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JD 440B diffs

Started by arojay, January 23, 2025, 10:53:35 PM

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Hey all, I'm not new but I haven't been around much for a while.

The front diff on my powershift machine has started leaking at the yoke seal.  The diffs are not like what is shown in my repair manual, but are the same as JD Parts online, where the front and rear are the same but the front can lock/unlock.  Before I start, I'm wondering if there is preload on the support yoke bearing or just torque the nut to spec. when installing the driveline yoke.  Anybody done this job?
440B skidder, JD350 dozer, Husqvarnas from 335 to 394. All spruced up


Just torque the nut. It has two tapered
roller bearings with a precision spacer between them.


Thanks Grampa.  I kind of suspected that but wanted some confirmation.
440B skidder, JD350 dozer, Husqvarnas from 335 to 394. All spruced up

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