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Health and Safety => Health and Safety => Topic started by: Raider Bill on August 20, 2018, 09:54:27 AM

Title: Eye problem
Post by: Raider Bill on August 20, 2018, 09:54:27 AM
Well crap...

About 2:30 Thursday afternoon after cutting my hair I felt like I had something in my eye. It didn't bother me as a irritant but was in the middle of my vision. Bought a eye cup and tried to flush it out. Used about a quart. Figured I got some trimmings in it.

Looks like I've got a cob web and oil slick in my eye. At least from my point of view.

Friday I went to the eye Doc. It's actually fluid leaking out of my retina which is torn. No idea why.

Eye Doc tried to find me a retina surgeon but it was Friday afternoon.
He finally got me an appointment for today.

Said Bill this is serious and gave me his cell phone number telling me to call him if I have any problem over the weekend day or night. I'm thinking DanG no Dr gives out his personal cell number this must be serious.

So now I'm waiting on pins and needles wearing a pirate patch to see the surgeon this afternoon.

Had a 10 day motorcycle trip planned starting Labor Day now That's not looking good, [pun intended].
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Chuck White on August 20, 2018, 11:58:18 AM
I hate hearing about these things, I'll be pulling for you, Bill! 
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: submarinesailor on August 20, 2018, 12:14:43 PM

While wearing the patch, be real careful about the change in depth perception.  Had a guy work for me who was blind in his right eye and he had to be real careful about pulling out in front of someone while driving.

Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: thecfarm on August 20, 2018, 02:17:41 PM
That's too bad. Never a good time for that to happen.
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: SwampDonkey on August 20, 2018, 04:37:00 PM
Hopefully things will be well with your eye as soon as possible and the Doc will have you patched up.
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Roxie on August 20, 2018, 06:34:35 PM
Now, I'll just bet you make a fine looking pirate.  smiley_bandana

We'll be waiting to hear how you made out with the doc. 

Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Ron Scott on August 20, 2018, 06:47:54 PM
Hope its corrected soon.
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: WDH on August 20, 2018, 07:53:32 PM
I hate it when that happens.........
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Raider Bill on August 21, 2018, 08:46:43 AM
Apparently this happens to some people as we age. I'm one of the lucky ones. Doc says sooner or later the other eye will do the same thing. I hope it waits till this eye clears as it's hard to see out of it. Everything's a blur like there a oil slick flowing around in there.

He said I'm actually lucky because I don't have any bright stars or glare. We're taking a wait and see approach before going in because it hasn't got any worse since Friday. In time he says the blob should settle to the bottom of the eye but that it could take up to a year.

Bruce, you are correct. the patch sure does change depth perception. I'm only to wear it when the eye starts to hurt due to strain trying to see out of it.

This getting old crap ain't for sissy's.
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Roxie on August 21, 2018, 08:52:07 AM
No it isn't.  Bless your heart.
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Magicman on August 21, 2018, 09:25:53 AM
It took several years but mine finally cleared completely. 

This is sorta the same thing that @Jeff (;u=1) is going through with his eye.  Problem is that he has scar tissue across the "seeing" portion of the other eye.  :-\
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Jeff on August 21, 2018, 09:34:07 AM
Yup, thTs why I've been rather scarce on the forum. Very difficult to see print. Mine is still like looking through a screen door with flies on it, and the first eye that tore has a permanant lesion in the center of my field of vision.  I've never heard of wearing a patch for this issue. Where did that come from?
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Raider Bill on August 21, 2018, 09:56:47 AM
The first Doc on Friday. He said to wear it when my eye starts to ache from the strain to give it a rest.
So far I've only used when watching TV, reading or around the house.
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Stephen1 on August 21, 2018, 10:11:03 AM
good luck, a least it is not getting worse. 
Getting old really does suck.
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Sheepkeeper on August 21, 2018, 10:22:41 PM
I've been dealing with the same thing since January. It doesn't hurt but it can be a real pain at times trying to read around the shadow. I can get it to move out of the way but it won't stay there. Eye doc says it will shrink over time. I sure hope so.
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Brucer on August 22, 2018, 01:15:51 AM
I had a torn retina repaired about 12 years ago. Fortunately the tear was right on the very edge of my field of vision.

I started getting a lot of black dots slowly falling across my line of sight (drops of blood it turns out). Got an emergency appointment with my optometrist that afternoon (3:00 PM on a Friday). Optometrists could see the tear starting and got me an emergency appointment with the ophthalmologist that same afternoon (6:00 PM -- he stayed late). Dr told me it was definitely a tear and needed to be fixed ASAP or the retina could detach. When could he do that, I wondered. Right now!

He used a laser and basically tack-welded the edges of the tear to the back of my eye. It was exactly as though he was playing a video game, joy sticks and all. A little unnerving but I haven't had a problem yet.

