The Forestry Forum

Health and Safety => Health and Safety => Topic started by: Raider Bill on July 21, 2020, 10:40:38 AM

Title: New Knee
Post by: Raider Bill on July 21, 2020, 10:40:38 AM
After several postponments it appears this Thursday is the day providing I pass the rona test this afternoon.

Was supposed to be a few weeks ago but they cancelled elective surgeries. Got back on the list for tomorrow but that was cancelled.

Now we are on for Thursday at another hospital as outpatient. In at 8am, out by 5pm.

I've got 2 walkers and a cane. Any suggestions as to what else I might need or tips?
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: GAB on July 21, 2020, 11:43:23 AM
Wishing you the best and a speedy recovery.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: WV Sawmiller on July 21, 2020, 12:06:15 PM
   My hopes for a speedy and complete recovery.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: alan gage on July 21, 2020, 12:42:49 PM
That's great news. Hope it all goes well.

Are you excited or nervous?

Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Weekend_Sawyer on July 21, 2020, 12:48:54 PM
Good luck Bill.

Which side is it Brake or shifter?
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Banjo picker on July 21, 2020, 01:19:35 PM
Hope all goes well for you.  Make sure you got your refreshments stocked in the fridge before hand.  Banjo
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: caveman on July 21, 2020, 01:26:30 PM
Good luck on the knee surgery.  You may want to start a cuss jar so you will have some mad money to restock your refreshment fridge after your knee PT.  Keep us posted.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Raider Bill on July 21, 2020, 03:09:33 PM
Just got postponed again. 3rd time.

Went for the virus test but was told I'd been bumped and that my Dr will be in touch.

It's my shifting knee.

Not that I've been riding much this year.

Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Tacotodd on July 21, 2020, 07:28:21 PM
A tip: Do your PT like they tell you and don't slack about it. Always remember, just because you can lie to other people, you can't lie to yourself. Not that you would, it's just a phrase I picked up along the way and the longer I live, the more obvious to me it becomes.

My moms mother had the same thing done and refused to do her PT. All that it got her was a fused together knee that refused to work as well. 

Stay at it and you WILL overcome!
Good luck and God speed. Your trials are in our prayers.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Onthesauk on July 21, 2020, 08:01:58 PM
Go re-read Magicman's thread on knee and hip.  I've read the whole thing while it happened and I'll probably go back and read it again eventually, great info!  I've got one that's going to need replacement eventually.

Do all the work after it's done.  Good luck!
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Magicman on July 21, 2020, 08:06:06 PM
No, not knee and hip....knee and shoulder.

You will do well Bill.  My "new" knee is now just as strong as the other side and I never even think about it during my normal activities.  The only thing that may give me any trouble is kneeling and taking a huge step downward which may over flex the new knee.  My flexion is plenty good but when I over-flex with my weight against the bended knee, it hurts, so I am careful.

Keep us posted on "when".
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: chet on July 21, 2020, 09:55:20 PM
Quote from: Raider Bill on July 21, 2020, 10:40:38 AM
I've got 2 walkers and a cane. Any suggestions as to what else I might need or tips?
Lots of ice for the first couple days. And maybe crutches for the first few days, especially if ya have to navigate any steps. 
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Raider Bill on July 22, 2020, 08:35:26 AM
I have 3 steps in the house.
Had 3 sets of crutches in the shop for year. Threw them all out a few months ago as all the rubber had deteriorated.

Friend says getting on and off the crapper or chair is hard at first.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: GAB on July 22, 2020, 08:54:43 AM
Quote from: Raider Bill on July 22, 2020, 08:35:26 AM
I have 3 steps in the house.
Had 3 sets of crutches in the shop for year. Threw them all out a few months ago as all the rubber had deteriorated.

