The Forestry Forum

General Forestry => General Board => Topic started by: CX3 on November 30, 2018, 07:02:06 PM

Title: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: CX3 on November 30, 2018, 07:02:06 PM
Is there a reason that the forum is not compatible with tapatalk? It is so easy to use to post pics and keep up to date on the forum. Just wondering.
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: thecfarm on November 30, 2018, 07:08:43 PM
I betcha my dinosaur computer would not like it. ;D
Pictures go in the gallery and the pictures are alway there.
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: Jeff on November 30, 2018, 08:33:05 PM
Its not compatible because I don't want it to be. No way am I going to let a third party app and software (plus their ads) have access to our database and user info. Is is known for security and privacy issues.

Its easy to post photos here now. If you cant do it, find a third grader to help. over a quarter million photos posted here. Must be a lot of third graders willing to help in the past.
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: barbender on November 30, 2018, 09:01:41 PM
My experience with Tapatalk is, I visit a website and an annoying pop up displays and says "Try Tapatalk for an enhanced experience" or something along those lines. I'm glad you don't like it either, Jeff😁
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: Southside on November 30, 2018, 09:05:45 PM
Quote from: Jeff on November 30, 2018, 08:33:05 PMIts easy to post photos here now

Even I can do it --- and I don't have to ask my wife for help during the process - that is saying a lot for a computer related function.  
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: goose63 on December 01, 2018, 09:14:47 AM
If a old dumb retired truck driver like me can do it with out the help of a third grader any one can do it  :D  :D  :D
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: CX3 on December 02, 2018, 09:36:50 AM
Third grader?  Just because I dont sit behind a computer all day getting fat doesn't make me a third grader pal. It's just pretty darn easy to post pictures with tapatalk on my phone.

Good grief.
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: Jeff on December 02, 2018, 10:16:39 AM
Nobody called you a third grader "pal, good grief".  Its a widely used phrase that when one needs help on a computer, you go get a kid to help you. I use the phrase for myself at times for god's sake.  Cool your jets.  If your comment was meant about me about sitting behind a computer all day and getting fat, you can go straight to ----.

As for tapatalk it is well known for privacy and security issues.   In fact the agreement required to use it says that I must surrender all of your information to them and they are allowed to use it however they want including third party marketing and sales to other companies. Knowing what I know, I would not inflict tapatalk on our members and I would never participate in a forum where I had to use it. As for the pictures, tapatalk hosts them on the tapatalk servers, not on the forum where they are posted. First rule about sharing photos here you know. THEY MUST BE IN YOUR FORESTRY FORUM GALLERY
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: moodnacreek on December 02, 2018, 01:46:51 PM
Dear Jeff, first let me say that I respect your choice of what you provide on your forum. After all it's free for me.  But please consider that there are those who got left behind where you excelled. While so many where learning the computer I was, for years, building a small sawmill operation nights until I dropped. No tv, no cell phone and no computer until now. If I still had the energy to work nights, I wouldn't even be able to type.      The F.F. has allowed me to talk to other sawyers as there are none around here.       My wife and I have had an awful time posting photos but we never blamed you because we know this is not what we are good at.     2nd. grade Doug
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: Jeff on December 02, 2018, 02:07:11 PM
I get blamed all the time for the photos. Fine and dandy, because the decisions here are mine so if you have trouble with it it is my fault. Be it known though that I am like you. A mill rat. Self taught. Everything I know I learned outside of any formal education. I've done the best I can do to build the forum and since I have a vested interest in the place, you should know that. Don't think for one second that I don't try to make this the best experience here I can , but also realize I am looking at far more things than you can imagine when you think its not what it should be. If I had not created the plan and rules of making sure all photos are hosted here from day one, we would have lost hundreds of thousands of them when the third party hosting sites shut down or became pay to play just as I had envisioned they would. There are always methods to my madness that unless you were in my shoes, you wouldn't see. Sometimes those methods may not be the best for you, but they are the best for the whole as I see it.
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: barbender on December 02, 2018, 02:47:37 PM
You've made it pretty easy to upload photos, Jeff. Actually, it's really easy to upload them, just a little bit of a pain (for me) getting them in a post. That's not a complaint, and I appreciate that pictures I posted on here 12 years ago are still in my gallery. Hey Clancy, have yourself a little glass of calm down juice😁
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: lxskllr on December 02, 2018, 03:41:27 PM
Pictures are a little cumbersome, but easier if you ignore the helper scripts. After uploading, right click the image, copy location, and add to post using img tags.

