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Boxed heart beams or not?

Started by Jim_Rogers, October 10, 2003, 05:05:46 PM

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Just pushing this up..great post Jim!
Making somthing idiot-proof only leads to the creation of bigger idiots!


It seems locally here in SW Pa. many architects like to make "Timber frame" reconstructions of old barns into "Post and Beam" w/ their steel plating. I suppose it makes sense if the integrity of the joints is at issue. Personally, I like the beefier and intentional look of the post and beam (as in the trusses photographed above), or the traditional timber frame, but NOT the reconstructions, as the dimension of the steel is all over the place in relation to the dimensions of the timber.

Thanks Jim, good stuff.

There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love to do, there is only scarcity of resolve to make it happen.- Wayne Dyer


I know this is an older thread but just wanted to thank Jim for providing and sharing this information.  Very helpful to my efforts to understand the "art" of milling oak beams and stability expectations.   

Devin Ginther, BSE, PMP, MBA
Texas Urban Sawmill LLC, Owner
Refined Elements LLC, Owner

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