Friend says getting on and off the crapper or chair is hard at first.
Concerning the last sentence: is there a market for hydraulic or pneumatic ones?
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: petefrom bearswamp on July 22, 2020, 10:04:18 AM
Good luck with the surgery Bill
I have had a bunch of ortho surgeries, hip knees shoulders and more.
I cant add much but concur with others that diligent PT is necessary to good recovery.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Raider Bill on July 22, 2020, 10:25:48 AM
Just got a call from hospital number 3 for a Friday surgery. On my way for the test.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Roxie on July 22, 2020, 12:05:22 PM
Keep us posted, so we can worry.  :D

Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: alan gage on July 22, 2020, 12:14:54 PM
Quote from: Raider Bill on July 22, 2020, 08:35:26 AM

Friend says getting on and off the crapper or chair is hard at first.
When my mom, who is overweight, was getting ready to have her knee replaced I tied a couple ropes to the ceiling joists in the bathroom with a thick dowel connecting them, like trapeze. It was easy to swing out of the way but she could use this to help pull herself up off the toilet and also used it to steady her self when stepping in/out of the shower/bath.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Raider Bill on July 22, 2020, 12:48:19 PM
Just got back from the testing. 3 up the nose and they drew blood for another test.

On the way back I came into the end of a gunfight between local cops and a traffic stop. Didn't see anything so I scrammed. There's about 100 cops there now.

Just my luck, I'll be out of commission and will miss the riots.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: scsmith42 on July 22, 2020, 03:22:58 PM
Best of success to you Bill!  Hope that you'll be back on the Harley soon.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Raider Bill on July 22, 2020, 04:49:48 PM
Well there's not going to be any riots.
It was some crazy lady shooting it out with our cops. She lost. Not sure why yet.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: petefrom bearswamp on July 22, 2020, 05:58:00 PM
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Raider Bill on July 22, 2020, 06:02:10 PM
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: caveman on July 22, 2020, 09:04:32 PM
 Superior training (probably why she lost).  We fished a different lake than we intended a few weeks ago due to a shootout with police.  The scene was a beehive of activity when we were approaching the boat ramp so we went to a nearby lake.  The good guys won that one too.

If you find you need some crutches, I think I still have some that are unused.  I can bring them to you.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: samandothers on July 22, 2020, 09:46:25 PM
Glad to hear you are progressing to in your pursuit of knee physical therapy fun!  Well at the improvement related to the PT.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: chet on July 22, 2020, 10:09:55 PM
I've found dat new knees were designed for folks from dem southern climates. They tend ta git a little stiffer come winter in da great white north. I requested "0" weight or synthetic lube for my second knee. But they musta been out of dat stuff, 'cause I think I got 140w gear grease again.  
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Raider Bill on July 23, 2020, 08:00:51 AM
Quote from: caveman on July 22, 2020, 09:04:32 PM
Superior training (probably why she lost).  We fished a different lake than we intended a few weeks ago due to a shootout with police.  The scene was a beehive of activity when we were approaching the boat ramp so we went to a nearby lake.  The good guys won that one too.

If you find you need some crutches, I think I still have some that are unused.  I can bring them to you.
Thanks, I'll let you know. They may give me a set.
You guys had quite a mess over in Frostproof last weekend with the 3 guys massacred while fishing.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Magicman on July 23, 2020, 08:44:02 AM

You will do fine when you get one of these. 
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Raider Bill on July 23, 2020, 08:51:41 AM
FYI, Woman dies after shootout with Largo officers, police investigating - YouTube (

I'm getting the Binford 5000
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Nebraska on July 23, 2020, 10:34:17 AM
Read about the three guys fishing last night. How many felonies can one perp  get before he's locked away, oh and it said he started at age twelve I guess  our juvenile system failed as well.  ::)
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: caveman on July 23, 2020, 01:40:18 PM
Nebraska, the guy that killed those three you mentioned had 230 previous felonies, had been arrested over 100 times and was out on bond for breaking someone's arm with a crowbar during a fight.  That occurred in the south end of my county, Polk.  

The FDLE investigator that appears holding the cell phone at 1:25 in the video Bill shared, coincidentally, is a friend of mine who used to coach my youngest daughter's soccer team.

There have been an abundance of stoopid human tricks around here lately.

