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How clean is your house?

Started by wildtmpckjzg, September 13, 2023, 09:56:26 PM

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Ok, so something that has been getting to me for some time is housework!

I am rubbish at it, my house is only ever tidy when I am expecting company and as much as I look around it and think ' wow, I really need to clean up' I just don't seem to be able to do it.

I am busy, I work shifts both in a job and doing a placement for my uni course, I also have some online work I do on a rota, I have to otherwise I cannot afford to live.

I've got 2 children who I encourage to clean up after themselves, but let's face it if I don't lead by example how can I expect them to be tidy?

Please tell me I am not alone on this? I have just had 2 days off and all I have managed to do is some washing up, a load of washing and sort through some paperwork (only because I lost something I needed!).

I feel like such a failure, WHY can't I just get on and do it like other people?

Is anyone else the same or is it just me who is a lazy so and so?


Quote from: wildtmpckjzg on September 13, 2023, 09:56:26 PM
Ok, so something that has been getting to me for some time is housework!

I am rubbish at it, my house is only ever tidy when I am expecting company and as much as I look around it and think ' wow, I really need to clean up' I just don't seem to be able to do it.

I am busy, I work shifts both in a job and doing a placement for my uni course, I also have some online work I do on a rota, I have to otherwise I cannot afford to live.

I've got 2 children who I encourage to clean up after themselves, but let's face it if I don't lead by example how can I expect them to be tidy?

Please tell me I am not alone on this? I have just had 2 days off and all I have managed to do is some washing up, a load of washing and sort through some paperwork (only because I lost something I needed!).

I feel like such a failure, WHY can't I just get on and do it like other people ?

Is anyone else the same or is it just me who is a lazy so and so?
NAE Cleaning Solutions
thanks you for your time and suggestions. 


You ever seen a head stone where the inscription mentioned how tidy of a house the person kept?  Focus on your family, improve your lives, enjoy the time you have.  That's the important stuff, the rest will settle in.  
Franklin buncher and skidder
JD Processor
Woodmizer LT Super 70 and LT35 sawmill, KD250 kiln, BMS 250 sharpener and setter
Riehl Edger
Woodmaster 725 and 4000 planner and moulder
Enough cows to ensure there is no spare time.
White Oak Meadows

Walnut Beast

Don't sweat it! Just clean a few things and feel good about it and don't get overwhelmed by trying to get it all done at once. 


I feel your pain! I moved at the first of the month and still trying to find a home for 'stuff'. Now I have company coming tomorrow and he is bringing his wife so I definitely need to get after it. :D What Walnut Beast said.
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


You might find it really helpful to hire a maid service to come in once a month and get the place really clean.  It is easier to keep a clean home clean.  I'm the same as you BTW.  I have no interest in the housework and keep a kitchen clean but otherwise a bit messy and floors need washing and windows cleaning.  I'd rather work a few hours more and pay someone to do it that does it well.  That's me.  Not a great solution ...not free.  
Liking Walnut


Quote from: sawguy21 on September 14, 2023, 01:10:38 AM
I feel your pain! I moved at the first of the month and still trying to find a home for 'stuff'. Now I have company coming tomorrow and he is bringing his wife so I definitely need to get after it. :D What Walnut Beast said.
I like what George Carlin had to say about "stuff". Lol

Raider Bill

Quote from: sawguy21 on September 14, 2023, 01:10:38 AM
I feel your pain! I moved at the first of the month and still trying to find a home for 'stuff'. Now I have company coming tomorrow and he is bringing his wife so I definitely need to get after it. :D What Walnut Beast said.
Have her straighten things out while you and your buddy are playing golf.
The First 70 years of childhood is always the hardest.
My advice on aging gracefully... ride fast bikes and date faster women, drink good tequila, practice your draw daily, be honest and fair in your dealings, but suffer not fools. Eat a hearty breakfast, and remember, ALL politicians are crooks.


You need to find the in your mind sweet spot - Clean enough to be healthy and safe, and dirty enough to be happy.
W-M LT40HDD34, SLR, JD 420, JD 950w/loader and Woods backhoe, V3507 Fransguard winch, Cordwood Saw, 18' flat bed trailer, and other toys.


old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


When I was in my 20's a good friend advised me to invest the $ in a twice-monthly maid service.  I've never regretted spending that $.
Peterson 10" WPF with 65' of track
Smith - Gallagher dedicated slabber
Tom's 3638D Baker band mill
and a mix of log handling heavy equipment.


Back when I was in my 20's and working a lot of hours I dated a women that her and her mom had a cleaning business mostly commercial accountants but some home accountants. They came to my house every Friday when I was gone trucking and cleaned my house. Even after we stopped dating I still hired there crew to clean my house.  


