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Bellsaw M20 sawmill need holding dog

Started by bolensboneyard, October 29, 2023, 12:30:49 PM

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Anyone know where I can get a holding dog for my bellsaw mill? Thanks Bobby


Not any more. There are many old Bellsaws rusting back in the weeds somewhere and they are worth scrap $. Put yours where people can see it and someone will tell you where another one lies, buy the whole thing.


Do you need the whole assembly with the cam and bracket, or just the dog plate itself? When I went to add a 4th dog to my M24 I had the assembly machined. I probably still have the CAD files for it somewhere I could send you. These days you can send the CAD files to a CNC machine shop with a mill-turn and they can make the parts lickity-split, for way less money than it used to cost for conventional machining.

I think the M24 dog is the same as the M14 (I'm presuming you have and M14), in which case the CAD files would work for you.

Or do as suggested and find one in the weeds. Unfortunately you can never seem to find a parts machine when you're looking for one. And around here, belsaws are sometimes commanding more $$ because folks are using them more and more in conjunction with their bands for a primary breakdown/canting saw. There was an M14 in ok-ish condition listed online near me for $4500 a while ago. I called the guy, prepared to offer half that (which I still thought too much for a belsaw). He had just sold it full price to a nearby operator that specializes in custom white cedar and hemlock - being used in conjuction with his LT70 for primary breakdown.

If he can get that kind of money for a belsaw, it makes me think I need to sell a couple of mine...


I have a m14 taken apart that I'd sell.  Carriage is complete and still assembled. If you are interested we will have to move to the for sale section and follow the forum rules.  
-2x belsaw m14s and a Lane circle mill.


Yes I would be interested. How do I contact you in the for sale section. I will look in the for sale section. I am new and in the older computer challenged group. Bobby

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