Magicman, it looks like your surgery and recovery worked out just like you kneeded it to.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: doctorb on July 23, 2020, 05:55:37 PM
If the toilet thing give you a problem, a raised toilet seat will make it easier.  Medical pharmacy or amazon should have them. 
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Raider Bill on July 24, 2020, 06:43:31 PM
I'm home. They missed the nerve so no nerve block and didn't have compression stockings to fit me but other than that yeehaw!
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Magicman on July 24, 2020, 10:27:40 PM
Congratulations and keep us posted.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Roxie on July 25, 2020, 04:29:10 AM
Glad you're home but please send someone right away to get those compression socks. 

Still worried in Pennsylvania. We lost our member Patty when she developed blood clots after her surgery. 

Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Tacotodd on July 25, 2020, 06:42:26 AM
I'm very active outside and still suffer from DVT's. My PCP at the time ( he's since passed ) could not figure out why. I still develop them once to sometimes twice a year. My current PCP doesn't know why either. She and everyone else is stumped. GET THE COMPRESSION SOCKS! Sorry if yelling seems harsh, but we want to keep you around for a bit. 
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: petefrom bearswamp on July 25, 2020, 08:29:39 AM
Glad it went well Bill
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Raider Bill on July 25, 2020, 10:02:38 AM
Ordered a pair to be delivered Monday.

No great pain last night but I couldn't sleep. The bed wasn't comfortable at all so it spent the night in a recliner.

Watched reruns of history channels " top shot".  If you are into shooting it's pretty good. Sort of like survivor with guns.

I've been getting up every commercial and walking (hobbling)  around the house.

Got a cute live in nurse that will cook for me, beer box is full of IPA and 600 channels on TV. Could be worse.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: realzed on July 25, 2020, 12:16:36 PM
Quote from: Raider Bill on July 22, 2020, 08:35:26 AM
Friend says getting on and off the crapper or chair is hard at first.
Yup - your friend sounds like he has experienced it well - he nailed that part!
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Raider Bill on July 25, 2020, 12:20:00 PM
The opiods are a double
edged sword. They keep the pain away and also keep you off the crapper or at least productive.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: doc henderson on July 25, 2020, 12:34:31 PM
I usually take 1 or 2 pills right after surgery, or to sleep after surgery.  the constipation benefits are robbing Peter to pay Paul!  It eventually catches up with you! :o :o :o
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Magicman on July 25, 2020, 05:29:16 PM
I hope that you are OD'ing on stool softeners.   ::)  Also drink plenty of fluids.  
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: thecfarm on July 25, 2020, 09:09:32 PM
Use a riser on the hopper. We have a high one for the wife. 
Do your best getting around. The more you can bare the pain, the better it will be. Easy for me to say with 2 good knees.  ::)
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: chet on July 26, 2020, 08:53:12 AM
For me I always try ta git off them pain meds as soon as possible. Sounds like you have the same problem I always had, heavy duty pain meds = no sleep. Git through them first couple days and ya got er made.  8)
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: chet on July 31, 2020, 08:58:30 PM
It's been a few days now Bill, are things lookin' up?
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Onthesauk on August 30, 2020, 08:14:00 PM
It's been quite awhile Bill, how are you getting around?
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Magicman on September 12, 2020, 02:43:27 PM
Where are you @Raider Bill (;u=4445) ??  It's been over a month.  ???
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: kantuckid on September 24, 2020, 01:27:16 PM
I'll throw in this tidbit on knees if you have a dicey knee situ:

I got my 4th cortisone shot Monday, 9/21st. BTW, the shots really help my knee and buy me time. FWIW, I've had both hips replaced so I'll get the knee when they say I'm "ripe".
 The doc asked if I was willing to try a knee brace and I ask to see it, etc.. The bad knee is approaching osteo and cartilage damage replacement but I get along OK. The brace is a Donjoy with a soft plastic web-like bracing that centers on the patella and surrounds the front of the knee then comes around and velcroes via two wide straps. It has a hinged brace on the outside of the joint-the non cartilage damaged side. I was told it would assist the joint spacing as the days progressed during physical work, so on. It's worn over a thin elastic sleeve for skin comfort. When placed upon the knee its a tad un-comfy but honestly while sawing today I forgot about it. made me wonder why they hadn't suggested it before. I t definitely makes longer days on ones feet doable. 
Hey-you folks (and me) paid for it! Thanks!  8)
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: kantuckid on October 04, 2020, 08:02:34 AM
Update is that I dislike the fitted knee brace they gave me and will be returning it within the 14 days return period. It's the right size and Donjoys a brand used widely but it will not stay up on my knee! The velcro stays in place but the brace itself slides down the smooth cloth sleeve you wear under the brace. It does provide more "hold" than my self bought elastic sleeves but a constant aggravation when working to have a knee brace around ones ankle! 
Back it goes. FWIW, my "good knee" is now starting to talk to me. I suppose it's become tired of me asking it to do more last couple years. Maybe two shots next appointment?
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: petefrom bearswamp on October 04, 2020, 08:07:38 AM
Wore a brace with the problem of slippage such as you are experiencing
I wore it while marking timber and kept it up by using a short piece of nylon rope from the brace  to my belt.
Worked pretty good 
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Magicman on October 04, 2020, 09:06:32 AM
Apparently @Raider Bill (;u=4445) got his new knee and  started walking (and similar to what Forrest Gump did with running), he is still walking 'cause he ain't talking. 
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: GAB on October 04, 2020, 01:27:09 PM
Quote from: Magicman on October 04, 2020, 09:06:32 AM
Apparently @Raider Bill (;u=4445) got his new knee and  started walking (and similar to what Forrest Gump did with running), he is still walking 'cause he ain't talking.
Would it be wise to send someone out on a wellness check of Raider Bill?
It has been a while.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Raider Bill on October 05, 2020, 04:04:51 PM
Well it's been about nine weeks since I got my new knee things haven't been really working out the way I had hoped they would have it's still quite sore. my range of motion is very good I did all my PT and got discharged from that but this son of a gun hurts. not really sure what else to say about it I was going to have my right knee done under the same deductible but now I'm not going to do that because I'm not sure that my legs will have the strength at this time to go through that so anyway I'm alive and well dodging hurricanes and crazy women and there you have it.
My knee was done actually as day surgery I was dropped off at 7:00 a.m. and I was home by 5:00 p.m. that same night the nerve block didn't take so when the spinal wore off I lost all of my pain killing medicines because there was no nerve block working.  I had to stop at Walgreens on the way home to get my hydrocodone or whatever it was 5 mg not very much and things were pretty miserable around here for a little while.  Now I'm limping along singing a song haven't been on a bike in months this is the least amount of time I've been on a motorcycle since I think 1974 the only two trips I've taken was after  my shoulder healed and before the knee I went to Panama City Beach and then we went to St Augustine basically it sort of blows.  anybody that gets two knees done at the same time I certainly got my profound awe whatever because this is not been fun at all.

Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Magicman on October 05, 2020, 05:22:09 PM
Bill, mine was done in November and this past deer season which opened in November and closed the end of January was the first time in over 60 years that I never hunted even once.  Yes, I could have gone and sat in the Straw House but I guess that I didn't trust myself climbing a ladder but the fact was, I just didn't want to go.

I agree with you, I could never imagine having both done at the same time even though I know two men that did.  If I had to have the other knee done, I would do it, but I probably would have to have a long talk with myself first.  Knee surgery is no fun.

My range of motion is excellent but if I draw that knee/leg up while I am sleeping, I've got to promptly extend it because it hurts.  I can descend stairs almost as well with either leg and I have very little bother during the day. 

I was told that it would take a year, but it will take much longer and I doubt that I will ever not know that the replacement was done.  That being said, it is much better than before and I am glad that I had it done.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: petefrom bearswamp on October 05, 2020, 05:59:23 PM
How all gets better for you Bill.
I may have posted before but I had a bilateral Maakoplasty done in 2014.
Granted it is only a partial replacement but it has been the best ortho surgery I have had done and I have had plenty.
Only involved the inner portion of both knees.
Once again my cheese loving friend, hope it goes better from here on out.
If you want cheese PM me.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: sprucebunny on October 05, 2020, 06:30:49 PM
Glad to hear from you, Bill !!! Hope it gets better soon.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Old Greenhorn on October 05, 2020, 06:40:35 PM
Hang in there man, you will get through this.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: thecfarm on October 05, 2020, 07:03:47 PM
Good to hear from you!! Yes, some have it easy and some have it hard. 
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: GAB on October 05, 2020, 07:42:18 PM
Glad to hear from you.
Sorry to hear that it did not go as well as we all hoped for you.
Hope things get better.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: samandothers on October 05, 2020, 07:58:00 PM
Glad you are vertical!  Hope your improvement speeds up and you can get on the motorbikle soon  
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: chet on October 05, 2020, 09:57:30 PM
DanG, good news, Bill is alive.  8)    We were all beginning ta wonder. Hang in there, work it like you stole it, and it will get better.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: trapper on October 05, 2020, 10:01:38 PM
good to hear from you
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Raider Bill on October 06, 2020, 08:23:48 AM
MM, I hear you about sleeping and bending the knee. I'm just now getting so I can get 5 hours sleep without getting up and icing as it swells right up and hurts.

