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General Forestry => General Board => Topic started by: lxskllr on August 25, 2018, 05:13:18 PM

Title: Old Timers - Do You Ever Get Tired of Seeing Trees Fall?
Post by: lxskllr on August 25, 2018, 05:13:18 PM
A few weeks ago I had to cut a cherry that was on my sight line. It was only 4"-5"D, but 30'-40' tall. I took it out with my machete, but when it was coming down, I was like a little kid  :^O  \o/  It was a big thrill for a few seconds, but kind of stuck with me. You ever lose the wonder of causing big things to come down?

I've been wondering lately if I missed my calling. As a kid, I used to marvel at the guys up in trees, and thought it was a really cool thing to do. I forgot about it at some point, and got into surveying by accident. Can't really complain about the path I took. I've seen lots of cool things, and have had experiences most people going to work in boxes will never have, but lately. I've been wanting to get into trees. Problem is I'm getting old and decrepit. Too late for a career change I think, but I'm doing what I can on my property. and seeing trees fall is still an amazing experience. Perhaps being an amateur keeps it fresh and exciting?
Title: Re: Old Timers - Do You Ever Get Tired of Seeing Trees Fall?
Post by: Logger RK on August 25, 2018, 10:02:19 PM
Felling the ones to big for the machines still gets the blood flowing pretty good. They usually make a pretty loud noise when they hit the ground. And getting out of the way of any stray fallout makes it interesting still. I guess when it's not fun anymore it's time to give it up. But I don't foresee that for many years. 
Title: Re: Old Timers - Do You Ever Get Tired of Seeing Trees Fall?
Post by: thecfarm on August 26, 2018, 05:19:08 AM
I have fell some big ones,3 feet across was normal,had some over 4 feet to. Had to saw a "road" for them to fall into. Kinda feel the ground shake when they fall. Even smalls one are fun to see fall. I aim for a spot and my aim is true. Most of the time. :o  The big ones when they start to go,I shut the saw off to hear the noise. All I hear is the noise of the tree in the air,than the noise really happens when the tree comes in contact with the ground.
Title: Re: Old Timers - Do You Ever Get Tired of Seeing Trees Fall?
Post by: Skeans1 on August 26, 2018, 09:18:55 PM
When I was hand falling all the time if it was over 5 foot or something that needed a jack or boards in it it'd get a little boring. When you do it everyday and it's turn then burn it's not much different then running a machine in a clear cut pretty boring in my book. When I got broke in we were cutting stuff over 200' tall fir anything smaller takes the fun out of it.
Title: Re: Old Timers - Do You Ever Get Tired of Seeing Trees Fall?
Post by: Gary Davis on August 27, 2018, 09:43:04 PM
I have a friend that is 75 still love dropping the big ones 
Title: Re: Old Timers - Do You Ever Get Tired of Seeing Trees Fall?
Post by: timberking on August 29, 2018, 08:58:42 AM
Not tired of watching them fall cause that means we are working and hopefully making a check.  Now about that "Old Timers" part, what is the cut off between Old Timer and Old Goat?
Title: Re: Old Timers - Do You Ever Get Tired of Seeing Trees Fall?
Post by: mike_belben on August 29, 2018, 09:38:33 AM
If you really want some adrenaline, get spurred up and top a few.   50 or 70ft up a pole with a saw in one hand getting whipped back and forth isnt a rush you can forget.
Title: Re: Old Timers - Do You Ever Get Tired of Seeing Trees Fall?
Post by: lxskllr on August 29, 2018, 10:12:37 AM
Quote from: mike_belben on August 29, 2018, 09:38:33 AM
If you really want some adrenaline, get spurred up and top a few.   50 or 70ft up a pole with a saw in one hand getting whipped back and forth isnt a rush you can forget.
Not exactly the same, but once I was 80' up on pier column forms, getting it aligned. I'd take a shot, and the ground crew would crank on some cables to pull it in place. One of the cables snapped, and the column moved *way* more than I'd have liked  :^D 
I've seen some youtube videos of harsh toppings, and guys complaining of being hit by their saws. Doesn't look fun, but I suppose there's a sense of accomplishment making it through the ride unscathed.