iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Tree tops after logging

Started by gizmo, June 18, 2018, 07:55:23 AM

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Don P

Uneven ground... I think I just performed a Hamill camel in a bobcat, it needs some memory foam recovery time :D

bullseye, one to check might be the US Forest Products Labs website. They have a woody biomass research dept. Also if you pose the same question to their mailbox sumthins gonna happen.

Ron Scott

Yes, contact the US Forest Service Lab in Madison, WI. Also State Extension Services. There is quite a bit of research and increased uses going on in the biomass areas.

John Mc

Quote from: Southside logger on September 09, 2018, 03:43:25 PMThere are even places where it does not turn white come November.

Yuck! Why would he want to go there?
If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.   - Abraham Maslow


Habitat improvement projects often depend on and specify how logging slash should be treated depending on the species of critter you are trying to attract or help. So a book on habitat improvement would be a place to look for info. In VT the county Forestry Office, Fish and Game Dept, and wildlife organizations like Audubon or Coverts-Woodlands for Wildlife and also hunting organizations all have books and articles that would interest you.


Ron Scott

Also check with the various states with active logging activities. Most have developed Best Management Practices (BMP's) for how the logging slash is to be handled.


Few weeks ago i grazed a blade over the skid trail to my deer stand to collect fresh tracks and make a quieter walk for me. Just cleaned it off really.  

The branch piles from last year had already dried to brittleness and compacted quite a bit, but i ran it over and pushed the fresh scraping up on top the brush to make a twig/dirt/humus mix.  Few days of rain came.  This seems to have really accelerated the topsoil building process.  Which i guess would translate into growing trees in it sooner. 

Aside from how fast the sassafras regen took off, the acre patch ive been experimenting with is looking pretty great.  Sun, water, bugs and fungus seem to make it work. I've tried to facilitate their romance on an accelerated timeline. 
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