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What are you cutting 2024? - pics welcome

Started by Ianab, May 09, 2024, 12:06:13 AM

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I wonder what will happen to our White Birch in the next generation . The harvest now is for Birch poles 2 to 3 inch for decorations , wedding arbors and such . They load them out by the semi load thats a lot of future Birch trees 
A bunch of chainsaws a BT6870 processer , TC 5 International track skidder and not near enough time

Old Greenhorn

That kind of comes down to the stewardship a landowner provides for his trees. You can't blame the cutters for that. On the other hand, before there was any use for those small branches and poles and such, they all went in a burn pile. At least now, that stuff gets used and generates income.
 There is a difference between cutting stuff just for the money while discarding what you can't sell, and cutting stuff and then selling everything you cut for different markets.
 I used to cut damaged trees for Mushroom logs and leave a lot of branches and such that were too small. Now I take those branches and use them for table and stool legs or sell them to a facility that uses them for rustic broom handles while they teach to old art of broom making to school kids. The only things I leave are twigs and buds, which I want to leave anyway.
 White birch are pioneer species here. Clearcut and they grow up, then die, and another species takes over. They don't hang around long.
Tom Lindtveit, Woodsman Forest Products
Oscar 328 Band Mill, Husky 350, 450, 562, & 372 (Clone), Mule 3010, and too many hand tools. :) Retired and trying to make a living to stay that way.  NYLT Certified.
OK, maybe I'm the woodcutter now.
I work with wood, There is a rumor I might be a woodworker.


Now me and Geatbox hold different views on the local decorative birch pole harvest. Perhaps selling crating lumber to the birch pole buyer colors my view😊 but so does the last 15 years of working in the woods where I watched how we ran over many birch saplings that were weeds to us.

Birch is pretty prevalent in the understory of many forests, so it tends to get not noticed, crushed, and ran over.

The best white birch I have seen tends to grow on sites that have a cool, moderated climate. It does nicely when you get up near Lake Superior, as the lake moderates temperatures and that area gets more moisture.

I've read that birch reseeds well on burned sites. On our property, anything Ive scratched open to mineral soil has a lot of birch sprout up.
Too many irons in the fire


Some areas around here white birch will take over an old field, most of the time it's aspen and softwoods. One that comes to mind is just 3 miles away, but it as been since cut off and spruce planted on it. It was not very big birch, it might have been 40 years old. 
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


Days never finished, master got me working, someday master set me free...
Wa supposed to cut wood, got 4 days off and came right back so by proxy it counts.


tule peak timber

Nice pics, I really miss being on the water  ffsmiley
persistence personified - never let up , never let down


Nice pictures Barge, in 2024 I'm sure Barge made more coin that any of us and I'm not joking , that is for real . There is nothing I can say other than your a good man Barge , You are spending alot of time away from your family putting food on the table and a roof over their heads . You are one friend that checks in on me steady to see how I'm doing and feeling as I'm over 2 years last Oct doing treatments . It has not been alot of fun but it is whatever it is . It finally suppose to get cold enough I can start cutting again , Im going real slow as doc's tell me to sit on my butt but when have I ever listen . I got a couple small bushes to cut with fairly good size timber so that will be fun just hope the wind is not crazy like it has been the last week 


Some pics of my winter logging (took these back in 2024, so it should still fit this thread). ffsmiley

The tall white pine in the center was the one I was cutting this day. Looking at it down slight slope, I'd cleared a path last fall to get to it and drop it in.

Felled right where I wanted it to go. ffcool

One right in my logging trail. Little bend in the trunk had to cut around, but got a few good saw logs.

This one in with a cluster of other pine, had to use a few wedges to get it over.

Log pile stacked up, including a few spruce I'd cut also.
Independent Gig Musician and Sawmill Man
Live music act of Sawing Project '23 & '24, and Pig Roast '19, '21, & '24
Featured in the soundtrack of the "Out of the Woods" YouTube video:
"Epic 30ft Long Monster Cypress and Oak Log! Freehand Sawing"

Proud owner of a Wood-Mizer 2017 LT28G19

doc henderson

Looking quite industrious and resinous, Res.! ffcool ffcool ffcool ffcheesy
Timber king 2000, 277c track loader, PJ 32 foot gooseneck, 1976 F700 state dump truck, JD 850 tractor.  2007 Chevy 3500HD dually, home built log splitter 18 horse 28 gpm with 5 inch cylinder and 32 inch split range with conveyor powered by a 12 volt tarp motor


Only pine I have I planted and the moose tore most of them up and bear climb them for cones and break off tops.  :uhoh: Might be 3 or 4 good trees out of 3500 planted. I never planted them in a group, just scattered all over. No difference, they still make targets for molestation by the wild beasts.  ffcheesy I've got probably 50,000 spruce. Survival by the numbers.  ffcheesy I've got a lot of fir to, they grow twice as fast as spruce. Get to around 20" and that's it.
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


All of the white pine I cut on my land wasn't planted. It grew on it's own, and the area I'm cutting in was my family ancestors ginseng field 100 years ago. The ground was hand picked of rock, and made good soil for the trees to grow.

Doc, I'm hoping the resinous (pitchy) pine dries a little bit stacked in the cold before it goes on my mill when it warms up. :sunny:
I cut a few crooked/small black cherry and red maple too. Those are already cut to length and gone through the splitter, ready for the firewood stacks. ffsmiley
Independent Gig Musician and Sawmill Man
Live music act of Sawing Project '23 & '24, and Pig Roast '19, '21, & '24
Featured in the soundtrack of the "Out of the Woods" YouTube video:
"Epic 30ft Long Monster Cypress and Oak Log! Freehand Sawing"

Proud owner of a Wood-Mizer 2017 LT28G19


Locking this thread as it's getting pretty long. Started a new one here.

New Thread

Carry on.  ffsmiley
Weekend warrior, Peterson JP test pilot, Dolmar 7900 and Stihl MS310 saws and  the usual collection of power tools :)

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