And yes, it was an age thing :(.
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Jeff on August 22, 2018, 04:36:54 PM
The hundreds of black spots in my vision have not subsided much since this episode began the Saturday before the 4th of July.   One word I keep seeing wrong because of them is kinda funny.  
looks like
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: WDH on August 22, 2018, 07:57:18 PM
He is a bit on the thin side.  Body wise that is :D. 
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Magicman on August 22, 2018, 09:42:42 PM
I went back to when My Eye went Screwy ( and found many parallels with what I had and what Jeff and Bill are experiencing.  Thankfully after a year or more, mine has completely cleared up.
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: petefrom bearswamp on August 23, 2018, 10:21:37 AM
Hope all goes OK with you Bill
I have had a big one in my left eye since 2013 right after my cataract surgery.
Doc calls it a vitreous detachment.
Eye doc says it will settle in time
No change so far.
Also a gnat in my right eye for about 15 years. 
ain't old age great? But Bill you aren't there yet.
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: YellowHammer on August 23, 2018, 01:14:50 PM
I hope both (all) you guys with eye issues get well.  
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Chuck White on August 24, 2018, 06:49:19 PM
Pete; My brother (the one that went with me when I bought your mill) had cataract surgery a couple months ago and his is still fading in and out, and he has to wear dark glasses when it's sunny out!

He says it's getting "slightly" better!
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Ron Scott on September 26, 2019, 03:04:59 PM
Had cataract surgery on the right eye yesterday so doing light duty today. Had to wait until after bear season to get it done. Will have the left eye done in a couple weeks. All is well so far.
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: SwampDonkey on September 26, 2019, 03:53:39 PM
Dad's uncle had his done back in the 80's, he made out good. You'll be fine. :)
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Raider Bill on September 27, 2019, 08:09:17 AM
My update a year later..
Blob is still there. Doesn't seem to be going away.
Few months ago I was getting flashes from what appeared to be around the edge. That went on for about a week then stopped.
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Ron Scott on October 10, 2019, 05:15:03 PM
Had the left eye cataract surgery done yesterday so still on light duty for awhile.
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: randy d on October 10, 2019, 06:40:17 PM
About 2 yrs ago my vision crossed and I had MRI and other tests and they couldn't find what happened. Then a friend said he had this happen and his doc said to take A reds 2 supplement. I started taking that and my vision went back to normal. Most Pharmacies have it over the counter as does Wal-mart.. I still am taking it as this supplement is for your eyes. I am a believer in A Reds 2. To all of you that have eye problems I know it can be hard to deal with. The best of luck to all of you. Randy
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: SwampDonkey on October 11, 2019, 12:09:41 PM
Mom takes it for macular degeneration, recommended by the eye doc. But it's no cure, slows the degeneration at most, apparently. Mom doesn't think so. :D
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: samandothers on October 11, 2019, 07:15:12 PM
Ron you've had some recent medical stuff going on!   Hope you heal well and get back to normal soon.
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Ron Scott on October 13, 2019, 12:30:44 PM
Old age isn't helping either. ;)
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Banjo picker on October 13, 2019, 09:11:51 PM
This eye problem stuff must be catching.  I had a macular hole repaired in my right eye about a month ago or so.  I spent a miserable week or so with my head down...slept on a massage table on my belly for a week.  After I went back for my one week check up, she told me that the gas they put in my eye had really caused my cataract to grow rapidly.  I am basically blind in my right eye right now.  Got to go back to see the surgeon again tuesday.  She has already sent me to a dr. that will remove the cataract...I got to go for preop the 28th of this month.  I hope the removal of the cataract will give me at least some of my sight back.  I am trying to get what I have obligated myself to do done before the next surgery.  

My depth perception is screwed up.  I was unloading some logs off my trailer and got two of my deck boards along with one of the logs.  Deck needed replaced, but I just was not ready to do it just yet.  Banjo
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Pine Ridge on October 17, 2019, 08:22:15 AM
Quote from: randy d on October 10, 2019, 06:40:17 PM
About 2 yrs ago my vision crossed and I had MRI and other tests and they couldn't find what happened. Then a friend said he had this happen and his doc said to take A reds 2 supplement. I started taking that and my vision went back to normal. Most Pharmacies have it over the counter as does Wal-mart.. I still am taking it as this supplement is for your eyes. I am a believer in A Reds 2. To all of you that have eye problems I know it can be hard to deal with. The best of luck to all of you. Randy
I just turned 51, and have always had perfect vision until about a year ago, one eye or the other blurry at times, cant read writing on bottom of tv screen at times because its blurry and so on. I read this topic a little over a week ago and saw you mentioned a reds 2, i'd never heard of it. I looked into it a little and picked up the equate brand of it at walmart to give it a try. I can actually see better and tell a difference after only a few days of taking it.

Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Ed_K on November 13, 2019, 04:33:27 PM
 Rita had cataract surgery on her left eye on monday. Wow what a difference! She went from almost not seeing to 20-25. I am so happy for what the eye surgeon's can do these days. She'll get the right one done on the 25th. Probably see better than me then  thumbs-up.
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Roxie on November 13, 2019, 06:08:02 PM
That is wonderful news! 
Title: Re: Eye problem
Post by: Ron Scott on November 17, 2019, 10:38:41 PM
Yes, it sure makes a difference. Especially notice the improvement now while deer hunting. ;)