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General Forestry => General Board => Topic started by: sprucebunny on March 18, 2005, 04:34:53 PM

Title: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: sprucebunny on March 18, 2005, 04:34:53 PM
I don't use the broiler very often but tried it the other night and the house was filling with nasty smoke.
Finally took the fire extinguisher to it  :o After a while with the big overhead fan going and the windows open it was damage. If you don't count all the dust from the extinguisher.
Took the gas broiler thing apart today and this is what I found:



Close inspection reveals that mice are health concious: there's calcium pills, macaroni and pecans and peanuts. This is only a quarter of what I got out and then took a torch to the element to clean it. ::)

War has been declared.  >:( Last year they succeeded in burning my plow truck and they are chewing up the seat in another truck.
Are the rodents this aggressive everywhere ???
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Roxie on March 18, 2005, 04:48:07 PM
Are ya thinking of the trap and release method again?   :D
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: chet on March 18, 2005, 04:48:32 PM
I can send you one of dem super aggressive pussy cats we have here in da Upper Peninsula.    :)    Ya got to remember to lock up yur guns though.  Dem U.P. cats can't be trusted around guns.   ;)
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: sprucebunny on March 18, 2005, 04:56:55 PM
Roxie....NOPE I'm trying to figure out how to incinerate them right in the trap  ;D

Chet...I'll take one. As long as it can fend off the husky and it's not a mind reader to open the safe ;D

I feel less and less bad about the rodents that I have killed.....
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Jeff on March 18, 2005, 05:51:26 PM
Joan, will  you be re-locating them somewhere near the porky? ;)
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Bibbyman on March 18, 2005, 06:29:03 PM
Seams like every fall and spring we get a few unwelcome guests.   

Last fall my son kept finding acorns in his shoes each morning.  It's hard enough to figure how they get in let alone come and go with something the size of an acorn.

We use Decon.  smiley_skull

Last fall also,  I boxed up some blades to send back to Wood-Mizer for re-sharp.  When Mary loaded them up to take them to the FedEx place,  she seen a mouse hole in one corner of one of the boxs.   About a week later we detected the unique smell of a dead mouse in her Durango.  We looked all over and left the doors open as long as we could but we didn't find the mouse and the smell didn't go away.  Finally,  I kept sniffin' around and was able to locate it inside the upholstery of one of the back seats.  I was able to remove it without ripping up the interior.
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: tnlogger on March 18, 2005, 06:30:20 PM
 :D :D :D i just knowd some one would bring that up  well one thing at least dem mises is to small ta carry a GPS. Go get um Joan.
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: dewwood on March 18, 2005, 06:44:17 PM

I can understand your frustration.  It seems like an unusually bad critter year already.  So far I have found a skunk, possum and racoon in the barn and that has just been in the last week or two since the temps started to moderate a little.  I try to feed them lead whenever possible but sometimes I just can't get a good opportunity.  Might not be the answer with mice in your house.

Good luck with the critters.

Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Bibbyman on March 18, 2005, 07:14:50 PM
Mary's brother was a big gun nut (and batcher),  he had mice in his house all the time. 

He'd load up his 45 single action Colt with wax loads (just prime the empty case and push the mouth of the case into sealing wax.) and set in his chair and take pot shots at the mice running around the room.  Got a few too!

Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Roxie on March 18, 2005, 07:30:03 PM
Well Joan, it's easy to understand now why cat's are toting guns.  Those mice eating calcium tablets could be a substantial threat!   :D :D
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Quartlow on March 18, 2005, 07:41:34 PM
Joan  want to know what you did to make these meeces so mad they tried to burn you out  :D :D

Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: sprucebunny on March 18, 2005, 08:12:58 PM
This has been a quiet year for mice..... musta finally plugged up where they got in ???

The first full winter in this house I caught an average of three a day. That was back when I had the astronaught training program... Ya see, them mice come with there own little grey suits and walk right into the tiny-mini-plastic hav-a-heart trap/launch vehicles I had and I'd take them out on the porch which is about 30 feet above the average terrain and flip the little door open and sling them into OUTERspace ;D
Sometimes thier tails would whip around a branch and they' be hangin there... :D
Any how ...maybe they liked it and came back for more ???
Don't think so cause I started catching ones you could tell apart by the lumps under thier skin ....  you don't want to know anymore  ::)

Yes... I've thought about moving

Jeff   This is prisoners, no relocation , and no mercy  ;)

Bibbyman   I like that idea ;D  Got to keep them loads outta the hot sun, huh ???