I appreciate the stance regarding tapatalk. Too many people give up privacy and sovereignty for trivial conveniences. Everything doesn't need a special app. Web browsers are a good general purpose tool for accessing networked assets. I don't need anyone unaffiliated spying on my activities.

That said, https would be nice  ;^)
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: Dave Shepard on December 02, 2018, 03:43:46 PM
So many other forums have lost their photos since --Photos MUST be in the Forestry Forum gallery!!!!!-- went pay only. We haven't lost any.  8)
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: 47sawdust on December 02, 2018, 04:16:50 PM
I must admit I'm not computer savvy and it took a while to get the photo thing going.(head/table,head/table).I respect this Forum and Jeff.I don't need to understand the reason for the way it works.I'm a guest in this house so I act accordingly.
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: thecfarm on December 02, 2018, 04:26:40 PM
There was even a new member that wanted to leave the ones with dial up out of the picture. I had only dial up than. Jeff was there than too. Don't really have nothing all that fast now. But it's all I can get. Might be a day when the government will say all people in Maine will have a chance to get high speed internet,than I will get it.
And just to let you all know,Jeff knows I have an old computer,from my posts and guess who he was concerned about when we went to the new server?
He know what he's doing for the good of the FF and menbers.
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: Jeff on December 02, 2018, 04:51:20 PM
Quote from: lxskllr on December 02, 2018, 03:41:27 PMThat said, https would be nice ;^)

Its on my tado list, but currently, I don't have the extra funds to afford a secure server certificate, or the knowledge set to create a self-signed certificate.
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: Bandmill Bandit on December 02, 2018, 05:19:03 PM
For what it is worth, Jeff, I am 200% behind you in how you manage/administrate this forum in spite of the fact that you and have had a few minor differences over the time I have been a member.

IMHO; It is YOUR forum to administrate as you see fit! The MEMBERS (me included) are here as your GUESTS. That is in my opinion no different than the annual Pig Roast or a dinner party that you and Tammy would host at your home. We are ALL GUESTS to your HOME!

You are doing one hell of a decent job. The Question I have is WHO will be your Heir when you cant do it any More?

Thankyou so much for a great cyber platform and your countless hours of work!!!       
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: John Mc on December 02, 2018, 06:46:20 PM
Jeff, I agree with you 100% on Tap-a-talk. It may be easy to use, but I'm not willing to trade giving them access to all of my posts and information, or risking that they are going to jack up the rates down the road to something unreasonable.

I belong to only one forum that runs on tap-a-talk, and I was highly disappointed when they made the switch to that platform. Unfortunately, that site is the only thing like it around (the user group for my antique Coot amphibious ATV), so if I want access to that expertise, I had to sign on.
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: btulloh on December 02, 2018, 07:12:01 PM
Seems to me the photo thing isn't that difficult.  Having photos instead of x's in older posts is worth the extra effort, such as it might be.  Most forums have lost all their pictures.  All the pictures are still here.  That's a big win.

I find it a little complex to upload multiple pics and then add them to a post I'm writing, but I managed to guess my way through it every time.  It's probably covered in the tutorial that I haven't watched.
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: ronwood on December 02, 2018, 07:48:32 PM

I can give you help with the cert if you want to go to https

I am with Jeff on  tapatalk. They have to generate revenue someway and they do that selling data.

Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: Jeff on December 02, 2018, 07:58:54 PM
Ron, do you know how to set up lets encrypt on debian? My other alternative is to purchse and have the server host install, but thats about 250 bucks for two years.
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: ronwood on December 02, 2018, 09:23:04 PM

Lets discuss off line. Can I give you a call this week.

Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: Jeff on December 02, 2018, 09:34:58 PM
Title: Re: Tapatalk (Jeff)
Post by: Downstream on December 02, 2018, 10:03:06 PM
Im also with Jeff on this one.  I love the way this forum works.  If gallery photos were hosted third party I would re-think posting any.  I get tracked enough already and dont need another app to mess with.  I use the basic ones that directly help me but none beyond that.  Just yesterday my wife and I were taking a country drive just talking life, kids, vacations etc.  I had google maps running to get to an antique show out in the boonies.  The wind was kicking up pretty good so I commented to my wife that this wind was driving me crazy.  All of a sudden out of nowhere my phone said(in that weird electronic assistant voice) "I'm sorry but I can't do anything about the wind"  I do not nor ever will have any electronic assistant on my phone or in house.  Never the less my phone was listening to us and actually decided on it's own to join the conversation.  Anyone that tries to tell you that they control any third party data or info doesnt get it or doesnt care(which is personal choice).