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General Forestry => General Board => Topic started by: Magicman on June 03, 2018, 06:43:47 PM

Title: -
Post by: Magicman on June 03, 2018, 06:43:47 PM
So how did you use your  -  today?
Title: Re: -
Post by: WV Sawmiller on June 03, 2018, 07:21:13 PM
   Got up and Sampson and I went to flea market, bought 2 pair of gloves to replace HF specials currently in threads, bought 5 replacement glass "bricks" to replace broken (BB gun target?) bricks in my well house, bought fresh bananas, apples & yellow squash from another vendor, visited with several (other?) local derelicts, visited with my 79 y/o chainsaw repair guy who sets up there who has my MS440 in his queue, left and stopped at local country/general store and bought me and Sampson a biscuit (steak for me, plain for him - he did not appreciate that), a couple of 5" grade 5- 3/4 bolts to use as axles to repair my cart (Ones I got at TSC were 6" and too long) and a quart of ATF for mill lube. Got home and moved the mill with JD 750 (broke safety chain towing by it on the drawbar instead of the hitch), washed it, loaded truck and hooked up mill and verified still a go for tomorrow for hopefully 3 day job 15 miles away. Tried dressing my free dirt with FEL blade but still too wet. Added a couple of FEL scoops of sawdust to a wet spot at intersection of my horse and lumber barns. Finished a William Johnstone western, watched a little Gunsmoke, Bluebloods, etc. Rest of the day was probably just wasted.
Title: Re: -
Post by: bags on June 03, 2018, 09:14:52 PM
Spent the morning fix'in hay field fence along the county road--- someone (probably drunk or smoked out on dope) ran down about 150 feet--- left some car parts, then took off. Got rained on before I got it all up and got wet. Back up at the house an hour later and a pilgrim next to my lease called and said two of my bulls got in his place and they drank all the water out of his little gold fish pond, and wanted me to come get the bulls and pay for his fish--- I got wet then too. Got back to the house and a fella that wanted a cant milled at 7 1/2"X10" for Wednesday stopped and wanted his timber. He asked where his lumber was and I told him over there. He said its round--- I said yep, and walked back down to the house--- I got wet then too. ----> sometimes I guess ya just gotta be tuff to live in the rocky mountains.
Title: Re: -
Post by: Southside on June 03, 2018, 11:46:08 PM
In between rain events I set temporary paddock fencing for the weeks cow moves so I don't have to do it during the week, just drop a gate and move um.  Had three cows freshen this past week so three new babies and mommas to keep a close eye on in "personal paddocks".  We don't bottle feed them in pens, rather I keep them on the momma for a while and don't begin to milk her for a couple weeks, at which point it's only once a day for about two months.  Costs me a little milk, but saves a ton of labor and grows awesome heifers.  The first few days with the new calves are usually fun - assuming mom and baby are doing well - they go from just sleeping and eating to being a bucking bronco around day four, and by day 6 or so they are trying to eat grass.  About a week and they go out with the herd and it's not long and you see groups of them playing and all hanging out together with one or two baby sitters while the mommas are out grazing.  

When it was raining I was back inside servicing the moulder for the three orders I need to get done this week.   
Title: Re: -
Post by: thecfarm on June 04, 2018, 06:29:06 AM
Tilled the garden a little,for peppers.I put in some square sides,kinda like a box,but no bottom into the ground.I will lay black plastic over the sides and plant the peppers into them.These sides just keep the water and whatever liquid fertilizer at the plant instead of running all,over the place.Than at 8am, off to The Lilac Festival about an hour away. On a dirt road and off grid.Lots of lilacs,but lots of other plants too. They sell,about an hour there and we head for home. I took a left,instead of a right at the end of thier road. We stopped at Small Falls. Than another left,heading to Rangeley,than a right,Wilson Mills. One of those roads with nothing on it,but logging roads of to the left and right. There was power lines,but no houses for miles. Than we came to 3-4 homes,yep,logging trucks and big garages. ;D Than we came to a small dam with a pipe about 6 feet across that was used to divert water for about a 1000 feet into a building that generated electricity. Off we went again and came to a covered bridge. That took a short side trip. Saw some people fly fishing. Started to see more homes and than the NH border came into view. Came to a stop sign and just like kicking a hornet's nest,people everywhere.We was back in civilization,Errol,NH. Stopped,got something to eat and took a left and headed towards Maine. More logging roads to the left and right,but houses too. Stopped at Grafton Notch,no power along that road. No nothing for logging roads,this is a state pack.Than a left at the end of the road and home at almost 6 pm. This was supposed to be only about a 4 hour trip,home by noon because we had alot to do. Oh well,we had a great time. Than back at the garden,and just about dark,jump on the tractor to haul a load of rock. Into the house at 9:30,little bit of FF time and into bed.