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photo help

Started by sandersen, February 11, 2014, 08:31:21 PM

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Been trying to post photos but I'm not savvy enough I guess.  i haven't got it running yet but i have a few wants  me to convert jpeg to jpeg.gif, but I'm clueless.  Not too good with computers really.
"Make every step count."


You are savvy enough, just sayin... :)
Go to this link,61788.0.html

That should be the help you need, and your pics in just .jpg format are fine.
First tells how to set up your own gallery and how to upload your pics from your computer into that gallery.
Once the pics are there that you want to post, then tells you how to click on the line below this post window to copy your pics out of your gallery into your post.

Let us know at what point you get any hiccup's and we look forward to seeing your pics.

south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others


Thanks a lot!...I'll try again.
"Make every step count."

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