Yah, Roxie  Hope the mice don't eat spinach, too  :D
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Furby on March 18, 2005, 08:18:41 PM
Got a couple of cats I'm willing to send ya, otherwise they will be taken care of themselves as I don't like cats living in my backyard!
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Bibbyman on March 18, 2005, 08:19:58 PM
I think one reason we don't have or see mice in the summer time is... the snakes get them!  More than once I've seen a black snake side into the atic of our earth-contact house.

Maybe you should ....  well, maybe not. :D smiley_dozy_bored
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: pappy on March 18, 2005, 08:20:56 PM
Got Lead??   :D

Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Don_Papenburg on March 18, 2005, 09:26:14 PM
I use the little green pellets . They are made from sweetcorn and poison. The meeses love em ,they will spend a day running those things back to there nest.  and some of the next day . then walking real slow on the third day by the fourth they seem to be to full to move . I get the stuff in packets that way I can throw them into the far corners.
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: asy on March 19, 2005, 04:29:26 AM


I can understand mice getting into your house, we have them here too   :o


What I can't understand is how they start fires???

Are they carrying mice-lighters? have they evolved a prehensile thumb and are now able to strike matches??

What's goin' on over there?????

asy :D
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Percy on March 19, 2005, 12:43:15 PM
Mice are weird. When I was a kid we had one eletricute hisself in the stove(220volt) and she got to stinkin pretty bad. Mom got peeood and we hunted for the nest. They were proliferating/procreating/mulitplying under the freezer. Mom got me and my buddies to lift the freezer real quick and she hittem with the vacume cleaner. Just about filled a fresh electrolux bag with baby mice (burial at sea errr uhhh toilet :D).  All the others scattered and got so freaked out I found many dead ones  frozen in the yard the next day. Got a cat to clean up the stragglers and within a week we had the problem solved. Cat got pretty fat there for a few days.
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: etat on March 19, 2005, 02:57:33 PM
My dang cats are getting fat, old and lazy.  I guess they're doin their job though cause I ain't seen a mouse in or around the house.  Every once in a while one gets trapped in the feed barrel.  I usually put it out a it's misery and pitch it down the hill instead of giving it to the cats.  Cause if they get their grubby paws on it they don't want to kill it right off.  Oh no.  They'd rather play with it and terrorize it to death.  They'll catch it, play with it, and then turn it loose and about the time it thinks it's got the jump on em they'll catch it again.  Finally when it does get too tired to run they'll swat it with their paws trying to make it play some more.  Only when it completely gives up will they have mercy on it and put it outta it's misery.  Nope, if they want a mouse they gonna have to catch their own dang mice cause I am NOT gonna give em one to torture.
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Engineer on March 19, 2005, 06:05:48 PM
Catch 'em in a havavhart trap and drop the whole trap in a pond.  I use the old-fashioned snaptraps baited with peanut butter. 

Had a bunch of mice in an old semitrailer I was using for storage of some old maps and a lot of lumber.  Well, the mice got into the maps and made a big mess out of a couple dozen of them.  I cleaned out the mess, never did find any mice, but I bought three big boxes of mothballs and scattered them in the map drawers and all over the trailer, and the mice ain't been back.
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Corley5 on March 19, 2005, 07:23:17 PM
I just bought some D-con and some of the sticky traps.  We've got mice in this house for the first time ever and it's now war >:( >:(.  I haven't found where they're gettin in yet but I will and in the mean time some of em are gonna die ;).
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Grawulf on March 19, 2005, 07:34:39 PM
   That is an awesome picture! I could not stop laughing  :D - wife thought I was flippin' out. Those UP cats are amazing critters. Joan, you really do need one! I'll bet with that little scope, that kitten never misses.
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Furby on March 19, 2005, 07:39:09 PM
Corley5, Look along the bottom edge of your siding. A mouse can fit through an opening the size of a dime.

My Grandma used the sticky traps, only to find the mice would pull themselves off.
I hate decon and any of the other pellet stuff. They can carry away a whole bag or two and stash it before they die. Then at some point you will find piles of rotting green stuff that makes a real mess. :-\
Dead mice in the walls don't always smell real good either. ;)
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: sprucebunny on March 19, 2005, 07:49:56 PM
Well...that's what I've been wondering : where do they go to die on D-con ???

