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Clark Ranger 666D

Started by barbender, January 24, 2025, 12:43:54 PM

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 I'm looking at a Clark 666D grapple skidder. I know some of you have experience with these machines. Things to look for? Detroit 453N power, Powershift tranny, long frame. 
Too many irons in the fire


So it should be part of 1985 and older cause later part of 1985 they put the 5.9 cummins in it , Had a 666D short frame with cummins from 1985 , Best skidder I ever had period , Just was go to work and work, Never hardly ever put a wrench to anything on it , mine was cable thou, I have been looking for another one to work down here but they are hard to find


Sorry Barbender, not much help here.  Local guy had a couple Clark 664 Ranger skidders.  One was a parts/rebuild machine (needed a.motor I believe) the other was the workhorse.  He had a JD440 too. The JD got to live onside between jobs, the Clark went from job to job.  I asked him once why that was. He said that the Clark always started and worked, the 440 would too, but required more care.

He feel on some rough times and had the machines for sale.  Someone bought both the Clarks (they were more $ too) so he kept the 440 for small lots and firewood.  He got out of the woods shortly thereafter.
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Stephen Alford

   Years ago ran a 666D . Late winter we were hauling on the frost so about 2:30 am .  Had to cross a bridge over a creek then up a rather steep incline . It was icie so tractor trailer and skidder all chained up .  I was pushing with the skidder .  Got part way lost footing and both of us slid back down the hill , not a wheel stopped turning on truck and skidder . I had two wheels on the bridge and two  wheels down in the creek .  For moment there was lots of coal smoke . Then all of sudden we started back up the hill .  Made er to the top ... two things happened that night , I never touched the clutch and I was some impressed with that machine .... 453 turbo    🙂


In my opinion best skidders ever made. Long frame will be super stable.

Clark trannys have been bulletproof for me, winches are awesome if it has one. Not sure if that one has the skeleton style grapple or not but im not a fan of those. Never ran one but they dont look very rugged.

Parts are availible and cheap at least for my 664 and g67. Lots of off the shelf stuff on them as well. I prefer the cummins in my g67 over the detroit in the 664 mostly because of noise.

Axles are basically unbreakable. Overall clark built heavy rugged simply designed machines. Working on them is simple easy acsess for the most part.

Also the clark style hyd. Cylinders are rediculously easy to repack. The rod nut is held in with a retainer pin/snap ring so takes seconds to pull the parts off the rod.

Edit: on things to look for other then normal used skidder stuff. Keep an eye on the torque/tranny temp 250 is MAX it shouldnt really get there if everything ia right and check the breathers after its running and warmed up. If the breather on the torque converter is pushing fluid out it can be a laundry list of things but none of them are good. Also converter lockup and detroits can be finiky if the engine isnt tuned right.

There are no electronics involved in shifting so if shifting is funky check cable adjustment/linkage first. On the 28000 the shifing spools are under your left foot (under the floor)


Thanks guys. Ed I believe it is a 666 cable, open cab that is for sale on FB Marketplace that needs head work. Looks decent otherwise.

I don't know what grapple style you would call this, Plankton. It has a seperate hydraulic cylinder on each jaw. It also has a Clark winch on it. 

I'd much rather have a 5.9 Cummins, just because I don't like wearing 2 layers of ear protection. Otherwise I'm fine with a Detroit. 

Stephen, that sounds like a butt puckering good time!😬
Too many irons in the fire

Stephen Alford

Well Mr Barbender that it was . It's probably obvious to a guy like you but when it comes to ol skidder s ... tires are a huge variable , add in decent chains maybe 14/15 k of the purchase price . For an owner operator tire repairs in the bush can be brutal . Look forward to some pics .


I do remember that escapade of tried running some farm tires if IIRC?

This machine doesn't have any chains. Tires are probably at least 50%. New tires would probably cost more than I can buy the skidder for, so I completely get what you're saying!
Too many irons in the fire


barbender, for once a serious question from me!  I've never satin a Clark, is there enough leg / head room for a big fella?
Hakki Pilke 1x37
Kubota M6040
Load Trail 12ft Dump Trailer
2015 GMC 3500HD SRW
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That's a great question, actually! I haven't sat in it yet. I do know, my Pettibone cable skidder has a really low roof that I've given serious thought to raising, because I always have a saw helmet on when running it. The helmet rubs on the roof all day long🤦
Too many irons in the fire


If your on the face book and don't mind traveling East I think there are few kicking around on saw on the market place you, can change the location your search when looking, good luck with your search


I am 6'2 225 and never had a problem fitting in the cab. I was running 666 C&B. So unless the shifter is in a different place, like on n the steering wheel you should be fine. I sat in a 518 and my knee was hitting the shifter all the time. Much preferred my 666. I've also heard the 453T really cuts down on the noise. Not sure how hard it is to turn the regular 453 into a turbo.
a man is strongest on his knees

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