iDRY Vacuum Kilns


What are you cutting 2025?

Started by Ianab, January 04, 2025, 06:40:42 PM

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I had a hollow log a few years ago.  It was just shy of 6', and about 18" around.  I plunged a few vertical slits up the length of the log, just bigger tahn the saw bar.  I then cut a little "snoopy" door/hole at the bottom.  set it up on a flat spot on the dirt driveway the same night we were having a bonefire.  Started a nice little fire in snoopy's door.  Not long after than thing was burning from the inside out.  The plunge holes made for some neat "lights". ZERO heat for the house, but plenty of amusement!
Hakki Pilke 1x37
Kubota M6040
Load Trail 12ft Dump Trailer
2015 GMC 3500HD SRW
2016 Polaris 450HO
2016 Polaris 570
SureTrac 12ft Dump Trailer


Granite, my hollow ash tree would have been perfect for that. Too late now as it is all cut to 16" lengths. Might be good for bird houses.
To underestimate old men and old machines is the folly of youth. Frank C.

doc henderson

the small ones are good to cook breakfast on.  set stones or metal rebar on the top to support a cast iron skillet or Dutch oven on to let it ventilate.
Timber king 2000, 277c track loader, PJ 32 foot gooseneck, 1976 F700 state dump truck, JD 850 tractor.  2007 Chevy 3500HD dually, home built log splitter 18 horse 28 gpm with 5 inch cylinder and 32 inch split range with conveyor powered by a 12 volt tarp motor


Made some flower planters out of a hollow log a few years back, cut sections just tall enough to drop potted plants in. ffsmiley
Independent Gig Musician and Sawmill Man
Live music act of Sawing Project '23 & '24, and Pig Roast '19, '21, & '24
Featured in the soundtrack of the "Out of the Woods" YouTube video:
"Epic 30ft Long Monster Cypress and Oak Log! Freehand Sawing"

Proud owner of a Wood-Mizer 2017 LT28G19


 Iced in above Poughkeepsie, waiting our turn till morning. 1wk till freedom. 

David B

Kinda chilly, getting down into the 30s at night. 😁
Machine and welding shop day job, trees after work.

Peter Drouin

I have one, 20" dbh 20' long 12" hole from end to end W oak. I was going to cut it up for firewood. But there's nothing there,  Maybe I'll cut it up in 4' pieces and put it out in the woods for habitat, A rabbit might like it. ffcheesy ffcheesy  
A&P saw Mill LLC.
45' of Wood Mizer, cutting since 1987.
License NH softwood grader.

doc henderson

Maybe they will light it to roast their carrots on.  A Swedish Hare candle.

taz-smiley candle_smiley pull_smiley fire_smiley musteat_1 smiley_chef_hat
Timber king 2000, 277c track loader, PJ 32 foot gooseneck, 1976 F700 state dump truck, JD 850 tractor.  2007 Chevy 3500HD dually, home built log splitter 18 horse 28 gpm with 5 inch cylinder and 32 inch split range with conveyor powered by a 12 volt tarp motor


Robin Hood had it just about right:  as long as a man has family, friends, deer and beer...he needs very little government!
Kioti rx7320, Wallenstein fx110 winch, Echo CS510, Stihl MS362cm, Stihl 051AV, Wallenstein wx980  Mark 8:36



There are some pockets of tall, straight cedar left in this area.  There is one tree on that load that gave me three 12' logs; the top log had an 11" small end diameter.
Robin Hood had it just about right:  as long as a man has family, friends, deer and beer...he needs very little government!
Kioti rx7320, Wallenstein fx110 winch, Echo CS510, Stihl MS362cm, Stihl 051AV, Wallenstein wx980  Mark 8:36

David B

Machine and welding shop day job, trees after work.


That looks really pretty but what is it?

doc henderson

Timber king 2000, 277c track loader, PJ 32 foot gooseneck, 1976 F700 state dump truck, JD 850 tractor.  2007 Chevy 3500HD dually, home built log splitter 18 horse 28 gpm with 5 inch cylinder and 32 inch split range with conveyor powered by a 12 volt tarp motor


I'd say Sunshine Locust. Don't think that I'd want a true Honey Locust that close to the house.
The hurry-er I go the behind-er I get.


Tulip Poplar.  Pic is 26" x 20ft.  In Upper left of pic you can see butt log 32" at base x 20 ft.  Good grief they were tough to get out on the trail.  My tractor and winch worked overtime.

Woodmizer LT35HD, EG 100 Edger, JD4720 with Norse350 winch
Stihl 362, 039, Echo CS-2511T,  CS-361P, MSA 300 C-O


Too many irons in the fire

Tom K

Took advantage of the frozen ground, 2 1/2 logs & 24" DBH


Ground has been frozen so had to get them out before higher temps and rain coming in.  
Woodmizer LT35HD, EG 100 Edger, JD4720 with Norse350 winch
Stihl 362, 039, Echo CS-2511T,  CS-361P, MSA 300 C-O


^^^^^ You guys are cutting some nice logs !   I have mostly junk to cut for firewood making the way for something better. Like this odd shaped 3 stemmed maple blocking the light from the nice pole sized red oak across the trail.



But you are cutting the junk so the good ones can grow. 
I cut junk too.
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


To underestimate old men and old machines is the folly of youth. Frank C.

David B

The yellow wood tree was mimosa/albizia. I was hoping for Osage when I saw the yellow. 
Machine and welding shop day job, trees after work.


Cutting the pasture spruce on my property. Abandoned pasture 60+/- years ago grew these plus a handful of large white pine and some wolf maples. I'll have these cut into timbers for my own use since most sawmills won't accept them as a commercial product. Most of these are 80ft high and about 16-18" dbh.




Most of these are white spruce. Did most of their growing the first 25-30 years. Really slowed in the last half of their life. Guessing because completing trees grew up around them. Most have been nice sound wood. Have almost all of the 4mbf I'm looking for.
Kubota M7060 & B2401, Metavic log trailer, Cat E70B, Cat D5C, 750 Grizzly ATV, Wallenstein FX110, 84" Landpride rotary hog, Classic Edge 750, Stihl 170, 261, 462


Those spruce sure do have a lot of branches. Must take a while to cut them all off. However, nice straight trees.

I also have a pasture that was abandoned about 60 years ago all grown up to trees. Mostly ash, red maple and black birch. Only the ash grew straight enough for saw logs so lots of firewood from the rest.
To underestimate old men and old machines is the folly of youth. Frank C.

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