A couple of people have tried to tell me that they go outside to find water but I don't believe it. Doubt they can find their way out .;)

And I don't want a bunch of poison stashed in my walls or my oven ;D   But then I'm not sure I want bullet holes in the floor either :D

I'm going to try mothballs and snaptraps.

  :D :D
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Furby on March 19, 2005, 08:01:14 PM
Ya should have seen the old part of the house when I tore it down.
Piles and piles of green stuff! I don't think there were to many wall cavities that did not have the remains of a long since dead mouse in it. I sure don't buy the idea that they go outside looking for water. The yellow blocks are not as bad as the pellets, just have to watch them. As they get old the moisture in the air makes them melt and will create a mess as well. Snap traps are good. I suggest you tie a piece of string or wire to the trap, and the other end to something solid or a weight. Those traps have been know to grow legs and walk off, no joke! We looked for one at my Grandma's last winter for several days. Finally found it two rooms away behind a bunch of stuff with a dead mouse attached.

My offer for free cats still stands!
I can try and catch the young one if ya want.
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: old3dogg on March 19, 2005, 08:02:37 PM
Im sorry but this story has cracked me up. I have been laughing since the first post.
Im sorry sweet heart but the pic of oven fried mouse treats was way to much :D :D :D :D :D :D

Mice that die fron decon dont stink that much.The decon dries up most of the bodies fluid.And yes. They will seek water before they die.
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Jeff on March 19, 2005, 08:11:46 PM
THe Boss uses decon at the mill. Wont listen to use. THe dang things die in the walls of the break room and STINK. One year It got so bad you could tell WHERE it was. tore off a sheet of paneling, and yup, there it was. I'd never use decon or poison around where a dwelling. Barn, maybe.
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Corley5 on March 19, 2005, 08:30:43 PM
I've been all around the house and haven't found where they're getting in but have an idea.  The house shrunk more this winter than it ever has in the past and the gaps between the trim and the ceiling are pretty big in some places and I'm afraid that's where the entry point is.  I can't move the trim up because by the 1st of June everything will be tight again.  I was thinking about some of that spray foam for windows and doors that doesn't expand and stays soft but think that the little bas***s will just chew through that.  There is a population of mice in the crawl space and always has been but they've never gotten into the living area before.  We always used D-con and spring traps at home and at camp.  Dead mice never smelled for very long after dying from D-con but they also got immune to it.  The old stuff anyway.  Dad switched to a Purina mouse poisin, a green pellet, and it was very effective but the carcasses smelled for longer.  The war has started ;)
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: old3dogg on March 19, 2005, 08:35:52 PM
Get ya a few stray female cats.
After the mice are all gone you have target practice for deer season.
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: UNCLEBUCK on March 19, 2005, 08:47:21 PM
 Hi everyone , the movie called never cry wolf is how my little woodshop looked last week after I stayed away from it since christmas . The other night I fired up the woodstove and blew the dust of my guitar and cranked up the amplifiers and plopped in my country tunes and I sat there watching mice one after another crawl up and down a extension cord and even across my copenhagen box so I put on a good dust mask and grabbed the air hose and blew and burned everything I didnt need in the woodstove and tossed d-con everywhere and I have not been back since . I look like a big elephant stomping around when I see a mouse . They just make me sick . I suppose I better throw in a box of air fresheners this week.  I am afraid that my doggy might grab a mouse full of d-con .
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: chet on March 19, 2005, 08:55:18 PM
No poison for me either. I'm not a fan of the smell of rotting mice. And I always worried a child will discover da mouses stash of decon.   :o    Traps .........lots of traps.......a regular trap line.  ;D
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: old3dogg on March 19, 2005, 08:58:48 PM
Well see there UNCLEBUCK thats where you are going wrong.
Ya need to start chewing Skoal and jammin out some heavy metal and all of those mice will just run away 8)
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: UNCLEBUCK on March 19, 2005, 09:22:43 PM
I think I need a cat like termites there !  He"ll get the job done !  I once had a bag of gopher pellets and put in gopher holes and covered the hole up and found my nice black lab dog laying by the last hole , dug every hole up and ate the gopher pellets and died .  S.B. you need termites cat too ! old3dogg my mice must be deaf because noise doesnt scare them , they must have been there awhile and I didnt notice plus its dark too , they must be smarter than me !
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Phorester on March 19, 2005, 09:30:08 PM