I don't know how old your kids are, but in my household with a 5 year old, 3 year old, and infant we have a "pick up" time between dinner and bedtime. Once the house is picked up, they get a treat whether it's an applesauce pouch, scoop of ice cream, toast with nutella, etc. Most people would call it dessert, but we use it as positive reinforcement to get things cleaned up at the end of the day. At the same time I'm cleaning up the kitchen and my reward is a beer or mixed drink :) My 3 year old has an affinity for treats so I usually don't have to tell her start cleaning, but she is quick to tell me when she's done  :D We don't clean every night, but it is a great habit to get into. A maid service is great for those deep cleans, but we just do deep cleans twice a month on a Saturday usually: vacuum, dust, bathroom scrub, bedding, towels, clean out the fridge, etc.

Remember, a dirty house is a house filled with love and most people understand that.


'Do it once, do it right'

'First we shape our buildings, then our buildings shape us'
Living life on the Continental Divide in Montana


Just pick one spot at a time,  clean it until it is done. It's a victory small ones add up over the long haul. My place doesn't resemble what it looked like 25 years ago. Lots of changes a little at a time. Oh yeah and it's kind of messy...


My children were very young.  A friend was visiting and asked, "Is your house always this neat?"  We said, "Yes, it's just like this most of the time."

Later as the kids got a bit older, we both noticed at different times our house didn't look like that anymore.   

Now it's just the two of us, the house is much neater.   

I'm not "blaming the kids", I'm blaming our priorities at the time.  I wouldn't change a thing.  We enjoyed raising our children and spent lots of time with them. The house "neatness" suffered.  

There's unorganized and organized then there's clean and not so much.  Our home has usually stayed clean but has seen its fair time in the disorganized end of the spectrum.

Keep your priorities right.  There's light at the end of the tunnel!  
Woodmizer LT50, WM BMS 250, WM BMT 250, Kubota MX5100, IH McCormick Farmall 140, Husqvarna 372XP, Husqvarna 455 Rancher


My project/tasklist is pages long.  It's overwhelming to look at.  Same goes for cleaning.  The only thing I can figure to do, is make a few priorities on the list, pick one, and dedicate an hour to just that one thing.  Whether it's working on a project, or sorting the papers on your desk, just go after one thing.  It's just like how you eat and elephant - one bite at a time.  You get a sense of accomplishment from finishing one thing.  I can start 50 things, but it's focusing and finishing one that has to be the goal.  Then the next one.
Anything someone can design, I can sure figure out how to fix!
If I say it\\\\\\\'s going to take so long, multiply that by at least 3!


Really hard cleaning a cluttered house.  Stuff piled on every horizontal surface....

Simple living is not just a buzz word its a life style.  Get rid of the junk.

Roomba really likes all wood and tile floors.  She can zip right along doing a good job.  A well designed HVAC system that traps dust.  Think "Take Steps To Save Steps" from somebody right here in the forum, YH!

A little outside help is always welcome, an hour of my work will pay for 3 hours of house cleaning.

Now.....lets talk about how cleaning my shop!  I need lots and lots of help there!!!!!
Larry, making useful and beautiful things out of the most environmental friendly material on the planet.

We need to insure our customers understand the importance of our craft.


We have three dogs and a cat in the house so pet hair is our problem.  My wife has asthma and we put in laminate flooring so the hair really shows up.  I bought one of the robot vacs a couple of months ago and that thing helps a lot.  It is $150 model from WalMart that had good ratings.  It will run about 2 hours on a charge and clean 1500 sq ft on the main floor.  It goes under the bed and table and does a really good job rounding up hair, dust, and dirt.  It returns to base to recharge.  I have to manually empty it after a cycle, but the higher end units will self dump.  It certainly helps with keeping things cleaner.

"You may tear down statues and burn buildings but you can't kill the spirit of patriots and when they've had enough this madness will end."
Charlie Daniels
July 4, 2020 (2 days before his death)


We use Roomba too. Pretty impressive how much dust it can collect so have to assume the house is cleaner.

Now if it would just clean out the sliding window tracks this week before the windows get their fall washing. 

There is also an iRobot floor scrubber that does a good job, when sent off after Roomba finishes its job. 
south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others


How often I clean? Well once a friend stopped by and surprised me while I was sweeping the floor. I told him, don't tell anyone you saw me doing this. He replied, don't worry because no one would believe me if I did. 


I happen to enjoy cleaning the house .Clutter makes me crazy,my wife tries to help with that.
We've been together for 30 years and have found the sweet spot.
That's all that matters.
1997 WM Lt30 1999 WM twin blade edger Kubota L3750 Tajfun winchGood Health Work is my hobby.

petefrom bearswamp

Very clean here.
I make the most of the dirt and messes and Wife cleans up
She is very particular.
I am not allowed to clean as I am incapable of meeting her standards.
Works for us.
My shop on the other hand is usually "picked up" and swept, but not too clean.
Kubota 8540 tractor, FEL bucket and forks, Farmi winch
Kubota 900 RTV
Polaris 570 Sportsman ATV
3 Huskies 1 gas Echo 1 cordless Echo vintage Homelite super xl12
57 acres of woodland

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