Going down steps leading with my good leg is extremely hard for me. I work at it everyday but have not seen much improvement.

Walking is getting better but my knee cap clacks and clunks like 2 pool balls in there. Got so bad I thought it was coming from my hip.

My Dad had both of his done at separate times then had to have the replacements replaced which he did at the same time. Knowing what I know now my hat's off to him.

I suppose the bright side of this is our Labor day bike trip was supposed to be Glacier NP west to Washington and Oregon then south along the CA coast to the Grand Canyon. Seems everything is on fire along my route so there's that at least.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Magicman on October 06, 2020, 09:19:43 AM
Quote from: Magicman on March 31, 2020, 08:37:45 PMPain was never really an issue with either, but this '6 weeks in a sling' was a pain in the butt log. Of course now I am finally having to start doing stretches and getting my shoulder back. With the knee, I was discharged after 6 weeks with no restrictions nor limitations. Don't misunderstand, the knee ain't well yet, but right now it is better than what I had before the knee surgery. No question, I would do-over with the knee before another shoulder.

I made the above statement in another topic but I ain't so sure now because it was made only six weeks past my shoulder surgery.  My shoulder may be weaker or it may be that I favor it more and try not to cause any future damage.  I now have very good motion and no shoulder pain.

Without question the knee is better than before my surgery, but I doubt that it will ever be as good as the other knee.  I guess that stuff like this is the dues that we pay for Birthdays.  ;D
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Raider Bill on October 06, 2020, 11:05:51 AM

My shoulder is also doing well but like you say I favor it just because..

I've found a real thrill is when this new knee bends backward against the hinge. Can happen just standing still or walking.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Magicman on October 06, 2020, 01:21:25 PM
Quote from: Raider Bill on October 06, 2020, 11:05:51 AMI've found a real thrill is when this new knee bends backward against the hinge. Can happen just standing still or walking.
I found that sensation to get better and actually disappear. 
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: realzed on October 06, 2020, 08:04:52 PM
Quote from: Raider Bill on October 06, 2020, 08:23:48 AMMy Dad had both of his done at separate times then had to have the replacements replaced which he did at the same time. Knowing what I know now my hat's off to him.
If you don't mind commenting - how successful were your Dad's replacements?
I'm seriously considering having my 'new to me' version replaced and I pretty much have to make a decision on that before or when I see my Ortho-guy middle of next week.
It's certainly not something I want to do and actually I am dreading having to do - but after going on 9 years of pain swelling and stiffness and loss of sleep and walking capabilities I feel I at this point I must give myself a decent shot at getting the knee redone so that it matches the very successful hip replacement I just had done this mid July.
Truly if I thought a knee redo would manage to turn out anywhere near the success story that my hip has - this wouldn't even cross my mind as a decision - but as I said, I feel despite the poor odds over revisions that I have been made aware of, it is something I almost feel I going to have to attempt in order to try and get any sort of quality of life going forward in the rest of my remaining few years on this Orb.
I would certainly be interested in hearing some details if you care to comment, on your Dad's success and/or issues (if any) on his replacement(s) replacement(s)..
Thanks - Randy
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Raider Bill on October 07, 2020, 09:27:14 AM
Quote from: realzed on October 06, 2020, 08:04:52 PM
Quote from: Raider Bill on October 06, 2020, 08:23:48 AMMy Dad had both of his done at separate times then had to have the replacements replaced which he did at the same time. Knowing what I know now my hat's off to him.
If you don't mind commenting - how successful were your Dad's replacements?
I'm seriously considering having my 'new to me' version replaced and I pretty much have to make a decision on that before or when I see my Ortho-guy middle of next week.
It's certainly not something I want to do and actually I am dreading having to do - but after going on 9 years of pain swelling and stiffness and loss of sleep and walking capabilities I feel I at this point I must give myself a decent shot at getting the knee redone so that it matches the very successful hip replacement I just had done this mid July.
Truly if my knee redo could manage anywhere near the success of my hip - this wouldn't even cross my mind as a decision - and as I said, I feel despite the poor odds over revisions that I have been made aware of, it is something I almost feel I must attempt in order to try and get any sort of quality of life going forward in the rest of my remaining few years on this Orb.
I would certainly be interested in hearing some details if you care to comment, on your Dad's success and/or issues (if any) on his replacement(s) replacement(s)..
Thanks - Randy
In Dad's case the first 2 replacements were early plastic models and due to his size of well over 300 pounds they collapsed. The second set he got in 99 were a better design and he said was noticeable as such.
He did the second set at the same time saying if he'd done them one at a time knowing what was in store for him he may not have done the second one.

