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Outdoor topics => Travel Guide => Topic started by: timbatrader on December 28, 2018, 01:35:57 AM

Title: Help needed in New Zealand
Post by: timbatrader on December 28, 2018, 01:35:57 AM
I am building myself a new (what Americans would call a shop) looking for a bit of help while I don't really expect anything from this forum I thought I would put up a link to my helpx page and explain the system which is common here but probably unknown to most on this site. Helpx is web site that connects people who live in interesting rural places with tourists who are looking for cheap accommodation the host offers accommodation and meals in their house in return for four hours work a day generally it is more about the cultural exchange than the work when it works well both sides enjoy the experience 
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Title: Re: Help needed in New Zealand
Post by: WV Sawmiller on December 28, 2018, 09:52:45 AM
   Sounds like a neat idea. We have a big campground organization, KOA, here that lets people "Sing for their supper" by working the store, cleaning the grounds or doing maintenance a few hours a week for their lot rent.

    If I were going to be anywhere close I'd take you up on the offer as it sounds like a great way to meet folks and learn about the area and customs at the same time making new friends. Good luck. 
Title: Re: Help needed in New Zealand
Post by: curved-wood on December 28, 2018, 10:54:21 AM
Is it like the organisation workaway ?
Title: Re: Help needed in New Zealand
Post by: timbatrader on December 28, 2018, 01:48:53 PM
Quote from: curved-wood on December 28, 2018, 10:54:21 AM
Is it like the organisation workaway ?
Lots of organisations doing it I don't have experience with workaway but the impression I get it is for younger teenagers on a gap year before going to university and tend to work 3 months at a time per placement and need a work visa because they get paid
Woof willing workers on organic farms is another big one over here Organic farms need lots of help weeding etc and a lot of tourist enjoy seeing what it is like living off grid eating organic meals in often beautiful remote areas
Couchsurfing tends to be more city based short term one or two night stays with no requirement to do any work in return just clean up after yourself and be willing to chat to your host  
here is link to my old out of date couchsurfing page