And a great big YEP!  to all the lethal methods described herein.  Good Lord.  Plenty of mice, they sure will never be an endangered species. 
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: old3dogg on March 19, 2005, 09:35:51 PM
Gee Phorester. dont let the "tree huggers" hear you say that! :D
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: sprucebunny on March 19, 2005, 10:13:56 PM
I'd like to see the animal rights people come up with a good argument to "save" mice  :D :D

Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: asy on March 20, 2005, 01:04:15 AM
Quote from: sprucebunny on March 19, 2005, 10:13:56 PM
I'd like to see the animal rights people come up with a good argument to "save" mice  :D :D

Well, when they do...  We'll just use a humane trap and take the mice round to their place and let them all go in their lounge room...

See how many they want saved THEN!

Spring traps, for my money...  and bloody lots of them. 

Bait them with peanut butter and bacon.

asy :D

Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Patty on March 20, 2005, 07:38:59 AM
Over the years mice moved into our house every fall and spring, bringing along all their relatives and little trunks and suitcases  ::)    it was awful. For several years I tried the poison, but the stink was way worse than the mice. Every morning one of my sons would find his shoe full of the little green poison pellets, it was freaking him out 'cause he thought me and Norm were putting them in there! But I digress... This year I used the old fashioned mouse traps, and baited them with jam. For awhile we were getting several everyday....most of them from under the kitchen sink. In years past they would nest in the stove and under the refrigerator. They can ruin appliances very quickly  >:(
The traps worked great, no stink, and the mouse problem finally went away. At least so far so good. I still have all the traps set, but haven't caught one in a few months. Why use jam, you ask?  :)  Well the jams dries and gets all hard and sticky and they really have to work to get it off, and before you know it....SNAP....another one bites the dust.  8)
At the new house we keep Angel the cat in the garage, he keeps the mice away, although I find little piles of feathers and beaks where he has snacked on a little bird now and then, but I figure it is a small price to pay. Maybe not for the bird.... :D
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: farmerdoug on March 20, 2005, 01:05:51 PM
I like and use the Catch-all repeating mouse traps.  No bait and they can catch up to twenty mice at a time.  I think Tractor Supply Stores sells them now.  It is a metal box with a hole through it that you put against the wall and has a winding handle on one side.  Since mice like to follow walls they will try to run through the hole and trip the trap.  I has a four wingd bat plate that knocks them into the holding chamber before they know what happened.  :D Just remember to check the trap regularly as them mice can really stink after a few days. ::)
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Rockn H on March 20, 2005, 01:58:46 PM
Go high tech.  I never had much faith in this sort of thing until....
A year or so ago, we moved a moble home onto our land out in the country.  We put it right on the edge of a hay field with a pine thicket and pond on the other side of the trailer.  Replacing the glue traps was keeping me wife busy we were catching 3 to 5 mice a day.  My inlaws bought us 3 sunbeam rodent repellers and we plugged them in.  No More Mice.  In over a year we have had no rats, we still have the glue traps out but they stay empty.  Within 24 hours of plugging them in we have seen no signs of rats at all.  I'm sold.   ;)
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: sawguy21 on March 20, 2005, 02:10:41 PM
pappy, how is his grouping at 100 yards? :D Betchya don't have any stray dogs either.
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: asy on March 23, 2005, 05:57:00 AM
Hey Spruce, I know where there's another one hiding!

OOOPS Got him!


Hope that helps!

asy :D
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: pigman on March 23, 2005, 08:00:29 AM
I haven't seen any mice in my house lately, but we found two big rats in the kitchen. :o They are so smart they built a plastic house to keep the cat away. ;) The cat belongs to oldest daughter. The rats belong to the youngest daughter. Don't know what kind of animals the other two children are bringing in for us to keep "temporarily". ::)
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: sprucebunny on March 23, 2005, 08:24:17 AM
asy ...  That's a pretty suspicious picture..... I think we might have found out why there are so many mice....asy is copying them  :D :D

Bob ... I kept some of the mice I caught in one of those cages several years ago. They were pithed ;D
One of them was a little friendly but then they had babies and then the mother ate them and then they got sent outside. :o  YUK

