2014 Lake States Logging Congress & Equipment Expo

Started by Grandedog, August 28, 2014, 05:54:13 PM

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Well, Casey and I are making the I80 run to Oshkosh with some Lucas Mills for the Lakes States show. Haven't been to Oshkosh for about 50 years. We used to ice fish for walleye there. I remember driving on the ice at a certain spot in Oshkosh and driving towards some smoke stacks on the east side of the lake. 3.2 miles out and start drilling. Nothing like walleye on the grill fresh out of the ice. You know how fishing is, some days we ate brats.
Anyways, I hope to see you there.
Gregg Grande
Left Coast Supplies LLC
1615B South Main Street  Willits, CA 95490
888-995-7307  Ph 707-602-0141                   Fax 707-602-0134  Cell 707-354-3212
E-Mail  gregg@leftcoastsupplies.com   www.leftcoastsupplies.com



It seemed like a good turn out to me. Some folks mentioned that it was larger in the past. I would imagine that it had been smaller in the past also, goes with the industry. I would say that there were 30, or 40 people there that hadn't seen a swingblade before. I did learn that cottonwood has a distinct odor. At least we were the furthest ones west that were cutting it. I was wearing my red suspenders, and with the smell in my clothes, I have to wonder if the motel maids thought I was the clown at the local rodeo. Going to cut this short, I've got to get up early tomorrow to take Casey to the airport in SF. He's flying back to Milwaukee to pick up the mills and then he's heading for Starkesville  and the next show.
Gregg Grande
Left Coast Supplies LLC
1615B South Main Street  Willits, CA 95490
888-995-7307  Ph 707-602-0141                   Fax 707-602-0134  Cell 707-354-3212
E-Mail  gregg@leftcoastsupplies.com   www.leftcoastsupplies.com