iDRY Vacuum Kilns


maple baseball bat controversy

Started by Greg, June 25, 2008, 12:49:06 PM

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Yes, the future brings the smell of popcorn, with no salt or butter, boiled turkey hotdogs, peanuts, in accepted healthy servings of .25 Oz.,  beverages of cold, pure water, from the city water supply, the slap of the rayon ball as it hits the nylon, kapok filled glove, and the ring of Aluminum bats.

Take me out to ballgame!

roger 4400

Hi all. Why they do not use ironwood (ostrya virginiana) that is harder then maple??? But I think that they have specific weight to respect. I made my canthook handles with that wood and never broke one...up to now...have a nice day
Baker 18hd sawmill, massey Ferguson 1643, Farmi winch, mini forwarder, Honda foreman 400, f-250, many wood working tools, 200 acres wooden lots,6 kids and a lovely and a comprehensive wife...and now a Metavic 1150 m14 log loader so my tractor is a forwarder now

Banjo picker

Make them out of sweetgum.  If they do break they won't come apart.  Might be a little crooked though. ;D Tim
Never explain, your friends don't need it, and your enemies won't believe you any way.


I agree about sweetgum.  That stuff certainly will not fly apart.

I think Tom said he made a bat from sweetgum in the past.

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