Had one of those electronic things ..... caught plenty of mice right in front of it  ::)
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: asy on March 23, 2005, 08:25:40 AM
Quote from: sprucebunny on March 23, 2005, 08:24:17 AM
asy ...  That's a pretty suspicious picture..... I think we might have found out why there are so many mice....asy is copying them  :D :D


The Ruse is up!!



asy :D
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Bibbyman on March 23, 2005, 08:43:28 AM
Quote from: pappy on March 18, 2005, 08:20:56 PM
Got Lead??   :D


I printed off this picture and showed it to the girls.  I thought they'd think it was funny.

Alex's comment was - "So?".  Rolled her eyes and went back to reading.  ::)

Brooke looked at it hard and heavy and said - "That kitten don't even know how to hold a gun.  Look at it's hand.  It's in the wrong place."  ;)

Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: asy on March 23, 2005, 08:49:32 AM
Tell Brooke his Gun Instructor apologises:


asy :D
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: pappy on March 23, 2005, 09:20:39 AM
A friend of mine has a cabin down by the river about 1/4
mile from mine.  He only comes up three weeks a year on vacation.  He used to have a mouse problem until we got the idea for a "pail trap".

It's just a 5 gallon plastic pail with a two foot board for a ramp up to the rim and put some dried cereal in the bottom of the pail.  When he came back in the spring he had 5 dried out fur balls in the bottom of the pail.  The little suckers would jump in have their fill but couldn't jump back out.  I was with Bob when he opened up the camp that spring and when we walked in he looks in the pail and says "GOT MILK"   :D :D

It really works give it a try  8)

Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Steve on March 23, 2005, 09:59:21 AM
I made on of those with one difference. I took a small empty can (I used a condensed milk can as it had both the top and bottom in place) pierced a hole in the center top and bottom and pushed a stiff wire (coat hanger or brazingand long enough to span the top of the bucket) thru. Cut a couple of small notches in the top edge of the bucket so the can is suspended in the middle and will turn on the wire. Coat with peanut butter. Now when they come up the ramps they jump to the can it spins them into the bucket. I put water in the bucket.
I was milling in a camp situation and was gone a week. When I came back  I had not less than 25 floaters in the bucket.
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: asy on March 23, 2005, 11:11:06 AM
Quote from: Steve on March 23, 2005, 09:59:21 AM
I was milling in a camp situation and was gone a week. When I came back  I had not less than 25 floaters in the bucket.

I sure hope you weren't the cook and this wasn't some new soup recipe!!!

asy :D
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Furby on March 23, 2005, 08:28:04 PM
Yep just some water in a bucket works.
I used to have a couple of big coffee cans of used oil sitting in the barn, no lid. Didn't have anything handy when changing the oil, so I used the cans and forgot about them.
Was moving stuff around at one point and found a can. There was a lump in the middle. Odd, started fishing around and pulled out 5 or 6 bodies. The bottom two were mostly bones and the rest in various stages of decay, but until you uncovered them, they didn't smell. Those cans had not been moved for a year or two. After that I'd check the can every couple of months and clean out a few bodies. Ended up getting several chipmunks as well doing that.
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: DoubleD on February 17, 2006, 08:47:38 AM
Hi Sprucebunny How finished the war with mouse? I hope well.

For asy--> I don't know how you say over there, but here in Italy we say "you worth your weigh in gold" :D :D :D :D
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: sprucebunny on February 17, 2006, 08:59:04 AM
Hi, DoubleD

A new mouse shows up sometimes . I have had to rip the drawers out of the kitchen and chase them out once or twice but mostly they have been trying to colonize my trucks this year. You can tell because when you turn the defroster on, chunks of fluffy stuff flies out :D and when you go around a cornor, the acorns they have stuffed in the heater roll around in there ::) I'm going to have to take a hole-saw to the heater in one truck because there is no heat on the passanger side and too much work to remove the dashboard to remove the heater ::)

Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: flip on February 17, 2006, 12:29:57 PM
Try to find stuff called Warfare.  Slow painful death from da inside out.

Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: beenthere on February 17, 2006, 01:12:20 PM
I've heard of Warfarin, which is a blood thinner. Keeps blood from clotting, and thus results in bleeding that won't stop. I am not under the impression that 'bleeding' is a painful death, but the contrary. Seems the victim when losing enough blood would just pass out, like in 'faint' and then die. 
Maybe Warfare is different kind of 'stuff' than Warfarin (WARF which stands for Wisconsin Alumni Reserach Foundation invented this 'treatment' to do in mice and rats. A form of it is used by heart disease patients and referred to as 'rat poison' by doctors and patients. Just a blood thinner, I understand.

I use it a lot, and keep some in the garage, in my wood pile, and both sheds. I make sure to put in a small packet in the pallet of wood about a week or 10 days before bringing it in the garage, and so far have found only a few mice, all dead.
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: sawguy21 on February 17, 2006, 01:16:12 PM
Be careful with it around kids and pets.
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Bernie on February 17, 2006, 01:29:42 PM
Will this water bucket, wire and peanut butter can trap work on Rats?
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Don_Papenburg on February 17, 2006, 10:42:13 PM
Yes but the bucket needs to be deeper as rats can jump higher than meeces
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: Don P on February 17, 2006, 11:27:31 PM
We were gone on a job and when we got home I started turning breakers and lights on. I noticed mouse droppings and started looking around. The little varmints had gnawed the sheathing off the wires coming up from the crawlspace to make room to slip in. Bare wires coming through wood walls, needless to say we slept in the dark. The next morning I noticed the crawlspace door was open. I asked around and the only person up to the house while we were gone was the county assesors. Of course they denied it and I rewired the downstairs.
Last week we got the little doorknob tag that says they had been by to reassess the place. They really didn't need to leave the card, the crawlspace door was open again  ::).
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: SwampDonkey on February 18, 2006, 07:49:44 AM
Some how a mouse got into dad's house. They think the door was left open in the basement long enough for him to get in. Well, they had a sac of pumpkin seeds in the basement they collected for spring planting. Over the course of several nights that little mouse found and sacked all them seeds up the basement stairs, under the basement door, into the kitchen and on into the living room. Then it had to climb up about 4 feet onto a ledge and deposit them into an artificial flower pot. That was the most determined little mouse I ever saw. They later caught to mouse in a trap on the basement stairway. Little bugger.  ;D  8)
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: mike_van on February 18, 2006, 08:43:21 AM
What a thread -  :D  this could be a book of short stories -  A guy I work with [Bronx reject, moved to the country]  found a nest of little baby mice on the engine of his Wheel Horse once, rather than disturb them [they were so cute he said]   He did his whole lawn [3-4 hrs]  with the push mower. What a dope!  :D    My greatest kill ever was with a Grainger catalog - Sitting in the recliner, one goes across the floor - lead 'em perfect too -  caught between the thrown catalog [1000 pages]  and the baseboard -  8)
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: SwampDonkey on February 18, 2006, 09:48:03 AM
Quote from: Bernie on February 17, 2006, 01:29:42 PM
Will this water bucket, wire and peanut butter can trap work on Rats?

Always worked at the logging camp, some mornings there would be 3 or 4 in the bucket. ;D Breakfast ;D
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: sprucebunny on February 18, 2006, 12:33:20 PM
Mike, good score with the catalog. Do you play horseshoes ??? :D

I've caught little ones that were running up or down the stairs in an 8 oz. glass ...... twice :D

They sure do like to move seeds around and explore ::)
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: sawguy21 on February 18, 2006, 02:41:00 PM
Swamp, I would not be surprised if that was the breakfast menu at a logging camp I was in. It was a dump.
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: ARKANSAWYER on February 18, 2006, 09:52:28 PM

   A while back I was sitting and watching TV.   Something ran from the stairs to the stove.   Did not believe my eyes.   A bit later it did it again and I saw it good this time.  Fetched the pellet rifle and wife got to asking questions.   "Wait" says I.  She says "Youse is not shooting that thing in the house."   "Be alright" says I "fer I'm a good shot"   In just no time I spied an eyeball and wiskers sticking out between the oven and wastecan.   Pop! and this large pack rat flops out in the floor, kicks a time or two and then dies.  Wife looks at me and says "Youse got plenty of BB's?"   :D :D :D
Title: Re: Mice tried to burn my house down
Post by: WH_Conley on February 18, 2006, 10:03:35 PM
Got a Hi Standard .22. Rat shot works great. Wife not real crazy about it since I took the paint off the new dryer though.