He also had the second ones done at a small 12 bed hospital at Colgate university and they kept him there a week and really took care of him. Me I was barely in the hospital 10 hours and left with nothing helping the pain.

In my case I tore my meniscus getting off my bike. Doc said any repairs would not work so I needed a new total knee. I dunno... he also said my other knee would need replacement in 18 months to 3 years so I may as well get it done now. Again I dunno, seems like going into a new car dealership and getting up sold.

My take on the actual replacement is that if your leg muscles are strong and you are active you probably shouldn't have much trouble. Me I sit at a desk 10-12 hours a day and the most excersie I get is kick starting a bike so mine are not what they used to be and that is showing now as I try to work through rehabbing it.

Most everyone I talk to say they have no regrets with the replacement and I'm sure this time next year I will be one of them.

As a side note more to my getting older and breaking down. I have designed my retirement bike.
Gold Wing trike [they don't break down just oil and tires] Will have to have my Harley tattoos covered up and get rid of all the T-shirts.

Built in cooler, pole for my IV, drain for the catheter, oxygen generator, and a vaporizer for medical weed. I'll have the GF get her bike endorsement so she can ride my old broken down alltimers butt around.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: realzed on October 07, 2020, 06:11:53 PM
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: scsmith42 on October 07, 2020, 11:06:03 PM
Bill, it's good to hear from you. Sucks about the recovery challenges but I am relieved to see you posting nonetheless.

We need to get together and ride some time when you're back in the saddle.

Persevere, my friend.

Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Raider Bill on December 21, 2020, 08:49:16 AM

I'm very disappointed with this new knee and doctor.

The clunking is getting worse. Now feels like 2 bowling balls clacking together and every step I take I can feel it in my hip.

It hurts. Throbs even sitting on the right side where I tore whatever which started this whole adventure. I'm thinking that the Doc mis diagnosed this or just wanted to sell me a new knee because nothing has changed except I now have a new knee giving me pain on top of the original injury which is still there.

Saturday I was going up 3 steps in the house when something popped in the new knee and down I went with all related fire and pain not only in the knee but my back as I landed.

The knee is swelled up.

Called the Doc this morning. He's off until after the new year. He's been saying give it time and to call him the end of December.

I'm pretty discouraged and disappointed. All this since July and I'm right back to where I started.

Guess I'm going Doctor shopping for Christmas.
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Magicman on December 21, 2020, 09:02:54 AM
Oh My Bill, this is distressing news.  Thankfully I can not relate to your situation.

Please keep us updated.  :P
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Jeff on December 21, 2020, 09:18:28 AM
Well that royally sucks. 
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Skip on December 22, 2020, 09:13:16 AM
Hang in there ,have a buddy who just went thru the same mess . Got new doc and new knee all good now. 
Title: Re: New Knee
Post by: Nebraska on December 22, 2020, 09:24:47 AM
What Jeff said X2, sorry to hear that.