there is no spare time.
White Oak Meadows


Quote from: thecfarm on April 09, 2023, 10:11:36 AM
A story.
I worked picking veggies, splitting wood, driving tractor etc one summer. I worked with a bunch of 20 year olds. I was in my late 50's. The young ones would grab 2 boxes and head for the truck on a trot. I would grab one and walk. I would always say, I will catch up to ya.  ;D
One day we was picking something and one of the young ones said, Hey Ray look. I looked where he was pointing and saw a porky pine. I took off running with a knife that we were using to cut the zucchini with, had a 6 inch blade.
This one was much more aware of it's surrounding. As soon as I took off, it did too. There was a dead hemlock close by, up the tree it went and I was right behind it. I stabbed it a few times and it fell out of the tree. I climbed down and finished it off. Not a great way to die, but them things will destroy anything.
Back to the shop we go. Little did I know, the Young One was quite surprised about The Old Man.
We got back and he could not wait to tell the boss, I saw Ray run!!!!
And the story was told.

Oh yea on the oak.
Should plant fruit trees and see what happens.
I can still hear my Father swearing at them things when they would "prune" his fruit trees.
Sounds like your just as or more motivated as me to get them lol 
Not sure I'd use a 6 inch blade though they get their tail flapping around might get couple quills


 Ray, your story reminded me of a friend that had an obsessive need to kill beavers and tear their dams out. To the point where I would start to feel kind of nervous, he was exhibiting behaviors I hadn't seen in him before😂 I'm thinking your coworker was maybe thinking the same when you took of at a run and climbed a tree to knife a porky! 😂😂😂
Too many irons in the fire


Right where I am we have virtually no porkies. I was deer hunting at Ft. Drum near Watertown, NY once and saw a hemlock tree with a bunch of green branch tips on the ground. Looked up and there was a porky sleeping out on a branch. It occured to me that porkies may help wintering deer in areas of mature forest by clipping browse for the deer.



2012 Homebuilt Bandmill
1959 Detroit built Ferguson TO35


Vultures have gone. Maybe they want it to ripen more.
But something moved it about 50 feet.
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


Here's a vulture story.  Was out in the redwoods one day with my two dogs.  Normally nothing scared them and they did not hesitate to take on anything when together.  I was coming up on a great big goosepen stump with the dogs in the lead.  They go around to the down hill side and I see them both stand back with worried looks.  I come easing around the stump with great caution to peek in the goosepen and am assaulted by the most terrible smell.   I step back and give the stump a wider berth still moving around.  Finally I get to where I can see in and there is the most awfully ugly pale snake looking thing hissing away at us.  It took me a few moments to realize what we we looking at was a vulture chick with downy feathers sitting in its nest.  The dogs and I were out of there upwind.

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