iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Crosscut saw

Started by 123maxbars, January 09, 2016, 10:10:07 PM

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Brought the old crosscut saw out today for a workout
Sawyer/Woodworker/Timber Harvester
Woodmizer LT70 Super Wide, Nyle L53 and 200 kiln, too many other machines to list.
Youtube page
Out of the


That would be a work out for sure,
only have a few chain saws I'm not suppose to use, but will at times, one dog Dolly, pretty good dog, just not sure what for yet,  working on getting the gardening back in order, and kinda thinking on maybe a small bbq bizz,  thinking about it,

yukon cornelius

What a coincidence, my son and I got out my grandpas cross cut yesterday and started a new handle for it. thanks for sharing the video!
It seems I am a coarse thread bolt in a world of fine threaded nuts!

Making a living with a manual mill can be done!

Bark Beetle

That is a nice one. Its awesome that it still has a top handle.
You don't work wood, you work with wood.


nice :) they say the handles are worth more than the saws    is that true


Last I knew, handles were still available..
south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others


Great video, thank you! I think handles are available at a couple places, but somehow I just like the idea of making them myself just a little more
I believe in the hereafter, because every time I take two steps into the tool crib to get something I wonder " what did I come in here after"

If nothing else I'm always a good last resort or the guy to hold up as a bad example


Loved your video . you dont know how much you resembled my granddad .red flannel and a crosscut.


Thanks for the comments and watching, I am really enjoying the video making process and hope to get better.
Sawyer/Woodworker/Timber Harvester
Woodmizer LT70 Super Wide, Nyle L53 and 200 kiln, too many other machines to list.
Youtube page
Out of the


Great video, Great saw! Where can I get one?

blackfoot griz

Thanks for sharing your video. In my 20's, I worked in the Bob Marshall Wilderness here in MT.  A lot of time was spent using a one and two man crosscut  saw. Steve was a coworker/guide/ packer/wrangler and we got pretty good at sawing as a team. I was attending the University of Montana and he caught up with me on campus. The Forestry department was getting ready for their annual Forester's ball and they had a crosscut competition. We won it!

I always appreciated Steve for his respect of the "old days". Once a year, he insisted on taking his old octagon barreled, open sighted 30-30 hunting. It was to honor his grandfather, who gave him the rifle when he was a kid.
Thanks for rekindling some great memories!

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