The smell of sawdust is in the air! And so is the sound of lumber being milled.

Started by Mike@Norwood, April 28, 2012, 01:03:52 PM

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The NEW 2012 Norwood Portable Sawmills Catalog and the NEW 2012 Norwood Demo DVD are in. If you haven't received yours, give us a shout and we'll mail them out to you right away!

What's new in 2012 at Norwood? LOTS! Here's just some of the new Norwood equipment available this spring:

1. A full selection of hydraulic and power attachments for the LumberMate Pro MX34.
2. A trailer/support jack system for the LumberLite ML26.
3. Rapid dogging & rolling systems for both the MX34 and ML26.
4. Board offloading roller systems for both the MX34 and ML26.
5. New log skidding equipment.
6. The all-new BladeMate Pro blade sharpener.

To get your FREE 2012 Norwood Portable Sawmills Info Kit, including free DVD and free full-color 40-page catalog –

– Call 1-800-661-7746 today or drop us a line at and let us know your full name and address! We'll get that out to you right away.

P.S. You can reach us Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time.

P.P.S. If you can't wait until you see your free copy of the new 2012 Norwood catalog arrive in your mailbox, feel free to copy and paste this link in your browser --

For the latest price list, copy and paste this link in your browser --