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General Forestry => Forestry and Logging => Topic started by: Ken on May 13, 2020, 09:05:03 PM

Title: Benefits of silviculture
Post by: Ken on May 13, 2020, 09:05:03 PM
Although I don't have a pre commercial thinning crew anymore I did have one for 20 years.  In 1998 we thinned the property in the first photo.  The neighboring landowner did not want to spend money on his property at the time.  Both properties were clear cut in the early 80's.  Walked through both properties the other day as we are harvesting some on each property and the difference in volume and operational efficiency is amazing.  The property in the first photo will yield 25+ cords/acre as it is predominately white birch, trembling aspen and red maple and can be merchandized to <3" top.  The property in the second photo might generate 13-15/ cords/acre and be significantly harder to do.  I should have hung my hat in the second photo for reference but I suspect you get the picture.


Title: Re: Benefits of silviculture
Post by: Southside on May 13, 2020, 10:32:50 PM
Had you hung it in the second photo you would have run the risk of further reducing the yield on that block.  
Title: Re: Benefits of silviculture
Post by: pine on May 14, 2020, 04:54:42 AM
Doing a PCT is always worth doing and will pay off in the long run.
Title: Re: Benefits of silviculture
Post by: Clark on May 14, 2020, 07:33:03 PM
Wow! It really puts into perspective how fast trees can grow.

Title: Re: Benefits of silviculture
Post by: nativewolf on May 15, 2020, 09:36:17 PM
That is just a super example of the value of PCT.  Thanks for the pics from the far north.  Actually I was surprised by the quality of the response, I mean that is quite decent growth.  I don't deal in pulpwood so the 25 cords is a bit lost on me nowadays but the pics said it all.
Title: Re: Benefits of silviculture
Post by: mike_belben on May 16, 2020, 10:40:00 AM
I had a friend up the street who ended up with 1600 acres of timber that hadnt been cut or even touched since the 1930s. We always talked about me doing management work there for his retirement, was only in his 30s.

Well he died in a wreck and his widow had 500 acres clear cut on shares.. Probably got ripped off pretty bad. I have yet to see ANYTHING but HW pulp on those trailers so far.  Nice and straight but pure toothpicks. 

I TSI'd one sorry looking acre of my place a few years ago and its obvious that acre will produce stave and veener when i die.  Its so easy to do and so incredibly foolish not to.  

Hay growers fertilize every year.  Timber owners do nothing around here.