iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Firewood on a Hakki Pilkie 1x37

Started by GRANITEstateMP, April 09, 2017, 10:07:07 PM

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Man, I am so gonna miss the ash trees.  Spent a bit of time the last two weekends cutting dead ash, and unfortunately not dead burning bush, around the processor area.  Every time I think I know about how many are left, I find MORE.  Probably half the wood will go to the processor, the other half either too far gone and into the bonfire pile or up to the farm for the boiler.  Some are covered in ivy, thats always fun too. Good news, once cut and I take out a couple stumps, I'll have another nice tractor trail around part of the property.  Kinda cold out now, got to bring in a bit more firewood to the basement rack, then tip a few more ash.  I found an old stacked granite foundation, it was hidden with all the burning bush, I'm tossing the brush in there, burn it all off, then clean the area up.
Hakki Pilke 1x37
Kubota M6040
Load Trail 12ft Dump Trailer
2015 GMC 3500HD SRW
2016 Polaris 450HO
2016 Polaris 570
SureTrac 12ft Dump Trailer


Test, and I think we have success!!! Houston, the guy with the flip phone has re-learned how to post a pic! Easy peasy

This is the beginning of my mud season log stash, so I can keep delivering even if logs don't come in. I got caught a couple times real low during that time of year, now I try and stay ahead
Hakki Pilke 1x37
Kubota M6040
Load Trail 12ft Dump Trailer
2015 GMC 3500HD SRW
2016 Polaris 450HO
2016 Polaris 570
SureTrac 12ft Dump Trailer


Test 2.0, different way to add pic.

This is the log pile I'm working from. 12' is ideal for the processor and me handling them. Sometimes I have to cut the logs to make them feed easier when its go time. My shorts pile is in the foreground. The shorts take longer to process, but I don't mind, it still makes firewood, and not much waste wood
Hakki Pilke 1x37
Kubota M6040
Load Trail 12ft Dump Trailer
2015 GMC 3500HD SRW
2016 Polaris 450HO
2016 Polaris 570
SureTrac 12ft Dump Trailer


Had a productive day and a half of getting logs moved around.  The pile from yesterday is gone!

All of that is either in my mud season stash, or two shorts piles that'll get worked up next time the processor runs.  My log brow that feeds the processor is full and my mud stash is 3/4 full.  I'll order up another load or two and that'll be a good jump start toward next season
Hakki Pilke 1x37
Kubota M6040
Load Trail 12ft Dump Trailer
2015 GMC 3500HD SRW
2016 Polaris 450HO
2016 Polaris 570
SureTrac 12ft Dump Trailer


no firewood done this week, but I got a new honda put on the 4ft wood splitter, and got most of my newest woodshed sided. Hope to get a little more production on either task tomm
Hakki Pilke 1x37
Kubota M6040
Load Trail 12ft Dump Trailer
2015 GMC 3500HD SRW
2016 Polaris 450HO
2016 Polaris 570
SureTrac 12ft Dump Trailer


Its that time of year again...wood orders were a bit slow at first with the wet spring, that changed this weekend!  3 customers ordered a total of 9 cord, 7 of which I can deliver to without sinking axle deep!  I've had more preorders for campwood than ever before, but the camp ground doesn't open until mid May, which will mean a lot of busy days.  

Landing is ready for next Saturdays first out going order
Hakki Pilke 1x37
Kubota M6040
Load Trail 12ft Dump Trailer
2015 GMC 3500HD SRW
2016 Polaris 450HO
2016 Polaris 570
SureTrac 12ft Dump Trailer


I got 20something cord already delivered, another 22cord of hardwood on order and 8 cord of camp firewood.  The local campgrounds open this weekend and my customers are already reminding me :thumbsup:. I can't get in beforehand so they have learned to get on the waiting list early.  I've been mostly by myself this year, life happens and helping with firewood for no money isn't THAT much fun!  My buddy helps when he can, and we'll help each other get our next winters worth of wood put up, just might take a bit longer
Hakki Pilke 1x37
Kubota M6040
Load Trail 12ft Dump Trailer
2015 GMC 3500HD SRW
2016 Polaris 450HO
2016 Polaris 570
SureTrac 12ft Dump Trailer


cords 31-33, went out this weekend.  I got another 1/2 cord stacked into one of the sheds for myself also.  Gonna be real nice to get ride of all the pallet racks that are nearing the end of there service life
Hakki Pilke 1x37
Kubota M6040
Load Trail 12ft Dump Trailer
2015 GMC 3500HD SRW
2016 Polaris 450HO
2016 Polaris 570
SureTrac 12ft Dump Trailer


Been pretty slow lately, and I'm not complaining! Its been pretty HOT and that zaps my motivation big time.  We got 2 more cord of 22's done today, making that oversized pile shrink a bit.

I got my basement topped off a couple weekends ago, got to cross that off the list.  That also killed off two more pallet racks, got to get them into the burn pile.  Finally did all the belts on the processor, I'd been avoiding that, but had one fail so did them all.   I will try and motivate myself to get the last cord moved from pallets to the front of the new shed, that'll be for this year.  Then on to finishing up next years wood.
Hakki Pilke 1x37
Kubota M6040
Load Trail 12ft Dump Trailer
2015 GMC 3500HD SRW
2016 Polaris 450HO
2016 Polaris 570
SureTrac 12ft Dump Trailer


Not setting the world on fire, but still going. Moved 2 more cords down the road yesterday.  I've got a buddy heading over in abit, we'll work up 2 cords for a customer of his, then me and my son are heading to the local asphalt short track to help crew for a longtime friend.

My cords produced vs last year at this time is down almost 30%.  Not too worried I've had more weekends to do "other" stuff and got more stuff done around the house while making enough extra cash to pay for things.  I could still use an extra hour or two of ME time everyday, but I haven't figured out how to make that happen!
Hakki Pilke 1x37
Kubota M6040
Load Trail 12ft Dump Trailer
2015 GMC 3500HD SRW
2016 Polaris 450HO
2016 Polaris 570
SureTrac 12ft Dump Trailer


As long as it keeps you happy!!!
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


Ray, generally, I'm a pretty happy guy!  Got the 2 cords done, we made good time, not a great day at the races, but we finished 5th and put it in the trailer in 1 piece, not bad.
Hakki Pilke 1x37
Kubota M6040
Load Trail 12ft Dump Trailer
2015 GMC 3500HD SRW
2016 Polaris 450HO
2016 Polaris 570
SureTrac 12ft Dump Trailer

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